Tagged: Talent Agencies Act

why is Hollywood continuing to EXCLUDE QUALIFIED African Americans from meaningful positions of employment? Charles Johnson explores the reasons why with his new book AppBLACKation Rejected.


In the book’s description on Amazon, it states:

Why is Hollywood so reluctant to hire people of color? You’ve seen how the Rodney King incident and the O.J. Simpson scandal impacted race relations throughout America. But, outside of Hollywood, have you ever heard of Riley Weston, The Secret Life of Desmond Pfeiffer, or “The Virtual Whiteout” of 1999? All of them, including King and O.J. have contributed to low employment for people of color from the late ‘90’s through the economic crisis of 2008. AppBLACKation Rejected pulls back the Hollywood curtain so readers can see how fear of unemployment promotes racist behavior in otherwise decent people, white and black. From 1992 to the exposure of Amy Pascal in 2014, this book chronicles more than 20 years of deceit and immorality in Hollywood by distinguishing between racism and discrimination, and through the author’s personal journey, examines how liberal Hollywood can practice what they preach and begin hiring African-Americans rather than just talking about it. If you want to understand why Hollywood is considered unfair, how to deal with unpredictable personalities when hired, or how the business operates from writing through production to distribution, AppBlackation Rejected explains the Hollywood process and its sickness better than any film school could ever dare.

In my opinion, African Americans made the most progress in the 1990s when it came to being employed in meaningful positions throughout Hollywood [specifically during President Clinton’s two terms], but it cannot be disputed that  this “Jewish” controlled industry has harbored a racial animus against people of African descent and excluded qualified people of color from decisionmking positions and other higher-status, higher-paying positions THROUGHOUT HISTORY. Thus, no person who perpetuates the myth of white/”Jewish” superiority — consciously or unconsciously — is “decent” in my eyes.

I just got my hands on the audio version of the book and I look forward to giving Charles’ book a listen.

To purchase this book, click the image above.

it’s RACIST and PITIFUL individuals like “Hon.” Robert P. Patterson, “Hon.” P. Kevin Castel & “Chief Judge” Loretta A. Preska of the Southern District of New York, the majority white members of Congress, etc. that are holding America back from reaching its FULL POTENTIAL.

how sound are William Morris’ employment decisions, if the Agent Trainee they promoted to book urban contemporary acts in or around the time i submitted my resume, quit less than six months after being promoted to Agent? either way, he and the company were violating the Talent Agencies Act because he was not “licensed” to book artists before he was promoted to Agent.

She couldn’t and didn’t want to “mentor” and/or “promote” me because I was a threat to her monopolistic control over representing African American entertainers in urban contemporary music and the company had been engaging in an intentional pattern and practice of excluding qualified African Americans from being hired and/or promoted to higher status, higher paying jobs (e.g. Agent, Agent Trainee) since 1898 and still had zero African American Agents, Coordinators or Agent Trainees when I began employment in the New York office, September 2008. (“inexorable zero”) As a matter of law, this statistic alone can create “an inference” of racial discrimination, and can support [in addition to the extensive sociological jurisprudence cited] my claims that I entered into an insidiously discriminatory work environment or that many of the allegedly “negative” evaluations I received were due to the explicit and/or implicit racial biases of the evaluator. I was more qualified than majority, if not all, of my similarly situated white/”Jewish” counterparts that were hired into the Agent Trainee program during my employment, and I was more than qualified to have been hired as a music Agent. Based on my qualifications and relevant work experience, this would have happened had I been white and/or “Jewish.” No matter how well I got along with people or how nice some people may have appeared to be, racism was embedded into the culture of the company, and it didn’t help that the company was founded and over-represented by a group of people who falsely believe that they are “God’s chosen people” and walk around like their own shit doesn’t stink. [The original Jews are not European and/or white — something I did not know while working at the company.] This also did not help my chances of advancing [From 2000 to 2010, white/”Jewish Agent Trainees in the New York office had a reported 10 percent rate of promotion to Agent while African American Agent Trainees had a zero percent rate of promotion. Also, in the first decade of the 21st century, only one African American was hired to work as an Agent in the New York office (e.g., Mamie Baron, the first African American literary Agent in the department’s then 58 year history). When I began employment, there were 50 Agents employed. One was Asian, and the rest were white/ “Jewish. This is not accidental or “due to chance.” The company is highly conscious of race.]

