Tagged: protest

“Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday walked back recent comments she made about NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s protests during the national anthem, saying that her remarks were ‘inappropriately dismissive and harsh.’ It was the second time this year that Ginsburg released a public statement after facing backlash for her comments about current events. In July, she expressed regret for critical remarks she made about Donald Trump, saying that she would be ‘more circumspect’ in the future. On Monday, Yahoo! News released an interview with Ginsburg about her new book, “My Own Words,” in which Katie Couric asked the justice about Kaepernick — a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers — and other athletes who have refused to stand for the anthem. Ginsburg said: ‘I think it’s dumb and disrespectful. I would have the same answer if you asked me about flag burning. I think it’s a terrible thing to do, but I wouldn’t lock a person up for doing it. I would point out how ridiculous it seems to me to do such an act.'”

She said how she felt in that moment, so no need to backtrack because the public has taken offense to your statements! If this is how Ginsburg truly felt, then it is no wonder why her old “Jewish” ass would act with such reckless indifference to the two pleadings I submitted to her pursuant to the Supreme Court Rules before filing my petition for a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court. Smdh.

July 18, 2015 Motion [I addressed the pleading to Justice Sotomayor but Justice Ginsburg had jurisdiction to decide the pleading]:

August 9, 2015 Letter:

When it comes to issues concerning the human rights of African Americans, all of the Justices on the bench are racially biased! They all need to be impeached!

Source: Zoe Tillman. “Justice Ginsburg Retreats From ‘Inappropriate’ Kaepernick Comments.” Law.com. October 14, 2016. http://www.law.com/sites/almstaff/2016/10/14/justice-ginsburg-retreats-from-inappropriate-kaepernick-comments/.


“Former Ku Klux Klan Imperial Wizard David Duke quickly exited a protest calling for the removal of a Confederate statue on Saturday after he was chased and shouted down by protesters. Duke, who is running for Senate in Louisiana, showed up on Saturday in New Orleans to counter the Take ‘Em Down NOLA protest, which is calling for the removal of a statue of Andrew Jackson. ‘I tell you one thing. It was built by the forefathers of the European Americans who created this country and who gave us our constitution,’ Duke told the crowd. ‘Who gave us our freedoms and they should not lose their rights and liberty in their own country. They should not have their statues taken down. They should not lose their culture of this society.’ Defending his appearance at the rally, Duke insisted, ‘All I am is a person standing up for my people. I respect black people who stand up for their rights.’ In video posted to YouTube, Duke was seen surrounded by protesters. Report Advertisement ‘Racist, fascist, anti-gay!’ the crowd chanted. ‘Right-wing bigot go away!’ The chants continued until Duke had vacated Jackson Square.”

Great chant!!! Each day, history is being made! The momentum is growing and change is going to occur whether white America wants it or not. I honestly believe that global white supremacy (racism) will be eradicated sooner than any of us could ever expect. Anything rooted in or symbolic of white racism must be wiped away from not only America, but the world. It’s time to enter the Age of Aquarius!!

Source: David Edwards. “WATCH: Black Protesters Chase David Duke From Anti-Confederate Statue Protest.” Raw Story. September 25, 2016. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/09/watch-black-protesters-chase-david-duke-from-anti-confederate-statue-protest/.

the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March will take place in Washington D.C. on October 10th!

“Literally thousands of protesters, mostly members of Israel’s Ethiopian Jewish community, rallied in the streets of Jerusalem last Thutsday, demanding an end to racism and racist, brutalized unchecked police actions in Israel.”


Sounds familiar? What makes this worse, is that those who are occupying Israel are “Jews” of European descent that CONVERTED to this religion and are now denying the originals peoples — who of course are dark-skinned or of mixed ancestry — of their basic human & civil rights in THEIR OWN LAND while falsely proclaiming to be “God’s chosen people”!!! Smdh. This is all kinds of fucked up. When will the world wake up? God, please intervene.

Source: “African Jews Flood the Streets of Israel Demabanding End to Police Brutality.” Counter Current News. May 2, 2015. http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/05/african-jews-flood-the-streets-of-israel/.

if the protests in Baltimore are any indication of what’s to come, it’s going to be an EXTREMELY “hot summer” in the United States. 

I’m also glad to hear that the rival black gangs in that area have decided to UNITE in order to effectively fight against our common enemy! The article I was reading stated:

In a move reminiscent of the Los Angeles gang truce during the Rodney King protests, Baltimore area Bloods and Crips have agreed to put aside their rivalry and focus on fighting rogue police officers. Last Saturday, both Bloods and Crips marched side by side in the Baltimore rallies against police brutality. Putting aside differences, both groups united in one voice to demand “Justice for Freddie Grey.”

Gangs in other cities should follow their lead IMMEDIATELY and all truces should be PERMANENT. It’s time for us put aside our differences and do whatever it takes to eradicate global white/”Jewish” supremacy once and for all!


