Tagged: Negropean

“‘Jews’ were a heavy part of the African slave trade in the America[s]! Compiled from Jewish documents, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews by the Nation of Islam reveals the vast Jewish involvement in the Atlantic slave trade. ‘Jews’ were also major slave sellers during the Middle Ages. (Van Sertima: African Presence in Early Europe p.161) These ‘Jewish’ slave-sellers were probably not ‘real Jews’ at all but Khazars. Counterfeit Jews: the hated, white ‘Khazars’ who have usurped the real Jews! … Historians are now recognizing that the majority of eastern so-called ‘Jews’ are actually ‘Khazars’ and have NO Semitic roots whatsoever! The Khazars are impostors: well-suppressed knowledge is emerging about this war-like tribe of whites that rose to power in Eastern Europe and were hated by the other whites they conquered due to [their] severe, exploitative treatment of them. The Khazars all converted to Judaism as a political ploy during the Middle Ages. It appears that they learned all they could from the real Hebrews before usurping them, selling them into slavery (or killing them) and taking over in their place — using the corrupted form of Judaism to hide behind while continuing their treachery right into modern times.”

If “Jews” of European descent represent 2.1 percent of the U.S. population (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/usjewpop.html), why are they overrepresented in industries like Hollywood & Wall Street or in positions of power (e.g. 3 out of 9 or 33 percent of the justices on the Supreme Court are “Jews” of European descent) and why are American citizens of African descent HISTORICALLY underrepresented? How is this even possible if past and/or present, racism is not occurring at the macro level? How the fuck is this possible if these impostors are NOT the true Jews and there’s no way in hell they can be “God’s chosen people” based on their egregious crimes against people of African descent? Wake up black people!! Wake up world!!!!!

Source: http://realneo.us/content/original-biblical-jews-were-black-african-people.

watch RICHARD PRYOR explain why his trip to AFRICA made him stop using the word “NIGGER.” [a must watch for black people]

“To be successful as a black man in this country, you have to be bicultural. White people can function in a white world and only concern themselves with white things. But a black man has to know it all.” — Arsenio Hall

Source: Joslyn Pine. Book of African-American Quotations. 2011.

“Ms. [Loretta] Lynch, who is expected to face Senate confirmation hearings in the coming weeks to become the next attorney general, is easy to misread. President Obamapredicted that she would carry on the legacy of Eric H. Holder Jr., an African-American who proudly declared himself an activist and became the administration’s most outspoken voice on race. But while Ms. Lynch shares Mr. Holder’s views on issues such as the strained relations between the police and minorities, her friends and colleagues describe someone cautious and comfortable staying in the background who sees her role as that of a traditional prosecutor and not a civil rights advocate.”

After reading this article, I do not have a good feeling about Ms. Lynch and I do not think that she’s the best person to replace Attorney General Eric Holder given all of the racial tension that this country is experiencing as a result of people trying to ignore the fact that we live in an inherently racist society. I’m sure that an article like this will make the majority white members of Congress happy and will make it easier for her to get confirmed for this position. Smdh.

Source: Matt Apuzzo. “Nominee for Attorney General Less Activist Than Eric Holder.” New York Times. January 12, 2015. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/13/us/politics/loretta-lynch-attorney-general-nominee.html?_r=0.

“One of the underlying assumptions of integration was that a solid education among whites would produce blacks qualified intellectually and socially to fit into middle-class, white-collar, corporate America. But rarely, except by those outside the civil-rights orthodoxy, was there any discussion about what kind of people, morally and spiritually, this ‘progress’ would produce. The truth is that since white values were held up as primary role models, many blacks, through no fault of their own, lost contact with the uniqueness of their people,and with their own heritage…As a result of these broad social changes, black culture, and especially R&B music, has atrophied.”

Source: Nelson George. The Death of Rhythm & Blues. pg. xii. 1988

“Although the U.S. Supreme Court is the most diverse it has ever been – three of the nine justices are women and two are minorities – the elite bar that comes before it is strikingly homogeneous: Of the 66 top lawyers, 63 are white. Only eight are women.”