When I began this case nearly four years ago, Michael P. Zweig and Christian Carbone of Loeb & Loeb LLP argued that my employment discrimination claims were “wholly without merit, legally and factually,” yet, they have not refuted the pyramid of historical, statistical, circumstantial, anecdotal, smoking gun, documentary and other forms of evidence supporting all of the claims that I have raised not only against William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig and Christian Carbone, but P. Kevin Castel, the American Arbitration Association, Timothy K. Lewis, Schnader LLP, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and others that are involved in this sinister conspiracy to interfere with the human rights of people of African descent, or in the alternative, conspiracy to maintain global white/”Jewish” supremacy (racism). Through fraud, William Morris has won another racial discrimination case in the federal court while evidence of intentional systemic disparate treatment have been ignored by the finders of fact, been awarded $43,707.60 due to my alleged “bad faith” conduct and received a filing injunction against me to prevent me from suing those who have conspired to ensure that I would be deprived of my full constitutional and statutory rights under the color of law! AmeriKKKan justice at its finest. America cannot survive too much longer under these conditions. No country could. President Obama and Congress need to step in immediately and rectify this issue. P. Kevin Castel needs to be impeached. Extreme disciplinary and monetary sanctions need to be imposed against William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig and Christian Carbone, including default judgment, disbarment and $250 million.

The conclusions contained in the longitudinal study Discrimination and Desegregation: Equal Opportunity Progress in U.S. Private Sector Workplaces mirror the workplace trends of William Morris over the past four decades. This study was one of the “first to produce long-time trends on workplace equal employment outcomes” by comparing the fates of black, white, Hispanic and Asian men and women over a period of 36 years (from 1966 through 2002). The researchers concluded: “…from documenting these basic trends..while almost all workplaces have incorporated women and racial/ethnic minorities as employees, status segregation within workplaces remain very high, white males continue to have advantaged access to the best quality jobs, most racial progress in EEO stalled after 1980, and white women seem to have benefited the most from the struggles for EEO.”

in order for the finder of fact to uphold the unconscionable arbitration agreement I signed as a condition of employment at William Morris, they must ignore the UNREFUTED pyramid of evidence demonstrating the company’s 110 year history of engaging in intentional, systemic disparate treatment against qualified African Americans in employment.

Without knowing anything about William Morris’ history of racism, I waived my full statutory rights within the first 30 minutes of employment. I started the Agent Trainee program with two other individuals  — a white female and a white/”Jewish” male. I don’t think any of us knew what arbitration was exactly, but we had no problems signing the various agreements in order to work for one of the most prestigious talent agencies in Hollywood. It never crossed my mind that William Morris could be racist because of the fact that the company represented so many notable African American entertainers. It wasn’t until after I signed the agreement which waived my right to pursue any future claims of racial discrimination in the federal court, I learned shortly after, that none of the company’s Agents, Coordinators or Agents Trainees employed in the New York office were African American and that I was considerably more qualified than majority, if not all, of my white/”Jewish” counterparts in the Agent Trainee program. If the racial make up of the Agent Trainee program is more than 90 percent white/”Jewish” historically due to the company’s discriminatory employment practices, policies and procedures, are whites/”Jews” being discriminated against because of their race and/or color? It is clear that this agreement is nothing more than a “savvy legal loophole” to prevent the federal court and/or an impartial jury from ever deciding a case like mine.

Whether occupational segregation based on race is de jure or de facto, it’s still inherently racist and violative of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as other federal, state and local antidiscrimination laws.

“The Sherman Act, under which most of our anti-trust law has been developed, prohibits contracts, combinations or conspiracies in restraint of trade or commerce among the states or foreign nations.’ s Its prohibitions extend to those who monopolize, attempt to monopolize, or combine and conspire to monopolize any part of interstate or foreign trade or commerce.”

Source: Philip Marcus. Civil Rights and the Anti-trust Laws. 18 U. Chi. L. Rev. 171, 174-5 1950-1951.

The Case of Monopolies and the Act of 21 James I (Statute of Monopolies) “form one of the constitutional landmarks of British liberty, like the Petition of Right, the Habeas Corpus act and other great constitutional acts of Parliament. They established and declared one of the inalienable rights of freemen which our ancestors brought with them to this country. The right to follow any of the common occupations of life is an inalienable right; it was formulated as such under the phrase ‘pursuit of happiness’ in the Declaration of Independence, which commenced with the fundamental proposition that, ‘all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’ This right is a large ingredient in the civil liberty of the citizen. To deny it to all but a few favored individuals by investing the latter with a monopoly is to invade one of the fundamental privileges of the citizen, contrary not only to common right, but, as I think, to the express words of the Constitution.”

Source: Butchers’ Union Co. v. Crescent City Co., 111  U.S. 746, 762 (1884).