Tagged: maintaining myth of black inferiority

watch this racist scene from a cartoon that recently aired on Nickelodeon

why is Hollywood continuing to EXCLUDE QUALIFIED African Americans from meaningful positions of employment? Charles Johnson explores the reasons why with his new book AppBLACKation Rejected.


In the book’s description on Amazon, it states:

Why is Hollywood so reluctant to hire people of color? You’ve seen how the Rodney King incident and the O.J. Simpson scandal impacted race relations throughout America. But, outside of Hollywood, have you ever heard of Riley Weston, The Secret Life of Desmond Pfeiffer, or “The Virtual Whiteout” of 1999? All of them, including King and O.J. have contributed to low employment for people of color from the late ‘90’s through the economic crisis of 2008. AppBLACKation Rejected pulls back the Hollywood curtain so readers can see how fear of unemployment promotes racist behavior in otherwise decent people, white and black. From 1992 to the exposure of Amy Pascal in 2014, this book chronicles more than 20 years of deceit and immorality in Hollywood by distinguishing between racism and discrimination, and through the author’s personal journey, examines how liberal Hollywood can practice what they preach and begin hiring African-Americans rather than just talking about it. If you want to understand why Hollywood is considered unfair, how to deal with unpredictable personalities when hired, or how the business operates from writing through production to distribution, AppBlackation Rejected explains the Hollywood process and its sickness better than any film school could ever dare.

In my opinion, African Americans made the most progress in the 1990s when it came to being employed in meaningful positions throughout Hollywood [specifically during President Clinton’s two terms], but it cannot be disputed that  this “Jewish” controlled industry has harbored a racial animus against people of African descent and excluded qualified people of color from decisionmking positions and other higher-status, higher-paying positions THROUGHOUT HISTORY. Thus, no person who perpetuates the myth of white/”Jewish” superiority — consciously or unconsciously — is “decent” in my eyes.

I just got my hands on the audio version of the book and I look forward to giving Charles’ book a listen.

To purchase this book, click the image above.

completed reading.


Shit is going to hit the fan next month if it is true that Darren Wilson will be acquitted of all wrongdoing in the shooting of the unarmed teen Michael Brown….Next month will be a pivotal moment in American history and the events that will follow after the verdict is announced will have a tremendous impact on the future of “race relations” in our country. There is no question about it.

More than 400 years ago, my ancestors were stripped of their language, families, religions, culture, etc. and brought to this country and over the last 60 years, majority of African Americans have spent a considerable amount of time denying and/or being ignorant to their own history/greatness in order to integrate and assimilate into a society/culture that explicitly and/or implicitly believes that we are inferior and have no rights to which they ultimately bound to respect. Some whites ignorant of history falsely believe they are “God’s chosen people” while others pray to a white Christian Jesus/God that is also racist. Smh. In additional to a number of other reasons, it should be no surprise that many of the gains made during the civil rights movement have been eviscerated. As blatant forms of white racism continues to rise, our President — who is of color, highly intelligent, was once taught by critical race theorist Derrick Bell at Harvard Law, etc. — has also refused to address the root of the problem.  The irony….

Racism is embedded into the DNA of AmeriKKKa’s culture and and the white collective (and brainwashed blacks) continues to ignore the problem and pretend that racism doesn’t exist. At the end of the day, we are all victims global white supremacy (racism) if our worldviews are intentionally being shaped on a number of myths, lies and half-truths. Thus, President Obama’s “I am not the President of black America” rhetoric doesn’t apply since this is a human rights issue. Until people of African descent collectively recognize global white supremacy (racism) for what it truly is, whites are going to continue to chip away at the rights that they gave us until we wake up one day, and receive the news that we are enslaved again.

ABC News: “US, Israel Pull Out of Racism Conference.”

The United States and Israel pulled out of a global conference designed to address prejudice, racism and resentment saying the event has only exacerbated the very things it was meant to eradicate.

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell issued a statement calling American diplomats home four days before the conference was scheduled to end, saying that “you do not combat racism by conferences that produce declarations containing hateful language.”

The U.N. World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa has been battling heated arguments over Israel and tensions in the Middle East as well as reparations for the ills and legacy of slavery.

Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres also announced that his country’s diplomats would pull out of the conference today, saying that Israel had been unfairly labeled as a colonialist nation by the members of the conference.

“I have taken this decision with regret, because of the importance of the fight against racism and the contribution that the conference could have made to it,” Powell’s statement said. “But, following discussions by our team in Durban and others who are working for a successful conference, I am convinced that will not be possible.”

I thought this was a recent article (Sept. 3), but for some reason, the year the article was written is not listed. It does indicate that Colin Powell was the Secretary of State at the time this event occurred, which means it happened between 2001 and 2005. Either way, it is clear that they should have attended the racism conference since racism has only worsened in America since President Barack Obama was elected into office. The United Nations (or somebody) needs to intervene.

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=80564.

