Tagged: Richard King

“Blackness, as symbolized by the Black Dot, is the seed of humanity, the archetype of humanity, the black hidden doorway of historical unity with one’s ancestors. Webster’s dictionary defines seed as “the source, origin or beginning of anything; the part of a flowering plant that contains the embryo and will develop into a new plant; if sown, and fertilized and developed into ovule (new seeds).” Archetype is defined as the original model from which all other things of the same kind are made. Thus, archetype and seed are synonymous, both referring to the origin, the basic model of humanity upon which the race is patterned. Archetype means seed and is one of the ancient African names for seed. Archetype is composed of two main words arche and type. Type is defined as a person, thing or event that represents or symbolizes another especially another that is to come; the general form, structure, plan, style characterizing or distinguishing member of a class or group. Arch is defined as main, chief, principle; a curved structure used as support over an open space as in a doorway.”

Source: Richard King, M.D. African Origin of Biological Psychiatry. 1990.

“Certainly a racist or sexist person who is by definition both egocentric and ethnocentric, crazily attempting to conquer nature, at war with the universe will be overwhelmed by the infinite blackness of outer space and inner space. These people would rather destroy the world than find the Black Dot, hidden doorway that allows one to become one with nature, in rhythm with the universe, by using the accumulated wisdom a being of harmony with one’s ancestors contained within the body/mind/soul/spirit. Thus, reborn black people carry upon their shoulders the salvation of humanity, the revitalization of a human family that is lost, unable to find the hidden doorway to a spiritual harmonic unity with nature. The Black Dot is the hidden doorway of life which again is the doorway through which a reborn now dead/asleep people must pass.”

Source: Richard King, M.D. African Origin of Biological Psychiatry. 1990.

“Today’s reborn black, mental masters can focus the mind by embracing their historical blackness, developing a deep knowledge of one’s black ancestry and thereby becoming fluent in the translation of ancient images that appear in today’s world. As a result, dreams and visions of the great but seemingly impossible, will be brought into reality rather than ignored, just talked about, or partially developed. No longer will one submit to an ‘I can’t do attitude’ but one of ‘I will do,’ ‘I will make this life perfectly beautiful and I won’t stop until it is that way.’ ‘I will be my true Self.'”

Source: Richard King, M.D. African Origin of Biological Psychiatry. 1990.

“Presently, black people are awakening from the spell of mental slavery, ignorance of self, and an inability to spiritually focus the mind. Black people have learned that a major key to shattering the chains of mental slavery is to know one’s own history. When one knows the true fullness of the ancestor’s achievements then that person will believe that they can do the same today. When one knows what the ancestors did to develop themselves, in order to make such great advances, then they will know how to do the same today. For the ancestor and today’s black person is literally the same person: king, queen, architect, physician, teacher, artist, competitor, merchant, jurist, and military giant. In knowing one’s history one can expand the mind through the illusion of time and space, unite with ancient black priest- scientist ancestors, and utilize the same timeless and universal ideas to produce the same greatness.”

Source: Richard King, M.D. African Origin of Biological Psychiatry. 1990.

“A long line of highly intelligent scientists studied their own essence, and discovered a hidden doorway to their souls and spirits; a doorway to advanced laws and rhythms that span the universe. They discovered universal laws rooted in the black seed, feeding every dimension of time and space. These original titans found that all life came from a black seed, all life was rooted in blackness, and all things possessed a memory of their collective ancestors. Blackness, the universal solvent of all, was seen as the one reality from which life’s loom spun. All colors, all vibratory energies were but a shade of black. Black was the color of the night sky, primeval ocean, outer space, birthplace and womb of the planets, stars and galaxies of the universe; black holes were found at the center of our own galaxy and countless other galaxies. Black was the color of carbon, the key atom found in all living matter. Carbon atoms linked together to form black melanin, the first chemical that could capture light and reproduce itself. The chemical key to life and the brain itself was found to be centered around black neuromelanin. Inner vision, intuition, creative genius, and spiritual illumination were all found to be dependent upon pineal gland blood; born chemical messengers that controlled skin color and opened the hidden door to the darkness of the collective unconscious mind, allowing the ancient priest-scientist to visualize knowledge from the mind’s timeless collective unconscious memory banks. Indeed, Black Dot was found to be the hidden doorway to universal knowledge of the past, present and future.”

Source: Richard King, M.D. African Origin of Biological Psychiatry. 1990.