Tagged: gold

wow!!!! watch this awesome TED Talks speech given by Mallence Bart-Williams as she explains how the West has exploited and continues to exploit the FUCK out of Africa, its people and its natural resources. please watch and share!!!

“The mineral wealth of the land [in Spain] was not neglected; for gold, silver, copper, quicksilver, tin, lead, iron, and alum were mined on a large scale. Up to the twelfth century the maritime commerce of the Saracens on the Mediterranean was greater than that of the Christians; hundreds of ships were engaged in it, and this widespread trade naturally stimulated manufacturing. The sword blades of Toledo were the most excellent and beautiful in all Europe, and a factor near Cordova had an output of twelve thousands shields per year. Murcia became famous for the manufacture of all kinds of brass and iron instruments; the tanneries of Cordova and Morocco were the world; Almeria produced sashes famed far and wide for the bright colors and fine texture; carpets were made in Teulala; and bright-hued woolens came from Baza and Granada. The Moors also produced fine glass and pottery vases, mosaics, and jewelry.”

Source: John G. Jackson. Introduction to African Civilizations. pg. 175-176. 1970.

“[T]hus, the true alchemist was not trying to turn ordinary lead into gold, though the causal observer might reasonably think so from how things were presented. Rather, they were striving to turn the lead of an ordinary and undeveloped consciousness into the gold of a fully realized and enlightened soul.”

That quote, to me, is sooo deep.

“Gold was considered to be the skin of the ancient Egyptian gods, but their bones were thought to be of silver.”

Source: Jimmy Dunn. Egypt: Silver In Ancient Egypt. Tour Egypt. Written prior to September 8, 2013. http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/silver.htm.

“The Turin mining papyrus depicts mines in the Wadi Hammamat and is the oldest known map of its kind.”

lost my cellphone and keys in the club last night…but i got to see NICKI MINAJ, MEEK MILL & T.I.!!



I don’t party much, but aside from losing my personal belongings, I had a great night! I guess it all balances out when I factor in the fact that I didn’t have the pay the $200-400 tix price to get in right? Trying to be a positive thinker here… Lol. Also, I need one of those ankh chains that Meek has on as soon as William Morris and Loeb & Loeb LLP cut that check for the money they owe me for using race as a motivating factor to exclude myself and other qualified African Americans from being hired and/or promoted to Agent! [I just finished the chapter in R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz’s book Sacred Science, in which he attempts to explain the meaning behind the Egyptian symbol which represents “the source of life.”] Thx for everything KD!!

“The science of Thoth is the sacerdotal science of all times because it founded on an irrational basis and would be totally absurd otherwise. Its foundations are identical to those of every other philosophy concerned with the beginning of things. No determinate body can serve as a point of departure for the alcehmical opus, because what is involved is not a decomposition of matter (notwithstanding the beliefs of our atomists), but a generation of the matter of the world in the image of creation. Thus we are concerned here with revealed knowledge and not with rational science.”

Source: R. A. Schwaller. Sacred Science. pg. 8. 1961.

NY Post: “Jay-Z’s bling from ‘whites are devils’ group”


Black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization, white men are the devil, the Christian god is nothing more than a ghost and only a small percentage of people understand the world.

These are just some of the ­beliefs behind the bling — the gaudy Five Percent Nation ­medallions worn by Jay Z and Carmelo Anthony.

Last week, all eyes at the Barclays Center weren’t on Jay Z’s better half, Beyoncé — but on the coaster-size golden pendant swinging from the rapper’s neck as the couple sat courtside. Asked once if the group’s symbol — an eight-pointed star with the number 7 in the middle — held any meaning for him, the rapper shrugged, “A little bit.”

So what exactly do Five Percenters believe?

“The rationale is that the black man is God and created the universe, and is physically stronger and intellectually stronger and more righteous naturally,” says Michael Muhammad Knight, an author of two books on the radical group.
“Whiteness is weak and wicked and inferior — basically just an errant child who needs to be corrected.”

The group was founded in 1964 in Harlem by Clarence Smith, who later changed his name to Allah, a former student of Malcolm X who disagreed with the Nation of Islam over the nature of God.

Smith rejected the notion of a supernatural deity and instead believed that all black men had God in them and that black women were “earths” who took on a complementary yet subordinate role to their gods.

The idea is empowering, Knight says.

“Anytime someone is saying you have to accept your conditions of oppression and slavery and pray to an unseen god — that kind of god is just being used to keep people down and to keep people from looking to themselves as a solution to their problems,” he notes. “If there is a problem, no one will fix it for you, except yourself.”

Five Percenters don’t consider themselves Muslim, but their name comes from the Nation of Islam’s belief that 5 percent of humanity are “poor righteous teachers” who exist to enlighten the masses about the truth of existence.

Members will sometimes refer to themselves as “scientists” to drive home the search for truth. And they face a tall task, because under their belief system, 10 percent of the world’s population controls the other 85 percent by spreading the belief in a “mystery God.”

To show followers the way, members must learn the Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet — powerful tools to decipher the meaning of the universe. In both, each letter and number represents a concept: for example, 1 is knowledge, 2 is wisdom, while A is Allah and B is be, or born. The number 7 on Jay Z’s pendant stands for God.

Caucasians, meanwhile, don’t enjoy an exalted status in the narrative of the Five Percenters.

“The first lesson I learned from the Five Percent was simple: F–k white people. Seriously. White people are devils,” Knight, 36, who is white and converted to ­Islam as a teenager, once wrote.

He insisted the movement has been welcoming and that he views the controversial sentiment as a statement about power rather than biology.

“For me, it is about who is marked as privileged in the power relations of this society,” he says.

Some followers take exception to those who transform their flag into a fashion accessory.

“Jay Z is not an active member — no one has vouched for him” Saladin Allah, a representative of the group’s upstate region, told The Post. “It was always understood that you don’t wear the ­regalia if you don’t totally subscribe to the life.”

Source: http://nypost.com/2014/04/06/jay-zs-medallion-bears-logo-of-five-percent-radical-group/