In Arbitrator David L. Gregory’s third Interim Decision issued on September 25, 2013, he ordered WME to “cooperate with the e-discovery expert of Claimant’s [Marcus I. Washington] choice to facilitate access to and be permitted to retrieve the emails contained on WME’s 1998-1999 back up tapes.” He also ordered “a cost shift to Respondent WME for reasonable costs associated with this retrieval” and informed me that by October 7, 2013, I had to submit an “itemized list of the projected reasonable costs associated with this retrieval.” [pg. 2-3.]

an effect of Hollywood racism

BOYCOTT Hollywood films that continue to WHITEWASH African history! the latest film being Exodus: Gods of Egypt.


Hollywood is a sucker for a story about ancient Egypt. Movies like The Ten Commandments, Cleopatra, and even The Mummy prove it. Upcoming movies like Exodus and Gods of Egypt all but confirm it. Unfortunately though, those films have something in common aside from being about ancient Egypt — they show that Hollywood, tends to envision ancient Egyptians and ancient Egyptian royalty as white men and women (sometimes with copious amounts of bronzer splashed on).

The latest movie in Hollywood’s ongoing love affair with ancient Egypt is Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings. Scott’s interpretation consists of Caucasian actors like Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, and Sigourney Weaver playing Moses and Egyptian royalty respectively. Black and non-white actors portray roles like “Egyptian lower class citizen” or “Egyptian thief.” And Aaron Paul plays Joshua, an Israelite who becomes Moses’s right-hand man.

The cast of Exodus is similar to another upcoming movie about ancient Egypt called Gods of Egypt. In that film, the likes of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones), Gerard Butler, and Geoffrey Rush play Egyptian gods, which sets up a weird dynamic of white actors representing ideals of and being worshipped by non-white people.

While these two films aren’t the only movies that have white-washed ancient Egypt, they’re maybe the most frustrating. We can chalk up things like Elizabeth Taylor playing a fair-skinned Cleopatra in the film of the same name to the year the movie was made in (1963). There’s no rule that says we have to follow the template and tendencies of casting directors 50 years ago. We should know better, yet it still happened and is still happening.

If the original name of Egypt was Kemet, which means “land of the blacks,” then why is Hollywood continuing to depict the ancient Egyptians as white in the 21st century?!?! Why are Africans allowing our history to be rewritten and whitewashed without any real objections? That’s right: Majority of us know little about our history and this is not accidental.

I know some are probably thinking: “This is just a movie,” but actually, it’s much bigger than that since these films are supposed to be historical recreations and the West’s educational system omits any real acknowledgement or discussion of Africa and its contributions to world civilization. There are thousands who will watch this film instead of picking up a book, and will actually believe that many of the people and/or the Gods worshiped in Kemet were actually white — further perpetuating the belief that Africans have contributed nothing to world civilization and that the white race is superior. Nothing but a bunch of bullshit. If you keep allowing this racist, culture promotion machine known as Hollywood to have unrestricted access to your mind, you will always remain in the dark about the origins of the hue-man race.

Source: http://www.vox.com/2014/8/4/5955253/Hollywood-egypt-white-people-exodus-gods-and-kings and http://www.dailydot.com/entertainment/boycott-exodus-movie-whitewashing/.

Racism “is not an affliction…Nor is it a thing that can act on its own; it exists only as it is reproduced in specific social arrangements in specific societies under historically specific conditions of law, state, and class power.” — Adolph Reed (2000)

“Because of their lack of ethical and moral development there is no conflict between the Whites religion and racial oppression. The White race has historically oppressed, exploited, and killed Black people, all in the name of their God Jesus Christ and with the sanction of their churches. It is generally overlooked that the Ku Klux Klan is primarily a religious organization. Further, Blacks should never forget the image of the Pope blessing the Italian planes and pilots on their way to bombing Ethiopian men, women and children who only had spears to defend themselves. This behavior is not surprising since Whites use the scriptures to justify their treatment of Blacks.” — Dr. Bobby E. Wright

Klu Klux Klan in Church

Because of their lack of ethical and moral development there is no conflict between the Whites religion and racial oppression. The White race has historically oppressed, exploited, and killed Black people, all in the name of their God Jesus Christ and with the sanction of their churches. It is generally overlooked that the Ku Klux Klan is primarily a religious organization. Further, Blacks should never forget the image of the Pope blessing the Italian planes and pilots on their way to bombing Ethiopian men, women and children who only had spears to defend themselves. This behavior is not surprising since Whites use the scriptures to justify their treatment of Blacks. According to the book of Genesis, Noah placed a curse on his son, Ham, forever dooming all of his descendants to be the servants of the servants of God. Naturally, Whites interpreted Blacks as the descendants of Ham and themselves as the servants of God. If one follows that interpretation, an interesting issue arises: If Ham was Black and Noah was his father, and Noah was Black and only allowed animals on the Ark (since Whites deny that Blacks and Whites sprang from the same source, a position that this writer agrees with), then we know from an impeccable source how Whites got here.

If we could only get these hateful fools to understand that majority of the characters in the Bible, including Jesus, were NOT WHITE! Smdh.

Source: The Psychopathic Racial Personality.