Tagged: iniquity

watch LAURYN HILL’s performance of “War In The Mind” & “Mystery of Iniquity (All Falls Down)” @ AFROPUNK 2015 in Brooklyn, NY.

Here is a clip of the end of Lauryn’s Unplugged portion of her set. I named this blog Me Against Iniquity, in part, because of her song “Mystery Of Iniquity.” Many labeled her “crazy” for releasing this album 13 years ago, but when you look at the dismal state of black America today, then it is clear that she is socially conscious and artistically speaking, nothing less than genius. 

Although Afropunk cut Lauryn’s mic off, I’m glad she started the first 30 minutes of her set performing newly arranged songs from her 2002 MTV Unplugged album!!! 

“Top Hollywood bosses enjoy a strong relationship with the Israeli government and various pro-Israel lobbying groups across the United States, according to a cache of Sony internal emails leaked to Wikileaks and published for the first time last week. The emails reveal a dinner between Sony executives and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; the presenter of American X-Factor chiding actress Natalie Portman aggressively for her views on Israel; meetings between top entertainment chiefs and the Israeli consulate-general; close ties between Sony’s Co-Chairperson and various pro-Israel lobbying groups; and film chiefs planning, in detail, a new documentary about the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, about which the emails also reflect rising concern.”

Remember, European “Jews” are not the TRUE Jews but through their monopolistic power and control over the “marketplace of ideas” and industries like Hollywood, you have been brainwashed to believe otherwise…You have also been brainwashed to believe that they are the descendants of land in the Middle East now known as Israel and that they are the actual victims (“anti-Semitism”) when in reality, this fraudulent group of people have been intentionally committing egregious crimes against humanity for hundreds of years and counting.

Source: Alastair Sloan. Leaked Emails Reveal Hollywood Execs At Work For Israel.” Middle East Monitor. April 20, 2015. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/articles/inquiry/18155-leaked-emails-reveal-hollywood-execs-at-work-for-Israel


“The worst disease under which the society of our nation suffers, is, in my opinion, the treatment of the Negro. Everyone who is not used from childhood to this injustice suffers from the mere observation. Everyone who freshly learns of this state of affairs at a maturer age, feels not only the injustice, but the scorn of the principle of the Fathers ho founded the United States that ‘all men are created equal.’ He feels that this state of affairs is unsound in a country which in many other things is justly proud of a high degree of development. He cannot understand how men can feel superior to fellow-men who differ in only one point from the rest: They descend from ancestors who, as a protection against the destructive action of the radiation of the tropical sun, gained a more strongly pigmented skin than those whose ancestors lived in countries farther from the equator. One can hardly believe that a reasonable man can cling so tenaciously to such a prejudice, and there is sure to come a time in which school-children in their history lessons will laugh about the fact that something like this did once exist.”

Source: Message to the National Urban League Convention, September 16, 1946.

“The Internet has the power to bring down regimes.” — A Member of Anonymous

submitted! thank you GOD!!!



There is the possibility that the Second Circuit will not restore my in forma pauperis status, so please donate to my Campaign 2 END RACISM — http://www.gofundme.com/campaign2endracism — so I can afford the costs to appeal the fraudulently procured decisions of Republican federal judge P. Kevin Castel in the Southern District of New York.

The Af. American unemployment rate has historically remained double that of whites and it’s not “due to chance.” There are entire industries with zero and or a gross underrepresentation of qualified Af. Americans and people of color employed, particularly in higher-status, higher-paying positions. The only way this will change, is if institutionalized racism and global white supremacy (racism) are eradicated…or we move back to Africa and create the greatest nation of the 21st century…

will it take me going to prison or even dying to show the world how corrupt and racist Hollywood, our judicial system and the U.S. gov’t are?

North Korea: “The US is indeed a country wantonly violating human rights where people are subject to discrimination and humiliation due to their race, and are in constant fear that they may get shot at any moment.”

“The US is indeed a country wantonly violating human rights where people are subject to discrimination and humiliation due to their race, and are in constant fear that they may get shot at any moment,” a spokesman from North Korea’s foreign ministry said, as quoted by state news agency KCNA.

The spokesman added that the US should “mind its own business” rather than interfering in other countries’ affairs.

The fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a white police officer on Aug. 9 sparked over a week of heated protests against law enforcement. Officers overseeing the protests used tear gas and rubber bullets at times to control the demonstrators.

The United States regularly condemns North Korea for human rights abuses. The isolated nation is believed to be holding up to 120,000 political prisoners, according to the AFP.

Source: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/north-korea-us-human0rights-graveyard-ferguson.

PLEASE hurry up and issue your fraudulently procured “FINAL” decision, so this case – as well as my complaint against Loeb & Loeb LLP and the AAA – can officially go back to the Southern District of New York.

If God made man in his own image,  and the first man on this planet was black and from Africa, what color would God be? White? LMAO! #FUCKracism