Tagged: Black Africa

spent my birthday re-exploring the African exhibits at the Met.

The two exhibits I visited in particular were the “Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas” and “Egyptian Art.” Both were very nice. Check out the pics below:

“Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas”:


“Egyptian Art””


The problem I have with the Met, is that they separated these two exhibits as if Egypt is not a part of black Africa. All of the stolen artifacts in the “Eyptian Art” exhibit show the ancient Egyptians to be dark-skinned (although the museum has decided to place some non-black figures in the entrance that don’t belong there) just like Africans all over the continent. This is just another example of cultural genocide.Smdh.

“The slave trade started with the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church by the name of Martin V and Reverend Bartolome de Las Casas in the island of Hispaniola, now called Haiti and Santo Domingo. See, nobody told you it’s time to get sorry, to feel bad when some Haitians were being slaughtered on the coast of Florida…You didn’t feel anything because you weren’t taught to realize that the Haitians are your brothers and sisters because you don’t know that the first Africans to be brought in slavery were not taken from Africa, but from Spain and carried to Haiti, then called Hispaniola in 1506 under the aegis of the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church and Reverend Bartolome de Las Casas. But how did you get in Spain? That was 1506. You went into Spain, which was then called Iberia (Spain, Portugal and southern France), as conquerors yourself in 711 under the leadership of Tarik for whom the Rock of Gibraltar is now named GibralTarik. Nothing in your education because there’s nothing in your textbooks about any of this so you have to go to Spain…” — Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan 

I did a quick Google search to see the Rock of Gibraltar and I found some pretty incredible images. Here’s one below.

Rock of Gibraltar

I found it strange however, that on Wikipedia, it states:

The Rock of Gibraltar is a monolithic limestone promontory located in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar, off the southwestern tip of Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. It is 426 m high. The Rock is Crown property of the United Kingdom, and borders Spain.

How is the fuck is this monolithic rock the “Crown property of the United Kingdom”???

Source: From the lecture titled “The Black Man Must Wake Up.”

“Czech archaeologists have unearthed the tomb of a previously unknown queen believed to have been the wife of Pharaoh Neferefre who ruled 4,500 years ago, officials in Egypt said Sunday….The name of his wife had not been known before the find, Antiquities Minister Mamdouh al-Damaty said in a statement. He identified her as Khentakawess, saying that for the ‘first time we have discovered the name of this queen who had been unknown before the discovery of her tomb.’ That would make her Khentakawess III, as two previous queens with the same name have already been identified.”

I get a feeling that they may not really know who the person inside the tomb was…or the two others who were discovered previously and given the same name. Lol. Where are the black archaeologists/Kemetologists at???? Where is Dr. Yosef ben Jochannan, Ashra Kwesi and others?

Source: “4,500 Year-Old Tomb of Previously Unknown Pharaonic Queen Found In Egypt.” Agence France-Presse. January 4, 2014. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/01/4500-year-old-tomb-of-previously-unknown-pharaonic-queen-found-in-egypt/.

“I call this aspect of our excursion into the RACIST attempts by people who call themselves ‘SEMITES, CAUCASIANS, LIBERALS,’ and the likes — including ‘NEW LEFT’ and ‘NEW RIGHT,’ an ‘INTRODUCTION.’ But, in reality, it is neither that nor a GUIDE. The constant attempts by the ‘LIBERAL RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP’ of ‘WELL-MEANING WHITE LIBERALS,’ and equally ‘WELL-MEANING INTEGRATED NEGROES,’ have shown to all thinking BLACK PEOPLE throughout the world that unless we establish our own values of ‘RIGHT’ and ‘WRONG,’ and take every means at our disposal to ‘RIGHT’ ‘WRONGS’ committed against us, we will never survive the impending GENOCIDE (culturally and physically) planned for us by those farthest to the ‘RIGHT’ and AIDED AND ABETTED by those nearest and farthest to the ‘LEFT.'”

Source: Dr. Yosef A. A. ben-Jochannan and George Simmonds. The Black Man’s North and East Africa. pg. vi. 1971.

thx Santa!!


