Tagged: Negroes

“Whether the African Negro was the first human colonizer of Africa or was preceded by a more brutish or more generalized type, such as the Galley-Hill man, is not yet known to us. But from the little we possess in the way of fossil human remains and other evidence it seems probably that every region of Africa, even Algeria and Egypt, once possessed a Negro population…In Egypt a dwarfish type of Negro seems to have inhabited the Nile delta some 10,000 years ago; and big black Negroes formed the population of Upper Nubia and Dongola as late as about 4,000 years ago.”

Source: John G. Jackson. Introduction To African Civilizations. pg. 226-227. 1970. (citing Sir Harry H. Johnston. A History Of The Colonization Of Africa. pg. 5.)

“In 1910, the Encyclopedia Britannica had an article in it about Negros. This would be one of many examples of how African and other people get information about themselves…[I]n the second underlined paragraph on that article, it says, ‘Mentally, the negro is inferior to the white,’ then it goes on in that article to talk about the fact that as children, our children were okay, they were bright, smart, well-developed, but that as black children and white children grow older, black children become dumb and white children become smart… This is in the most respected Encyclopedia Britannica, so the most authoritative thought then would have sanctioned this view in 1910 and that was not unlike what was said in theological schools, which were teaching that Africans did not have souls…that would be taught in certain biology classes teaching that Africans were not even part of the same branch of humanity…that would’ve been taught in history classes, which taught that Africans had no history and so forth, and so on. In other words, that whole body of thought that emerged during the past couple hundreds years, to create the orientation among Europeans that would allow them to oppress African people without feeling bad about it.” — Dr. Asa Hilliard, III

Dr. Hilliard is the author of Free Your Mind, Return to the Source: The African Origin of Civilization.

“Some of you can read, such know the advantages of it; you who cannot, strive to acquire that knowledge. — Surely, this knowledge is an object of great importance, were it only for the opportunity it affords of becoming acquainted with that best of books, the Bible. The holy Scriptures of the old and new testament, contain invaluable treasures of instruction, and of comfort…”

This was advice given to Negroes by the American Convention of Abolition Societies, considered “friends of the Negroes” who worked for the “abolition of the slave trade and the destruction of slavery.”  Smh @ them referring the slavemaster’s version of the Bible as the “best of books.” Letting go of religions that were forced upon us and reclaiming the religions of our ancestors seems one of the biggest hurdles for African Americans to do…

Source: American Convention of Abolition Societies. “Advice Given Negroes A Century Ago.” The Journal of Negro History, Vol. 6, No. 1. pg. 107. (January 1921).

“The task is not welcome in the sense that I am taking an unpopular stand against the teachings which my parents and other loveones taught me…believing that they were imparting…’THE ONLY TRUTH THERE IS ABOUT HOW MANKIND ORIGNATED’…But, they were quite innocent of any wrongdoing for so teaching me, though they were in error of the facts, since they did not know of the existing evidence and facts quite to the contrary. It is certainly those who knew better — rabbis, priests, minsters, theologian and countless others who have taken it upon themselves to speak in the name of their respective God-head [Jehovah, Jesus Christ or Al’lah, etc.] had equally, for sometime during my youth, steered me down the same ‘blind alley’ of total RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY and RACIAL PREJUDICE against my own self and my indigenous African traditions and heritage, in preference for my imposed European and European-American [WHITE WESTERN] civilization; all of this inspite of the fact that even in the so-called “Sacred Writings of God” the setting of God’s dramas always included Africa’s Punt, Kush [or Ethiopia], Nubia, Meroe and Egypt.”

Source: Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan. The Myth of Genesis and Exodus and the Exclusion of their African Origins. pg. 2. 1974.

Lauryn Hill — “BLACK RAGE” (sketch)


Lauryn released a more sped up version of “Black Rage” around the time she went on the road with Nas in the fall of 2012, but late Wednesday night, she released a more stripped down “sketch” of the song, in response to the social unrest that’s occurring in Missouri (and throughout the world). I love this version so much more!!


“It is too clear for dispute, that the enslaved African race were not intended to be included, and formed no part of the people who framed and adopted this Declaration.” — U.S. Supreme Court Justice Roger B. Taney, 1857.

Case: Dred Scott v. Sanford. 60 U.S.  393, 1857.

“Astronomers have noted in the Great Pyramid indications of the sidereal year, the anomalistic year, the precessions of the equinoxes ‘for 6,000 years, whereas modern astronomy knows them for only about 400 years.’ Mathematics have detected in it the exact value of ‘pi,’ the exact average distance between the sun and the earth, the polar diameter of the earth, and so on.”

Source: Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality, pg. 233. 1974

ALL of our “God-given rights” include “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

The Declaration of Independence states, in part:

We hold these truths to be self-evidence. That all men are created equal;

That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights;

That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;

That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

The elite, white “Founders” who wrote this document knew how parasitic, evil and corrupt they were and knew that eventually, they would self-destruct, like Rome and other empires before them, if conditions were not set to alter or abolish  a destructive government unable to secure the basic, human and “unalienable rights” of its people. The group in power, including those that wrote the Declaration of Independence, cannot think that they are superior to “Negroes” because of their “race,” then simultaneously say that “all men are created equal.” That’s a clear contradiction…unless you factor in the fact that many whites, especially during that time, consider[ed] people of African descent to be sub-human, “three-fifths a person,” descendants of monkeys or other animals, savages, barbarians, niggers, etc. It is ridiculous to think that ANY government dominated by a group of people like this, can “secure the[ ] rights” of ALL MEN and create a society and institutions that promote principles such as truth, justice and democracy and ensure that they prevail, irregardless of one’s “race.”  They failed from the very beginning and it’s clear by this country’s (and the world’s) many problems today, due to their conspiracy to maintain the myth of white/”Jewish” superiority (racism), that we, “the people,” need to “alter or abolish” this “evil system” and “institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing power in such form, as to them shall seem likely to effect the[ ] safety and happiness” of ALL “HUE-MAN” BEINGS.