Tagged: Ariel Emanuel

pleadings to the Supreme Court are submitted!!

Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis:

Petition For Writ of Certiorari:

I can’t believe I wrote these documents in five days!! No matter what the outcome is, I’m proud of myself for never giving up and seeing this case through to the end.

I’ve excelled in science, math & history, studied psychology & law, lived out my dreams by working various jobs in the music & entertainment  business and unintentionally became a human rights activist for the last five years. Now, I’m going to spend the next few months thinking about the next thing I want to do with my life. Whatever that may be, the goal is that it must also leave a positive impact on the world.

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” — Revelations 2:9


Zelman Moses (founder of William Morris Agency) and Ariel Emanuel (co-CEO of William Morris Endeavor Entertainment) are also “Jews.”

“Jews” of EurAsian descent are NOT “God’s chosen people” — they are Satan’s chosen with tremendous power and control over our thoughts, beliefs, values, worldviews, etc. due to their over-representation in very influential industries such as government, Hollywood & entertainment, Wall Street, the media, etc. This should not be allowed in our multi-cultural, allegedly “democratic” society. Wake up and unplug yourself from the matrix!!

“Employment discrimination law is at a crossroads. A wealth of interdisciplinary research suggests that the problem for the future of workplace equality is subtle and ‘structural’ rather than overt and individual. Race, sex, and other protected group characteristics will continue to factor into employment decisions, but the decisions are more likely to be driven by unconscious biases and stereotypes operating within a facilitating organizational context than by conscious animus operating in isolation. Recognizing that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the mainstay of legal prohibition on discrimination in employment, falls short of addressing the problem, legal scholars have begun to formulate a new paradigm of regulation that would impose an obligation on employers—through legal rights or otherwise—to take structural measures to minimize discriminatory bias in workplace decisionmaking. This ‘structural approach’ aims to minimize discriminatory decisionmaking at the individual level and to reduce unequal treatment in the workplace by pushing change at the organizational level in work environments and decisionmaking systems.”

Green said this eight years ago! Now employment discrimination law is on its deathbed, especially when the plaintiff is African American, due to the large number of ideologically conservative, white [male] federal judges that preside over these types of cases!!

Source Tristin K. Green. A Structural Approach as Antidiscrimination Mandate: Locating Employer Wrong. Vanderbilt Law Review. Pg. 850. 2007.

the perfect article for my case! read “How Hollywood Keeps Minorities Out” by the LA Weekly.

howhollywoodexcludesminoritieslaweekly (2)

read VANITY FAIR’s article “The Inside Story of Ari Emanuel’s Big, Risky WME-IMG Merger”

This is going to be a pretty good read, although I notice that the article makes no mention of the two multi-million dollar racial discrimination lawsuits against WME and the considerable amount of money they are paying to have their law firm, Loeb & Loeb LLP and its attorney Michael P. Zweig, as well as others, engage in fraud so that William Morris can obtain favorable verdicts and avoid jury trials. Based on all the facts and circumstances, it is clear that Leonard Rowe was defrauded by his own attorneys (and their co-conspirators) and had the law been upheld by federal judge Robert P. Patterson in Rowe’s case after he filed his March 2012 Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 Fraud Upon the Court Motion, William Morris, more likely than not, would have not have been able to afford the $2.4 billion needed to acquire IMG in December of 2013 [or they would have needed to borrow more money from SilverLake]…Since they appear to be having financial problems, maybe we need a percentage of the company as well?

Source: William D. Cohan. “The Inside Story of Ari Emanuel’s Big, Risky WME-IMG Merger.” Vanity Fair. February 11, 2015. http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/02/wme-img-merger-ari-emanuel.

“Black History Years”


T-shirt worn by NBA point guard Jarrett Jack of the Brooklyn Nets at a game earlier this month. Great message. He “gets it”…do you? Remember, the United Nations has named 2015-2024 the International Decade for People of African Descent. It’s time for us to wake up and get our shit together. Global white/”Jewish” supremacy (racism) must FINALLY be eradicated once and for all!!

I just saw that the European Network for People of African Descent have planned various demonstrations in Lisbon, Berlin, London and Amsterdam on February 21, 2015 to celebrate Malcolm X’s legacy and encourage black and other communities of color to unite and fight against this inherently racist/oppressive system that currently dictates and dominates much of the world’s affairs. For more information, go to www.bethechangenetwork.tumblr.com.