Now I will be able to read my law articles from anywhere, especially when I’m on the subway! 🙂

Jane Elliot discusses racism on Oprah (1992)

“This profound epistemological crisis — which we are experiencing and which can be interpreted parallel to the general revolution, which is moral as well as social and aesthetic — recalls another profound revolution at the end of the Egyptian era and the beginning of the Christian era. What we are able to find out about the history of Ancient Egypt shows us a similar revolution on the eve of the Middle Kingdom, circa 2200-2100 B.C. These three dates (the Egyptian date, the beginning of the Christian era, and our own time) correspond only too well in the revolutionary aspect of the vital nature, to the precessional cycles — Taurus (Montu), Aries (Amun), the end of Pisces (the Christian era), today (in about 150 years) — for this correspondence between the celestial dates and great events on Earth to be pure coincidence.”

Source: R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, Symbol and the Symbolic: Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness. pg. 42-43.

read Zbigniew Brzezinski’s (aide to Obama) March 17, 1978 Memorandum re: “Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement.”


Click here to read his racist report so you can understand why the black community has struggled to produce another leader of the caliber of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. or Malcolm X, since making many civil rights gains during the 1960s and 1970s: http://www.finalcall.com/memorandum-46.htm.

I used this picture because Brezezinski wrote the memorandum while serving as the US National Security Advisor to Democratic President Jimmy Carter and two years later,  he (man on the far left) would go on to work under Republican President Ronald Reagan — a former Hollywood actor who as President, would help the Republican party usher in a more conservative form of politics that was  (and still is) anti-black and extremely hostile to civil rights. Clearly, he has power and I’m sure Brezezinski’s strategies were extremely influential in helping Reagan (as well as other Presidents) and the U.S. government achieve that racist shift that still dominates America’s conscience today.

Former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington

While doing more research on Brzezinski, I saw a recent article which reported that he has condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza and that his “strong criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza indicates a ‘fundamental change in policy’ by the US government and is a ‘clear message’ to Israel.” Kinda shocking that he would lend his support to the Palestinians given his stance on Black Africa and African Americans in the U.S…

For more information, click here: http://www.albawaba.com/news/advisor-obama-administration-condemns-israels-actions-592985.

Linking Egypt, the Sahara and the rest of Black Africa

Where did the Black populations go? When we expounded, in Nations negres et culture, the thesis of a Negro Sahara, we encountered considerable hostility from those who considered themselves experts on the subject. Today, with the recent discoveries of Henri Lhote, refutation is no longer possible. In the section of Nations negres et culture on the peopling of Africa from the Nile Valley, the route from Egypt to the southwest now assumed special significance. In fact, it passes just south of Tassili N’Ajjer, where Lhote made the most important find of cave paintings of the century, after that of the Lascaux cave. This find enables us to affirm that, contrary to the ideas imposed on the world by scholars for 150 years, Egyptian cultural influences spread for thousands of kilometers in the direction of Black Africa. Tassili N’Ajjer was probably only one stop, located 3,000 kilometers (some 1,875 miles) from the Nile Valley. Those paintings establish an evidence link between Egypt, the Sahara, and the rest of Black Africa. It is certain that Nubia also was a great center for the diffusion of cultural influence from the Nile Valley, a kind of hinge between Egypt and other parts of Black Africa…

Let us point out that there are artificial mounds in the region of the Niger Delta, not pyramids, as the author thinks. [We report this] not because of any desire “to disparage African values,” but because a pyramid is a mass of well-defined form, while the mounds are on a round or oval base and in a roughly hemispheric shape. The former are found especially in Egypt, Nubia, and Central America; the latter, in Black Africa and Europe.

I know, from experience, that the Serer tombs, called m’banar, were orignally perfect cones; with time the construction materials settle and the tomb takes the shape of a mound…The tombs of the ancient emperors of Ghana, as described by Arab authors, have become mounds. No one disputes that. The tombs of the Askia are veritable pyramids. But this question is really of secondary importance, for one cannot see how the essence of a pyramid, to speak in the Platonic sense, could be more noble than the essence of a cone.

