Tagged: insidious

“Dustin Hoffman has added his voice to the ongoing diversity debate reverberating around Hollywood and the wider film industry. Speaking at the National TV Awards, held in London on Wednesday night, the two-time Oscar winner said that the lack of nominations for black actors at the Academy Awards was an example of the ‘subliminal racism’ present in the U.S. ‘In our country, there’s a subliminal racism, and it’s been there…the end of the Civil War didn’t change that, he told the BBC on the red carpet. ‘It’s only been 200 hundred years, this is just an example of it.’ Hoffman added: ‘Other than black entertainers being nominated, there’s a bigger problem with young black individuals being killed on our streets by police. That’s a bigger problem.'”

Source: Alex Ritman. “Oscars: Dustin Hoffman Sees “Subliminal Racism” Behind Lack of Diversity.” The Hollywood Reporter. January 21, 2016. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/oscars-dustin-hoffman-subliminal-racism-857865.

“The ability to show discriminatory effect has only become more important as intentional discrimination has become harder to prove.”

Source: “Discrimination With A Smile.” New York Times. January 22, 2015. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/22/opinion/discrimination-with-a-smile.html?_r=0.

in a racist society, you can get caught saying racist shit and always find a job. but speak out against racism….UNEMPLOYED for ETERNITY! smdh. Ask Amy Pascal.

I’m curious to know how many African Americans did WMA consider when it decided to promote BS and have him work under CPL in the company’s urban contemporary music department? How can you NOT take RACE in into account with regards to your employment and business decisions when you have an URBAN CONTEMPORARY MUSIC DEPARTMENT?????????????????????????????????????????????????

Source: http://www.tmz.com/2015/02/05/amy-pascal-leaving-sony-pictures-staying-leak-scandal/.

“The worst disease under which the society of our nation suffers, is, in my opinion, the treatment of the Negro. Everyone who is not used from childhood to this injustice suffers from the mere observation. Everyone who freshly learns of this state of affairs at a maturer age, feels not only the injustice, but the scorn of the principle of the Fathers ho founded the United States that ‘all men are created equal.’ He feels that this state of affairs is unsound in a country which in many other things is justly proud of a high degree of development. He cannot understand how men can feel superior to fellow-men who differ in only one point from the rest: They descend from ancestors who, as a protection against the destructive action of the radiation of the tropical sun, gained a more strongly pigmented skin than those whose ancestors lived in countries farther from the equator. One can hardly believe that a reasonable man can cling so tenaciously to such a prejudice, and there is sure to come a time in which school-children in their history lessons will laugh about the fact that something like this did once exist.”

Source: Message to the National Urban League Convention, September 16, 1946.

“If you don’t understand Racism – what it is and how it works – everything else that you do understand will only confuse you.” — Neely Fuller, Jr.

Neely’s bio on Amazon:

I, Neely Fuller, Jr., the writer/author of this book, like millions of others, have been a long-time Victim of and Servant to Racism (White Supremacy) in all areas of activity. My experiences, observations, and/or studies have led me to believe the following:

* Racism has done more to promote non-justice than any other socio-material system known to have been produced or supported by the people of the known universe.

* No major problem that exists between the people of the known universe can be eliminated, until Racism is eliminated.

* The fear, frustration, malice, and confusion caused by Racism, retards or prevents all constructive activity between the people of the known universe.

* The only form of functional Racism that exists among the people of the known universe is “White Supremacy.”

* The people who have the ability to eliminate Racism, do not have the will to do so, and the people who have the will to do so, do not have the ability.

* Regardless of all that has been said or done, the quality of the relationship between white people and black people is, and has been, a total disaster.

* Justice is better than Racism.

* As long as Racism exists, anything said or done by people that is not intended to help eliminate Racism and to help produce justice, is a waste of time and energy.

Each and every Victim of Racism should minimize the time and effort spent doing anything other than thinking, speaking, and acting in a manner that helps to eliminate Racism and helps to establish justice. Each and every person should seek to do this every day, in every area of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, and War/Counter-War.

ABC News: “US, Israel Pull Out of Racism Conference.”

The United States and Israel pulled out of a global conference designed to address prejudice, racism and resentment saying the event has only exacerbated the very things it was meant to eradicate.

