Tagged: monetary relief

Marcus Isaiah Washington’s petition for a writ of certiorari has been DISTRIBUTED to the Justices on the Supreme Court and will be considered during their Nov. 24th conference!

JusticesConferenceRoomI just happened to check the docket for my case and saw that yesterday, it was updated.

There’s no telling what will happen, but I’m excited to see what their response will be.

Mr. Washington’s Petition For Writ of Certiorari [September 23, 2015]:

WME and Loeb & Loeb LLP’s Response Waiver [October 21, 2015]:

“David Cameron is facing calls for Britain to pay billions of pounds in reparations for slavery ahead of his first official visit to Jamaica on Tuesday. Downing Street said the prime minister does not believe reparations or apologies for slavery are the right approach, but the issue is set to overshadow his trade trip to the island, where he will address the Jamaican parliament. Ahead of his trip, Sir Hilary Beckles, chair of the Caricom Reparations Commission, has led calls for Cameron to start talks on making amends for slavery and referenced the prime minister’s ancestral links to the trade in the 1700s through his cousin six times removed, General Sir James Duff.”

Source: Rowena Mason. “Jamaica Calls For Britain To Pay Billions Of Pounds In Reparations For Slavery.” The Guardian. September 28, 2015. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/29/jamaica-calls-britain-pay-billions-pounds-reparations-slavery.

pleadings to the Supreme Court are submitted!!

Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis:

Petition For Writ of Certiorari:

I can’t believe I wrote these documents in five days!! No matter what the outcome is, I’m proud of myself for never giving up and seeing this case through to the end.

I’ve excelled in science, math & history, studied psychology & law, lived out my dreams by working various jobs in the music & entertainment  business and unintentionally became a human rights activist for the last five years. Now, I’m going to spend the next few months thinking about the next thing I want to do with my life. Whatever that may be, the goal is that it must also leave a positive impact on the world.

“American culture is imbued with fears that African Americans will someday repay the violence and oppression that has marred their history in this country, according to linguist and cultural critic Noam Chomsky. Speaking with philosopher George Yancy about the roots of American racism, from Native American genocide to anti-black discrimination, Chomsky emphasized the ongoing impact of black enslavement and subjugation in the U.S., saying ‘fears that the victims might rise up and take revenge are deeply rooted in American culture, with reverberations to the present.'”

Source: Kali Holloway. “Noam Chomsky: Slavery and White Fear of Revenge ‘Deeply Rooted in American Culture.'” AlterNet. March 19, 2015. http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/noam-chomsky-slavery-and-white-fear-revenge-deeply-rooted-american-culture.

TODAY marks a year from the day Arbitrator David L. Gregory of the American Arbitration Association issued his Partial Final Award, which concluded that “William Morris Endeavor Entertainment LLP discriminated against [me] in violation of pertinent federal, state, and local law prohibiting discrimination in employment on the basis of race” and indicated during phase two of our bifurcated proceeding, that I was entitled to the full gamut of monetary damages (e.g. back pay, front pay, compensatory & punitive damages, “reasonable fees and costs, as a pro se non-attorney prevailing party on statutory claims in a case of considerable procedural and substantive complexity,” etc.)

Although the American Arbitration Association knew they did not have jurisdiction to disqualify Arbitrator Gregory after he issued his final decision concerning on the issue of liability, they disqualified him anyway and never provided a reason. Thus, my victory was short-lived due to the fact that AAA conspired to deprive me of my constitutional right to due process and Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel of the Southern District of New York turned a blind eye to the overall fraud that was being perpetrated in my case at the hands of highly unethical Loeb & Loeb LLP attorneys Michael P. Zweig and Christian Carbone on William Morris’ behalf.

the Reply to my Motion for Extraordinary Relief is submitted to the 2nd Circuit!!!

Wow! I can’t believe that in four days, I was able to condense my discussion of the overall fraud that has been perpetrated upon the Court by Loeb & Loeb LLP and the Court itself, into those 10 pages!! What makes things even better, is that if the appellate court denies my Motion [without providing an ethical and objective judicial opinion], then this pleading can essentially serve as my petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court.

Below are some pix chronicling my day as I prepared to submit what could very well be the last pleading I submit to the Second Circuit:






Thank you GOD for always watching over me [and intervening while I was at the post office to prevent me from mailing Loeb & Loeb LLP the wrong version of the pleading]!!

“A wise man told me the first step towards change is AWARENESS. The second step is ACCEPTANCE. Are YOU AWARE of the CHANGES that are HAPPENING AROUND YOU? Are you WILLING to ACCEPT THE CHANGE THAT IS UPON US? It’s time for a SHIFT. A METAMORPHOSIS, a MODIFICATION, a DIFFERENCE….LIFE doesn’t get better by CHANCE, it gets better by CHANGE.” — Charlamagne Tha God


Perfect timing! I just heard this song two days ago, but Charlamagne’s quote definitely resonated with me. Dope record! And she’s only 19 years old…

Source: Tink feat. Charlamagne Tha God — “Around the Clock” (2014) (produced by Timbaland)

after being informed that I would be seeking a Modification of Arbitrator Timothy K. Lewis’ “Final Award” by July 16, 2014 with the American Arbitration Association, WME and Loeb & Loeb LLP move to confirm Arbitrator’s Lewis’ Award with P. Kevin Castel of the Southern District of New York. Smh.

It’s just one thing after another…I can’t believe how Loeb & Loeb LLP Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone and Michael Barnett distorted the record in the way that they did! It’s almost as if being dishonest and unethical is part of their DNA!  It’s quite disturbing actually. Of course, there’s no mention in their submissions today of the fact that the AAA violated its own rules by disqualifying the original arbitrator, David L. Gregory, after he  found William Morris guilty of discriminating against me because of my race & awarded me significant monetary damages including backpay, front pay, compensatory & punitive damages, pro se attorneys fees, etc.  OR that Arbitrator Lewis violated the Federal Arbitration Act — the law Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel proclaimed to be upholding when he compelled this landmark employment discrimination case into arbitration nearly three years ago — by vacating Arbitrator Gregory’s Partial Final Award, amongst numerous other things supporting the fact that fraud has been occurring in my case since its inception. It’s such a shame that people like this exist in the world. They should have no place in our society.