Tagged: “leader of the free world”

further proof that President Barack H. Obama is a PUPPET for the WHITE ELITE and is deliberately engaging in a CONSPIRACY to maintain global white supremacy (racism) throughout AmeriKKKa & the world.

Obama made these statements in 1995 while promoting his book “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.”

20 years later, racism has only worsened in this country, yet, Obama — in his role as the PRESIDENT of the United States of America — continues to downplay the realities of white racism and say that he can’t do anything about institutional and systemic racism because he’s not just a president for black people, but he’s the president for “ALL PEOPLE.” BULLSHIT! [And why is it that Bernie Sanders can talk about it but Obama can’t? POLITICS!!!]

I’m so disgusted with this man. He symbolized hope for this country and so many bought into his propaganda, but he turned out to be nothing more than a puppet and a disgrace!