Of course, zero [or one  if you count the man on the last row, second from the right] out of the 75 “elite” lawyers identified by Reuters as having the most “success of getting cases before the high court,” are African American. And of course, it is the group that benefits the most from America’s white supremacist system, that are quick to downplay the role of race and/or say to African Americans and other people of color that race/racism doesn’t matter/exist. Sdmh! Houston, we clearly have a problem!!

Source: Jan Biskupic, Janet Roberts and John Shiffman. “At America’s Court of Last Resort, A Handful of Lawyers Now Dominates the Docket.” Reuters. December 8, 2014. http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/scotus/.

“Racism in America depends for its survival in large part on the smothering of antiracist voices, especially when those voices come from popular and widely respected individuals — like Albert Einstein.”

Source: Fred Jerome and Rodger Taylor. Einstein On Race and Racism. pg. x. 2005.

House Intelligence chairman Mike J. Rogers says the release of a Senate report on the CIA’s interrogation techniques will be used by terrorists to incite violence: “Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths.”

NO SHIT SHERLOCK! Wasn’t 9/11 an “inside job” anyway?!? George W. Bush’s “war on terror” was just another series unjustified wars to destroy black and brown peoples and take control over them and their land’s natural resources. When one is aware of those facts, how could this report have anything remotely good to say?

People (including American citizens) are going to be further outraged by the inhumane treatment the West has shown to predominately black and brown nations of the world and its people. Just think of all the money America has spent [and made] on developing weapons and building prisons, to feed their psychopathic and racist urges. It cost $50 million to conduct an investigation into the “Bush-era CIA interrogation tactics [used] on detainees in the years after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks” and produce a report that majority will never read. Most importantly, think about the millions of lives have have been lost over the many lies of the West…

One doesn’t have to read the report to know that it will not be entirely truthful and a lot facts will be omitted since they are ultimately judging themselves. However, Rogers’ statements indicate that there will be enough information in the report to incite many nations around the world (more than they already are). I believe this report will further confirm that it is the imperialistic West that has ALWAYS been the aggressor [as demonstrated throughout history]. Hopefully, more people will wake up and see past their crocodile tears to hopefully realize that these psychopaths are a bunch of frauds and have never been the victims they proclaim to be.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/09/politics/cia-torture-report/index.html?hpt=hp_t1.

“I’m the descendant of enslaved black people in this country. You could’ve been born in 1820, if you were black and looked back to your ancestors and saw nothing but slaves all the way back to 1619. Look forward another 50 or 60 years and saw nothing but slaves. There was no reason at that point in time to believe that emancipation was 40 or 50 years off. And yet folks resisted and folks fought on. So fatalism isn’t really an option. Even if you think you’re not going to necessarily win the fight today in your lifetime, in your child’s lifetime, you still have to fight. It’s kind of selfish to say that you’re only going to fight for a victory that you will live to see. As an African-American, we stand on the shoulders of people who fought despite not seeing victories in their lifetime or even in their children’s lifetime or even in their grandchildren’s lifetime. So fatalism isn’t really an option.” — Ta-Nehisi Coates

This is exactly the reason why I have fought this case in the unrelentless way that I have. This case is soooo much bigger than me! I was so disgusted after finding out that my inability to be hired and/or promoted to Agent was not an “isolated” incident and that William Morris has been engaging in a pattern and practice of excluding qualified African Americans from positions like Agent for more than a CENTURY with “malice and/or reckless indifference” to our federally protected rights. I’m not only fighting for my human & civil rights, but I’m fighting for the human rights of all people of African descent (and ultimately everyone) — so that we may no longer have to live in a society governed under an unjust, white/”Jewish” supremacist system that explicitly and/or implicitly reminds black people every day, in every aspect of our lives (e.g.  in the classroom, in the workplace, in the media, in our judicial system, etc.), that our lives don’t mean shit, that we are inferior, less than, second class citizens, three-fifths a person, that we don’t have rights that the white man is bound to respect, etc. They need to deal with their issues and they — not us — need to get rid of their backwards and racist thinking. Their entire existence is based on a lie (the myth of white racial superiority) and this oppressive culture has the AUDACITY to say that WE are the problem! Smdh. Lauryn Hill said it perfectly:  “Unlearn, and let your mind be retaught.” It’s the only way transformative change throughout our country and the world can occur!