“Sports and media company IMG, which is now co-owned by high power Hollywood agent Ari Emanuel, is laying off 3% of its staff. This comes to about 100 people. The move comes only seven months after it was acquired by Beverly Hills-based agency run by co-CEOs Ari Emanuel and Patrick Whitesell WME for more than $2 billion…”

Source: Gil Tanenbaum. “Even the Great Ariel Emanuel Can’t Save Hollywood Talent Agents From Layoffs.” Jewish Business News. December 2, 2014. http://jewishbusinessnews.com/2014/12/02/even-the-great-ari-emanuel-cant-save-hollywood-talent-agents-from-layoffs/.

“Our nation must hold ‘any corporation that breaks the law and enriches its bottom line at the expense of the American people’ accountable. In addition to significant monetary sanctions, ‘non-monetary measures must be put in place to facilitate change in corporate behavior and help ensure the playing field is level’ for all people in our democratic society. Therefore, my final request is that this matter be brought to the attention of the Departmental Disciplinary Committee (“DDC”) and the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. And since there is a dispute regarding the ‘political question doctrine’s’ applicability to this case, this case should also be brought to the attention of the President of the United States, Barack Obama, as well.”

Source: Pl. Fraud Upon the Court Motion, 93-94.

will it take me going to prison or even dying to show the world how corrupt and racist Hollywood, our judicial system and the U.S. gov’t are?

putting things in perspective: i was in middle school the year Leonard Rowe and the black concert promoters filed their civil rights and antitrust lawsuit against the William Morris Agency, Creative Artists Agency and others involved in the concert promotion industry….

I didn’t really learn about Leonard Rowe or the details of his case, until I discovered this CNN article [http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-724105] in January 2012 — nearly two years after graduating with my Masters in Music Business & Entertainment Industries from the University of Miami. At that time, I was working on my third appeal to the Second Circuit, which sought to have Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel’s erroneous Order which upheld William Morris’ procedurally and substantively unconscionable arbitration agreements and sought the judges’ (including Magistrate Judge James C.Francis IV who was also the Magistrate Judge in Rowe) disqualification due to the appearance and/or actual existence of bias, prejudice and/or impropriety in violation of 28 U.S.C. § 455 [http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/455].

Imagine how I felt after reading this, given that I had already argued and presented a pyramid of evidence in all of my pleadings showing that despite William Morris’ repeated denials throughout history, they were in fact a racist Hollywood institution that had been and still is engaging in a century-plus pattern and continuing practice of discrimination against African Americans — a problem that was clearly not limited to employment. What made things even more shocking, was that 10 years after engaging in a conspiracy to conceal smoking gun evidence showing WMA and CAA employees referring to African Americans as “nigger,” “nigga,” “coon,” etc. in their outgoing and/or incoming e-mails, I was litigating my case against the same attorney and law firm: Michael P. Zweig of Loeb & Loeb LLP.

In my fist appeal filed with the Second Circuit in September 2011, I argued that based on the fact that Castel “ignored my arguments, omitted pertinent facts and misapplied the law,” there must have been some type of collusion taking place between him and opposing counsel.  The fact that Castel has not made opposing counsel respond to my Fraud Upon the Court Motion that was filed in March 2014 “speaks volumes” and further supports that they are all conspiring with one another to deprive me of my constitutional and statutory rights under the color of law and interfere with the human rights of people of African descent, in violation of the Ku Klux Klan of 1871, 42. U.S.C. § 1985.

As I have always argued, in one way or another: In order to effectuate the public policy goals of Civil Rights Act of 1964 (and additional anti-discrimination statutes such as the New York City Human Rights Law), arbitration is an inappropriate forum to resolve this particular case and the merits of my case should have been decided by an impartial jury reflecting the rich diversity of New York City. The fraudulent actions of the American Arbitration Association and its incompetent staff confirm this fact. Now that the Southern District of New York has jurisdiction over this case, default judgment should be granted on all claims against William Morris, Jeff Meade and Sarah Van Hoven. Even though I can and have proved the merits of all of my claims as a matter of law, default judgment should also be granted as a sanction against Michael P. Zweig and Loeb & Loeb LLP for intentionally engaging in a “pattern” of highly unethical and criminal conduct on William Morris’ behalf, in violation of New York Judiciary Law § 487 and numerous Rules under the New York Rules of Professional Conduct.