As for calling the signs engraved on the baobabs in Diourbel hieroglyphics, the author [Diop] is not back home and is familiar enough with the question, I suppose, to judge for himself whether writing is really involved (and the oldest inhabitants can inform him) or whether, as seems likely, these are simply graffiti engraved on the soft bark.

I went back to the foot of the baobab. I was quite disappointed because I hardly recognized the signs that I easily identified during my childhood; the bark of the baobab had developed since then. A little boy and girl passed by and enlightened me. They helped me to locate the signs which, as a matter of fact, are riddles, ideograms: a kettle, a sword, a goatskin, a camel’s foot, a string of prayer beads, and so on, memorializing the visit of a great religious leader of yesteryear, presumably the Prophet. If Mauny returns to the site one day, he will find no problem in being informed as I was about those signs; their meaning is not yet lost.

It is not writing in the phonetic sense of the word, but a series of drawings. The fact that this practice dates from the post-Islamic epoch tends to suggest that it reflects ancient habits about to disappear. On the baobab, along with the prayer beads, sword, and camel’s foot, there was an inkstand and even a pen; so Arabic writing was known, but is absent from the bark of the baobab. This is similar to the attitude of Njoya, the sultan of Cameroon who, although a Moslem, utilized hieroglyphic writing, perhaps because of ancestral tradition, excluding Arabic characters, to take a census of the population of his kingdom, to transcribe all the literature, the oral tradition, and the history of his country.

Source: Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality, pg. 255. 1955

BOYCOTT Hollywood films that continue to WHITEWASH African history! the latest film being Exodus: Gods of Egypt.


Hollywood is a sucker for a story about ancient Egypt. Movies like The Ten Commandments, Cleopatra, and even The Mummy prove it. Upcoming movies like Exodus and Gods of Egypt all but confirm it. Unfortunately though, those films have something in common aside from being about ancient Egypt — they show that Hollywood, tends to envision ancient Egyptians and ancient Egyptian royalty as white men and women (sometimes with copious amounts of bronzer splashed on).

The latest movie in Hollywood’s ongoing love affair with ancient Egypt is Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings. Scott’s interpretation consists of Caucasian actors like Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, and Sigourney Weaver playing Moses and Egyptian royalty respectively. Black and non-white actors portray roles like “Egyptian lower class citizen” or “Egyptian thief.” And Aaron Paul plays Joshua, an Israelite who becomes Moses’s right-hand man.

The cast of Exodus is similar to another upcoming movie about ancient Egypt called Gods of Egypt. In that film, the likes of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones), Gerard Butler, and Geoffrey Rush play Egyptian gods, which sets up a weird dynamic of white actors representing ideals of and being worshipped by non-white people.

While these two films aren’t the only movies that have white-washed ancient Egypt, they’re maybe the most frustrating. We can chalk up things like Elizabeth Taylor playing a fair-skinned Cleopatra in the film of the same name to the year the movie was made in (1963). There’s no rule that says we have to follow the template and tendencies of casting directors 50 years ago. We should know better, yet it still happened and is still happening.

If the original name of Egypt was Kemet, which means “land of the blacks,” then why is Hollywood continuing to depict the ancient Egyptians as white in the 21st century?!?! Why are Africans allowing our history to be rewritten and whitewashed without any real objections? That’s right: Majority of us know little about our history and this is not accidental.

I know some are probably thinking: “This is just a movie,” but actually, it’s much bigger than that since these films are supposed to be historical recreations and the West’s educational system omits any real acknowledgement or discussion of Africa and its contributions to world civilization. There are thousands who will watch this film instead of picking up a book, and will actually believe that many of the people and/or the Gods worshiped in Kemet were actually white — further perpetuating the belief that Africans have contributed nothing to world civilization and that the white race is superior. Nothing but a bunch of bullshit. If you keep allowing this racist, culture promotion machine known as Hollywood to have unrestricted access to your mind, you will always remain in the dark about the origins of the hue-man race.

Source: http://www.vox.com/2014/8/4/5955253/Hollywood-egypt-white-people-exodus-gods-and-kings and http://www.dailydot.com/entertainment/boycott-exodus-movie-whitewashing/.