RACIST Hollywood is at it again. in their attempts to WHITEWASH AFRICAN HISTORY, they are set to release a new film in February 2016 titled ‘Gods of Egypt’ starring a majority white cast when all Gods in ancient Egypt were BLACK!! BOYCOTT THIS FILM!

I just saw one of the posters on Facebook and I’m utterly disgusted by Horus being played by a white man!!!! [Horus’ father was named Osiris, which meant ‘Lord of the Perfect BLACK!!!]


Five posters have been released [three are shown below] and one of the “Gods” is played by a person of African descent. That is still not acceptable since ALL of the Gods in ancient Kemet were BLACK [zero were white].


If we are so “inferior” and “uncivilized,” why the fuck are you continuously trying to whitened African history? Cumulatively speaking, these acts constitute a form of GENOCIDE and they are going to pay for this since they are making millions of dollars from their exploitation [It is said that the film had a $140 million (£92m) budget film and directed by I, Robot’s Alex Proyas]. I hope this film tanks like Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings.


  1. Horus

    You do realize that the Egyptians weren’t “black” (as the Ethiopians) but arabic right? They didn’t leave the area so you can just google Egypt today and see the inhabitants. Sure they could have gone with a more diverse cast but i don’t think most people of the area would classify themselves as “black” to begin with. For that you’d have to go further down from Egypt and into Ethiopia. So even before their losses to Greece and Rome, (which brought about much co-mingling and marriages between royalty outside of Egypt) that area (outside of perhaps the lower kingdoms closest to Ethiopia) wasn’t “black”. Now had the story been set in say the lower kingdoms of Egypt, perhaps since they bordered Ethiopia and it’s knows that the Egyptians battled against the kingdom of Ethiopia and made marriage alliances with them at times and had taken slaves from that area after battles and in trade. #history

    • MarcusLutherX

      Do you realize that your comment proves that you are nothing more than a brainwashed idiot who knows little to nothing about the ancient history of Egypt? If they weren’t black, then why did they depict themselves and THEIR GODS as such on their hieroglyphs over a span of thousands of years? Please explain…

      • Precious Nefer-Titi Daughter of a Heavenly Voice (Batkol)

        Great and wonderfully written article. I forwarded this to all of my contacts; Black, Chinese, White and everyone in between.

        These are Truths that are being exposed during this age of the “Great Awakening”.

        I pray that the Ancestors (Angels) and our Black Gods continue to lead us to “True” freedom, that releases of all from the lies told of the “Real” Beast within the insane Matrix that they continue to create an imbalance in daily.

        Their only contributions are; Lies, Homosexuality, Racism, Corruption, Looting, Murders, destruction, Bestiality, Pedophile, Jealous, Wars, Chaos, etc….

        You get my point.

        Stand Firm Marcus LutherX.

        This “Her Em Akhet” Maat Auset Virgo salutes you!

        May you trample your enemies and gain favor in adversity, Great reincarnated one.


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