Tagged: slave mentality

listen to Kendria “K-Love” Harris’ incredible poem titled “Million Dollar Melanin”!

“The most potent weapon of the oppressor, is the mind of the oppressed.” — Steve Biko

let’s stop perpetuating a slave mentality by calling ourselves and each other NIGGA, and start referring to ourselves and others as NEGUS, which means “king,” “ruler” or “emperor” in the Ethiopian language of Amharic!


This is an immediate action that can be taken to begin the shift and expansion of our consciousness. As they say in The Secret: “Thoughts become things.”

Nick Cannon speaks out against Hollywood’s growing fetish of making films in which blacks are depicted as slaves, maids and other subservient roles.

If you’ve been paying close attention to the latest movies centered around black characters for the last few years, you can probably notice a trend. The increasing popularity of slave movies as well as films centered around blacks being maids and butlers is pretty hard to ignore. And although these movies keep finding a way to the big screen to a point of redundancy, they seem to instantly garner critical acclaim and Oscar buzz.

Apparently Nick Cannon has noticed the trend too because he recently took to his Twitter account to slamslave movies. And with all the Oscar buzz currently surrounding the hit film “12 Years a Slave” and the recent confirmation that “Roots” will be remade, his timing surely can’t be coincidental.



Thanks for speaking up Nick!! I guess Nick didn’t hear about the petition out regarding a film currently being made about Egyptian gods who are all being played by white actors. We all know the Gods worshiped by Egyptians and other Africans before Christ were NOT white. Go to Egypt or any of the museums in the Western world with stolen artifacts like the Lourve or the Metropolitan Museum and you will see with your very own eyes that their Gods were depicted as having melanin in their pigment. They have made us hate our black skin and now they want to whiten the Gods that they forced us to reject. Smh! A big part of the problem is that Whites/”Jews” have too much power over our image and likeness. This is why it’s extremely important for people of African descent to have a knowledge of our true history — not what’s taught to us in our schools — because it is being rewritten right before our very own eyes.

Source: http://urbanbellemag.com/2013/11/nick-cannon-slams-surging-popularity-slave-movies.html.

Read & sign the petition here: http://www.change.org/petitions/danish-actor-to-play-egyptian-god-ra-stop-artistic-team-behind-the-gods-of-egypt-from-holding-an-all-white-cast.

Great commentary from Evan Lee on this topic in a post titled “Whitewashing Africa”: http://moviepilot.com/stories/1112433-whitewashing-africa.