Tagged: puppet

further proof that President Barack H. Obama is a PUPPET for the WHITE ELITE and is deliberately engaging in a CONSPIRACY to maintain global white supremacy (racism) throughout AmeriKKKa & the world.

Obama made these statements in 1995 while promoting his book “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.”

20 years later, racism has only worsened in this country, yet, Obama — in his role as the PRESIDENT of the United States of America — continues to downplay the realities of white racism and say that he can’t do anything about institutional and systemic racism because he’s not just a president for black people, but he’s the president for “ALL PEOPLE.” BULLSHIT! [And why is it that Bernie Sanders can talk about it but Obama can’t? POLITICS!!!]

I’m so disgusted with this man. He symbolized hope for this country and so many bought into his propaganda, but he turned out to be nothing more than a puppet and a disgrace!

6.5 years into his presidency, President Obama NOW Says He Feels A “Great Urgency” To Address Issues Of Race Before Leaving White House.

If you — our nation’s first “black” president — waited that long to address an issue that has plagued and destroyed the lives of people of African descent living in this country for more than 400 years, your decision to NOT address global white supremacy (racism) head-on is clearly “political.”

“[T]he data is going to indicate — I said this before and I’m not happy about this, I don’t celebrate this. I don’t say it as a way of demonizing the president or casting an aspersion on him – but the data is going to indicate that black people lost ground in every single leading economic category during the Obama years.” — Tavis Smiley

i could see the powers that be saying: “O, you can be president, but only under one condition: don’t think about helping black people.”

Source: http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/tavis-smiley-discusses-martin-luther-king-jr/540f57d202a760da9a000207.

hmm….I didn’t know Timothy K. Lewis was also a member of the Board of Directors for the American Arbitration Association.

I find it interesting that I’m not able to locate any prior cases that Lewis has arbitrated on behalf of the AAA…

Source: http://www.constitutionproject.org/bio/timothy-k-lewis/

“And yet, if racism in this country is so bad that Obama dares not broach the subject, what effect does he think this backlash is having on everyday black people? Does Obama know that he is being used by whites as proof that racism in America no longer exists? Forget racial discrimination in the workplace; it can’t happen in the country that has a black president. Obama’s silence makes him complicit in this lie.” — Courtland Milloy