Source: M. David. “Baltimore ‘Bloods’ and ‘Crips’ Call Truce and Unite To Fight Police Brutality.” CounterCurrent , News. April 27, 2015. http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/04/baltimore-bloods-and-crips-call-truce/.

“Despite decades of litigation, legislation and protest, Black Americans are still drowning in segregation.”

Source: Taunya Williams. Still Drowning in Segregation: Limits of Law in Post-Civil Rights America. Law & Equality. Vol. 32. pg. 123. March 4, 2014.

“I hope [Trayvon Martin] tried to stay alive. I hope he knew that he lived in a state with a ‘Stand Your Ground’ law. And I hope he whooped the shit out of George Zimmerman.” — Melissa Harris-Perry

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Melissa made these statements at Cornell University while giving a speech titled “We Can’t Breathe: The Continuing Consequences Of Racial Inequality.” See the video below:

Since many in support of Zimmerman like to portray Martin as a “thug” and justice was not served, then I agree with Melissa’s statement.

Source: Jackson Connor. “MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry Hopes Trayvon Martin ‘Whooped The Sh-t Out Of George Zimmerman.'” Huffington Post. February 25, 2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/25/melissa-harris-perry-george-zimmerman-whooped_n_6753538.html.

“Students at Howard University Middle School of Mathematics and Science in D.C. walked out of classes in protest Monday of the recent firings of instructors for allegedly teaching African-American history.”

Click the link and watch the video! I’m proud of these students! Don’t let them continue to brainwash you about your history! For this to take place on Howard University’s campus makes this story even more disgusting. That principal needs to be FIRED and those teachers need to be REINSTATED!

Source: Sam Ford. ABC 7 News. February 2, 2015. http://www.wjla.com/articles/2015/02/students-at-howard-u-middle-school-walkout-to-protest-recent-teacher-firings-111107.html.

“Over 100 Legal Aid Lawyers in NYC staged a walkout and die-in outside Brooklyn Criminal Court to protest what they say is a broken criminal justice system.”

Source: Tasneem Nashrulla. “New York Public Defenders Walk Out Of Court Protesting Eric Garner’s Death.” Buzzfeed. December 17, 2014. http://www.buzzfeed.com/tasneemnashrulla/new-york-public-defenders-walk-out-of-court-protesting-eric.

John Legend pens letter to Billboard, asking for “the people to wake up, stand up and demand change”!

When Common and I wrote the song “Glory” for the stunning new film Selma, we drew inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his contemporaries who strived and sacrificed to achieve racial equality in the face of seemingly hopeless odds. As I watched the final version of Selma, I did so with the backdrop of the streets of many of our major cities filled with protesters, crying out for justice after yet another unarmed black person’s life was taken by the police with impunity. After the events of the past few weeks, in Ferguson, Mo.; Staten Island; Phoenix; and Cleveland, things feel eerily the same. While it is important to recognize and acknowledge racial progress through the years, it is also clear that we are far from King’s dream of equality and justice for all.

Slavery ended 150 years ago. The most egregious elements of Jim Crow were deemed illegal 50 years ago. But the problems of structural racism are old and ongoing. We still have a huge wealth gap rooted in decades of job, wage and housing discrimination. Voting restrictions that disproportionately affect the poor, minorities and youth are in place and growing. A persistent gap between black and white student achievement points to an education system that fails to provide a ladder of opportunity for everyone. African-American communities are being crushed by a criminal justice system that over-polices us, over-arrests us, over-incarcerates us and disproportionately takes the lives of our unarmed youth because of the simple fact that our skin, our blackness, conjures the myth of a hyper-violent negro.

I did an album with The Roots in 2010 called Wake Up! We wanted to use music to encourage young people who were politicized by the election of President Barack Obama to continue mobilizing. We covered songs from the 1960s and ’70s by artists like Nina Simone and Curtis Mayfield as inspiration and a blueprint. They marched. They wrote songs. They met with political leaders. They provided financial support. They risked arrest.

Today, I am part of a generation of artists who benefit from unprecedented access to our fans. Tools like Twitter and Facebook act as a megaphone, allowing us to speak directly and powerfully to millions of people. Yet our actions, or lack thereof, speak louder: 140 characters cannot excuse us of our obligation to stand up, sit in or march forward.

Obama recently told the young activists gathered in the Oval Office to “think big, but go gradual.” His words reminded me of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s reluctance to tackle voting rights, as depicted in Selma. Despite Johnson’s qualms, civil rights activists refused to wait for a more convenient political time. They took to the streets and used grass-roots organization and the moral force of their argument to create better conditions so the legislation could pass. We can’t wait for gradual and incremental change. Our government is a democracy, by the people and for the people. It is time for the people to wake up, stand up and demand change.

Source: John Legend. “Op-Ed: John Legend Demands Change After Eric Garner & Ferguson Decisions.” Billboard. December 12, 2014. http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/6406005/john-legend-ferguson-eric-garner-blacklivesmatter.