Tagged: zodiac

view one of the earliest known images of black Jesus


Why am I seeing this image for the first time TODAY?! This painting is located at the Coptic Museum in Cairo, Egypt and is said to be older than the image of the black Jesus Christ located in the Church of Rome, which is from the 6th century.

And to think, an African American teenager was almost suspended from school THIS YEAR because he dressed up as Jesus for Halloween when it is clear as day that Jesus [and his followers] was BLACK and of AFRICAN ancestry!!

The “race” and/or color of Jesus has been debated for hundreds of years, but can someone explain to me why NOBODY mentions or brings up this painting? Why are black Christian pastors refusing to show members of their congregation this image of Jesus, especially if it is one of the earliest paintings the world has of Jesus?!? Do they even know about this painting’s existence? And why are there no high resolution images of this painting anywhere online? Can someone go to Cairo, take a picture of this painting and upload it online for the world to see?! Smdh…

If blacks knew that God and God’s son were black, would they accept being a slave to a person classified as white? Would blacks ever accept the myth that their skin color makes them INFERIOR? HELL NO!!! Wake the fuck up black people!! We must eradicate global white supremacy (racism)!!!

when will Pope Francis & the Catholic church tell the truth about the black Madonna and child?


Pope Francis is expected to make his first visit to America next week. Can someone from the #BlackLivesMatter movement interrupt his speech and ask him to discuss why the popes pray to the black Madonna & child behind closed doors while having the rest of its followers pray to a white woman named Mary?

Source: Laurie Goodstein. “Pope Francis’ Visit To U.S. Is His First Ever, For Several Reasons.” New York Times. September 1, 2015. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/06/us/pope-francis-is-coming-to-america-after-avoiding-it-for-78-years.html?_r=0.

“It may be of interest to the reader to know that the ancient Egyptians did not call themselves ‘Egyptians’; the name was invented by the Greeks. The first Greek visitors to Egypt, in the seventh century B.C., were greatly impressed by the Temple of Ptah, at Memphis. They regarded it as the grandest structure in the Nile Valley and they afterward referred to this ancient land as Hekaptah (The Land of the Temple of Ptah). In the Greek language Hekaptah became Aiguptos; and under the Roman rule the name was Latinized into Aegyptus, from whence we get the name Egypt. The ancient inhabitants of this African land called their country Khem, or Kam, or Ham, which literally meant ‘the black land’; and they called themselves Khemi, or Kamites, or Hamites, meaning ‘the black people.'”

I find it interesting that Jackson makes no mention of Kemet here…

Source: John G. Jackson. Introduction to African Civilizations. pg. 153. 1970.

“…through years and years, decades of study, I realize that what I do is constructive destruction. It’s not just destruction for its own right, but it is in fact, to help prepare for these new seeds to shoot up and produce the kind of renaissance that gives rise to a true civilization as opposed to progress. Progress, as far as I’m concerned, without spirit, is simply shiny barbarism. This is the world that we currently live in and it’s a very frightening and confusing world.” — John Anthony West

Source: from the lecture titled “Symbolist Egypt: The Meaning Behind The Magic.”

The Coptic symbol “originated with a group of Egyptians called Copts, who lived at the time when the Egyptian empire was dying. They later became the very first Christians, if we include two other Egyptian groups who were connected with them — the Essenes and the Druids.”

coptic symbol egypt

Source: Drunvalo Melchizedek. The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life: An Edited Transcript. Volume 1. pg. 38. 1998.

“I’ve often said that people of European descent leave off a phrase, a prepositional phrase: ‘for Europe.’ Christopher Columbus discovered America ‘for Europe.’ [Sigmund] Freud discovered psychology ‘for Europe.’ You can go through every subject and I’m a curriculum writer and a consultant to many boards of ed, so I’ve seen many books in science, psychology, chemistry, physics. Johannes Kepler, born in Stuttgart, Germany, given credit for creating, inventing the planetary laws of motion, yet he himself admits in his writing he studied the Kemetic golden law of planetary motion. [Nicolaus] Copernicus admits that he studied Kemetic astronomy. In fact, anybody that knows anything in that time of history studied Egypt. Even Hitler was a student of Egypt. Napoleon was a student of Egypt. This is not what I say — this is what they said…[W]hen our young people get this information, people in the Western world will be left behind by quantum leap because they will not have the intelligence to test our children because they won’t even understand what our children are talking about. By a quantum leap.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

“This profound epistemological crisis — which we are experiencing and which can be interpreted parallel to the general revolution, which is moral as well as social and aesthetic — recalls another profound revolution at the end of the Egyptian era and the beginning of the Christian era. What we are able to find out about the history of Ancient Egypt shows us a similar revolution on the eve of the Middle Kingdom, circa 2200-2100 B.C. These three dates (the Egyptian date, the beginning of the Christian era, and our own time) correspond only too well in the revolutionary aspect of the vital nature, to the precessional cycles — Taurus (Montu), Aries (Amun), the end of Pisces (the Christian era), today (in about 150 years) — for this correspondence between the celestial dates and great events on Earth to be pure coincidence.”

Source: R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, Symbol and the Symbolic: Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness. pg. 42-43.