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell issued a statement calling American diplomats home four days before the conference was scheduled to end, saying that “you do not combat racism by conferences that produce declarations containing hateful language.”

The U.N. World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa has been battling heated arguments over Israel and tensions in the Middle East as well as reparations for the ills and legacy of slavery.

Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres also announced that his country’s diplomats would pull out of the conference today, saying that Israel had been unfairly labeled as a colonialist nation by the members of the conference.

“I have taken this decision with regret, because of the importance of the fight against racism and the contribution that the conference could have made to it,” Powell’s statement said. “But, following discussions by our team in Durban and others who are working for a successful conference, I am convinced that will not be possible.”

I thought this was a recent article (Sept. 3), but for some reason, the year the article was written is not listed. It does indicate that Colin Powell was the Secretary of State at the time this event occurred, which means it happened between 2001 and 2005. Either way, it is clear that they should have attended the racism conference since racism has only worsened in America since President Barack Obama was elected into office. The United Nations (or somebody) needs to intervene.

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=80564.

“These students recognize that the social order can – and sometimes must – be disrupted in the pursuit of liberty and justice. Civil disorder and social strife are at the patriotic heart of American history – from the Boston Tea Party to the American Revolution to the Civil Rights Movement. And these events and ideas are essential within the study of a college-level, AP U.S. History course.” — The College Board

This is good because it is true, social order must be disrupted in the pursuit of liberty and justice! I’m glad the College Board stood up for these students. The AP US History students in Denver, CO (and everywhere else in the United States of America) have every right to protest any suggestion by school board members to whitewash certain parts of American history (even more than it already has been) by saying that “Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law.” They just want to feed us the information they want us to know — true or not — and expect us to be compliant and patriotic little,slaves.  That’s 16-20th century shit and cannot be continued into the 21st century. I had one of the best AP U.S. History teachers in the world and made a 4 on my exam, but I now know that so much of what I was taught about the greatness and superiority of the European and/or American, was based on an incomplete version of history and is nothing more than a lie [e.g. Christopher Columbus did not “discover” America] when the egregious crimes that have and are still being committed against humanity [e.g. Africans, Native Americans, etc.] to maintain this myth of racial superiority are factored in. This is how an individual can be extremely intelligent under Western standards, but still be very dumb due to his/her ignorance of [world] history. How do we solve the problem of “miseducation” in America? This is one of the keys to destroying the myth of white racial superiority.

Source: Nelson Garcia. “The College Board Supports Jeffco Protests.” USA Today. September 26, 2014.  http://www.9news.com/story/news/education/2014/09/26/college-board-supports-jeffco-protests/16281847/.

In Arbitrator David L. Gregory’s third Interim Decision issued on September 25, 2013, he ordered WME to “cooperate with the e-discovery expert of Claimant’s [Marcus I. Washington] choice to facilitate access to and be permitted to retrieve the emails contained on WME’s 1998-1999 back up tapes.” He also ordered “a cost shift to Respondent WME for reasonable costs associated with this retrieval” and informed me that by October 7, 2013, I had to submit an “itemized list of the projected reasonable costs associated with this retrieval.” [pg. 2-3.]

“The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) argued on Wednesday that blacks and other racial minorities in the US face discrimination in jobs, housing, education and the criminal justice system, Reuters reported.”

I wonder what CERD would say if they were also presented with the pyramid of evidence I have which demonstrates William Morris’ 116 year pattern and continuing practice of discriminating against African Americans and people of color in employment, as well as Hollywood’s larger conspiracy to “freeze” anti-competitive practices which guarantees that the race-based monopoly over powerful communicative mediums of persuasion and the “marketplace of ideas” will never be abolished. 

Source: http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/08/15/375428/un-blasts-us-over-racial-discrimination/. 

watch this insightful interview with Jim Douglass on the trial surrounding the U.S. gov’t’s role in the assassination of Dr. MLK: “When we have a terrorist threat out there, don’t think Saddam Hussein. Don’t think North Korea. Don’t think Algeria. Think CIA – number one and then go down from there. Certainly there are other terrorist threats besides the government of the United States, but the primary terrorist group in the world today is the same government that assassinated Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and John and Robert Kennedy.”