Tagged: sacred knowledge

“[A]s many wisdom traditions believe, when performing at its ultimate capacity, the pineal gland releases important biochemicals such as Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) a.k.a. ‘the spirit molecule’ which is a prime catalyst for higher states of consciousness, intuition, and even possibly the experience of universal consciousness otherwise known as enlightenment.”

Source: Bess O’Connor. “How to Decalcify and Activate the Pineal Gland.” Spirituality & Health. June 22, 2015.  http://spiritualityhealth.com/blog/bess-oconnor/how-decalcify-and-activate-pineal-gland.

“It is no accident that such a high state of culture existed in Africa and you and I know nothing about it. Why, the man knew that as long as you and I thought we were somebody, he could never treat us like we were nobody. So he had to invent a system that would strip us of everything about us that we could use to prove we were somebody. And once he had stripped us of all human characteristics, stripped us of our language, stripped us of our history, stripped us of all cultural knowledge, and brought us down to the level of an animal – he then began to treat us like an animal, selling us from one plantation to another, selling us from one owner to another, breeding us like you breed cattle. Why, brothers and sisters, when you wake up and find out what this man here has done to you and me, you won’t even wait for somebody to give the word. I’m not saying all of them are bad. There might be some good ones. But we don’t have time to look for them. Not nowadays.” — Malcolm X

“It is no accident that such a high state of culture existed in Africa and you and I know nothing about it. Why, the man knew that as long as you and I thought we were somebody, he could never treat us like we were nobody. So he had to invent a system that would strip us of everything about us that we could use to prove we were somebody. And once he had stripped us of all human characteristics, stripped us of our language, stripped us of our history, stripped us of all cultural knowledge, and brought us down to the level of an animal – he then began to treat us like an animal, selling us from one plantation to another, selling us from one owner to another, breeding us like you breed cattle.

Why, brothers and sisters, when you wake up and find out what this man here has done to you and me, you won’t even wait for somebody to give the word. I’m not saying all of them are bad. There might be some good ones. But we don’t have time to look for them. Not nowadays.

“We must recapture our heritage and our identity if we are ever to liberate ourselves from the bonds of white supremacy. We must launch a cultural revolution to unbrainwash an entire people.” A cultural revolution. Why, brothers, that’s a crazy revolution. When you tell this black man in America who he is, where he came from, what he had when he was there, he’ll look around and ask himself, “Well, what happened to it, who took it away from us and how did they do it?” Why, brothers, you’ll have some action just like that. When you let the black man in America know where he once was and what he once had, why, he only needs to look at himself now to realize something criminal was done to him to bring him down to the low condition that he’s in today.

Once he realizes what was done, how it was done, where it was done, when it was done, and who did it, that knowledge in itself will usher in your action program. And it will be by any means necessary. A man doesn’t know how to act until he realizes what he’s acting against. And you don’t realize what you’re acting against until you realize what they did to you. Too many of you don’t know what they did to you, and this is what makes you so quick to want to forget and forgive. No, brothers, when you see what has happened to you, you will never forget and you’ll never forgive. And, as I say, all of them might not be guilty. But most of them are. Most of them are.”

You think our “first black President” and his wife — both Harvard Law graduates — don’t know the truth about our history???

Source: Malcolm X’s speech at the Founding Rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity in New York City, June 28, 1964.

“Some of us may believe in astrology and some of us may not, [but] we are all strongly influenced by the notion of fate, of our powerlessness in an existential world. John Paul Sartre said, ‘Nature is mute’ and we, embedded in the media dense, message dense, programming dense matrix of these hyper societies that we have created, often feel, I think, like helpless atoms running endlessly to the blueprint of unseen masters — whether its the banking industry, Madison Avenue, whoever. We tend to disempower ourselves. We tend to believe that we don’t matter and in the act of taking that idea to ourselves, we give everything away to somebody else, to something else. So, the rebirth of [the philosopher’s] stone and its possibility within each of us entails these two ideas: our divinity and our power to overcome fate. There is no inevitability in our lives unless we submit to the idea of inevitability and then, give ourselves over to it.” — Terence McKenna

“After the death of Prince Hall, his immediate successor was a Russian Jew by the name of Nero Prince in 1808 as Grand Master. In matters of this individual background, historian Davis wrote that the historical persecution of the Jews and the enslavement of Africans was something that each group had in common. However, the missing pages of history did not allow for Davis to make an accurate statement referring to the persecution of the Jews. If Brother Davis was referring to the book of Exodus of the Old Testament of the Bible, the European Jews were never enslaved because there was no historical evidence recording their presence in Egypt, nor expulsion. If Bro. Davis was referring to the persecution of European Jews in the European countries from 1012 to 1891[, their] persecution was with good reason in regards to their immoral activities such as economic exploitation, monopolizing and their participation in the African slave trade, which is laid out in the book called, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. The issue of the European Jews being persecuted in Nazi Germany is inadmissible in relation to the time period which Nero Prince was alive.”

It says “their immoral activities” included such things as “economic exploitation, monopolizing and their participation in the African slave trade.” Not much has changed I see….For example, “Jews” of European descent have historically held monopolistic power and control over Hollywood and the racial composition of those employed in Agent and other decisiomaking positions is still overrepresented by “Jews” of European descent TODAY although they only constitute approximately 2.1% of the U.S. population [African Americans represent more than 12% of the U.S. population]. Despite representing a minority of the world’s population, they have used powerful communicative mediums such as television and film to brainwash the majority and project the myth of white/”Jewish” superiority, as well as project the myth of black inferiority, onto the collective consciousness of the world — a big reason why ALL of us are still mentally enslaved in 2015….Wake up!! 

Source: Kanefer Heru. From Whence We Came. pg. 36. 2010. 

“Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living.” — Albert Einstein

Source: Einstein and the Poet: In the Search of the Cosmic Man. (1983).

today marks the 3 yr. anniversary of Me Against Iniquity!


I just got a notification from WordPress wishing me a Happy Anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been three years already!! I never wanted to be a “blogger,” but I started this blog to bring awareness about my racial discrimination case against the oldest talent agency in Hollywood [William Morris Endeavor Entertainment], as well as shed light on the blatant corruption taking place within our nation’s inherently racist judicial system. With thousands of visitors from more than 105 countries, I can honestly say that this blog has exceeded my expectations. I look forward to seeing this blog continue to grow! Hope you are learning as much as I am! x