Tagged: Wall Street

“To be a black professional is often to be alone. Most black doctors, lawyers, journalists, and so on — those in white-collar positions that require specialized training and credentialing — work in environments where they are in the racial minority. This comes with challenges. Beyond outright discrimination, which many still face, there are psychological costs to being one of just a few black faces in a predominantly white environment. In a study of black professional workers in a number of different occupations, I found that these employees worked to carefully manage their emotions in ways that reflected the racial landscapes they inhabited. In particular, black professionals had to be very careful to show feelings of conviviality and pleasantness, even — especially — in response to racial issues. They felt that emotions of anger, frustration, and annoyance were discouraged, even when they worked in settings where these emotions were generally welcomed in certain contexts—think litigators interacting with opposing counsel, or financial analysts responding to a stressful day on Wall Street. Interestingly, this often played out at trainings meant to encourage racial sensitivity. Many of the black professionals I interviewed found that diversity trainings — intended to improve the work environment for minorities — actually became a source of emotional stress, as they perceived that their white colleagues could use these trainings to express negative emotions about people of color, but that they were expected not to disclose their own honest emotional reactions to such statements.”

Source: Adia Harvey Wingfield. “Being Black — But Not Too Black — In The Workplace.” The Atlantic. October 14, 2015. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/10/being-black-work/409990/.

“Some of us may believe in astrology and some of us may not, [but] we are all strongly influenced by the notion of fate, of our powerlessness in an existential world. John Paul Sartre said, ‘Nature is mute’ and we, embedded in the media dense, message dense, programming dense matrix of these hyper societies that we have created, often feel, I think, like helpless atoms running endlessly to the blueprint of unseen masters — whether its the banking industry, Madison Avenue, whoever. We tend to disempower ourselves. We tend to believe that we don’t matter and in the act of taking that idea to ourselves, we give everything away to somebody else, to something else. So, the rebirth of [the philosopher’s] stone and its possibility within each of us entails these two ideas: our divinity and our power to overcome fate. There is no inevitability in our lives unless we submit to the idea of inevitability and then, give ourselves over to it.” — Terence McKenna

“Global central bank easing has run amuck, and the results won’t be pretty, says London Daily Telegraph columnist John Ficenec. ‘From China to Brazil, the central banks have lost control, and at the same time the global economy is grinding to a halt,’ he writes. ‘It is only a matter of time before stock markets collapse under the weight of their lofty expectations and record valuations,’ he warns. ‘Time is now rapidly running out.'”

Source: Dan Weil. “Telegraph’s Ficenec: ‘Only Matter Of Time Before Stock Market Collapses.'” Newsmax. August 17, 2015. http://www.newsmax.com/Finance/StreetTalk/doomsday-clock-stock-market-crash-central-banks/2015/08/17/id/670466/.

“The high-flying, go-go culture of the agencies has given way to a more restrained, fiscally disciplined one in recent years, however. That evolution has only accelerated as private equity firms have swooped into the business. These Wall Street investors — who have poured more than $1 billion into the two largest talent agencies, William Morris Endeavor and Creative Artists Agency, over the last five years — are helping to bankroll those agencies’ expansion into new arenas outside Hollywood including sports, technology, fashion and food. But they’ve also put a fresh focus on driving profits, insiders say — essentially flipping the script on the famous talent-rep mantra from the film ‘Jerry Maguire’ and saying, ‘Show us the money.'” 

Source: Josh Rottenberg. “Wall Street investors to Hollywood Talent Agencies: ‘Show Us The Money.'” L. A. Times. July 10, 2015. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-talent-agencies-private-equity-20150710-story.html.

“‘Jews’ were a heavy part of the African slave trade in the America[s]! Compiled from Jewish documents, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews by the Nation of Islam reveals the vast Jewish involvement in the Atlantic slave trade. ‘Jews’ were also major slave sellers during the Middle Ages. (Van Sertima: African Presence in Early Europe p.161) These ‘Jewish’ slave-sellers were probably not ‘real Jews’ at all but Khazars. Counterfeit Jews: the hated, white ‘Khazars’ who have usurped the real Jews! … Historians are now recognizing that the majority of eastern so-called ‘Jews’ are actually ‘Khazars’ and have NO Semitic roots whatsoever! The Khazars are impostors: well-suppressed knowledge is emerging about this war-like tribe of whites that rose to power in Eastern Europe and were hated by the other whites they conquered due to [their] severe, exploitative treatment of them. The Khazars all converted to Judaism as a political ploy during the Middle Ages. It appears that they learned all they could from the real Hebrews before usurping them, selling them into slavery (or killing them) and taking over in their place — using the corrupted form of Judaism to hide behind while continuing their treachery right into modern times.”

If “Jews” of European descent represent 2.1 percent of the U.S. population (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/usjewpop.html), why are they overrepresented in industries like Hollywood & Wall Street or in positions of power (e.g. 3 out of 9 or 33 percent of the justices on the Supreme Court are “Jews” of European descent) and why are American citizens of African descent HISTORICALLY underrepresented? How is this even possible if past and/or present, racism is not occurring at the macro level? How the fuck is this possible if these impostors are NOT the true Jews and there’s no way in hell they can be “God’s chosen people” based on their egregious crimes against people of African descent? Wake up black people!! Wake up world!!!!!

Source: http://realneo.us/content/original-biblical-jews-were-black-african-people.

“The global economic collapse is imminent. The fact that we still have a global economic system is actually miraculous, but it is a clear indiciation of how powerful those individuals are that control the global economy. They have infinite power as it is now. Only us, only we, can do something about it.” — Michael Tellinger

“In certain industries and trades, Negroes are so systematically excluded that an agreement or concert of action might be inferred. Social and economic discrimination has a direct relationship to monopoly practices in the pursuit of a livelihood….Race discrimination has been used as a means of securing a white workers’ monopoly.”

Source: Philip Marcus. Civil Rights and the Anti-trust Laws. 18 U. Chi. L. Rev. 171, 190 1950-1951.


truelootingTheir superiority is nothing but a myth. The joke is on all of us, because at the end of the day, we are all being screwed. Money is imaginary and of course the group that controls the money supply, will use it to create the appearance of “superiority.” 

“Economic segregation” is a consequence of “economic discrimination.” Rev. Jesse Jackson blames corporate America for historically high African American unemployment rate!

is there any legitimacy to an institution that has historically remained all-white/“Jewish” in America’s democratic, “post-racial” society?

7AM thought.