Tagged: “Jewish cabal”

“Bale feels the time will come when another film about Moses will be cast with a North African or Middle Eastern actor. ‘To me that would be a day of celebration. For the actors it would be wonderful. It would be a wonderful day for humanity, but also for films and for storytelling in general,’ he said.”

If Kemet (original name of Egypt) meant “land of the blacks” and in Exodus chapter four, verse six, it states:

And the LORD said furthermore unto [Moses], Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow

how could ANYONE believe and/or portray all of the kings, gods and other religious figures in the film as white, while making sure that all slaves are depicted as black? [If the miracle was that God turned Moses’ hand white as snow, then clearly Moses’ hand (and body) was of color.] Based on the director’s casting choices, Scott Ridley is basically perpetuating a very dangerous myth that people of African descent have made no contributions to civilization and that we have been slaves all of our lives! That is FALSE!!! Hence one of the reasons for the film’s backlash.

So, yes Bale, it would be a “wonderful day for humanity” if the TRUTH became more important than MAKING A PROFIT, so we could ALL stop having our realities shaped and distorted by a bunch of European myths and lies. Although Bale seemed a little more sensitive to the issue of historical accuracy, the arrogant ass director’s response to [black] people being offended by the fact that he and Hollywood are continuing to make millions by whitewashing/rewriting history and exploiting/misappropriating our culture, is that we need to “get a life.” Smdh!

Source: John Carucci. “Scott, Bale Defend Choice on Exodus Casting.’ Associated Press. December 8, 2014. http://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/movies/20141208_ap_29866a953d034ab891d2fd87a79ff54b.html?c=r.

“Claims against the NYPD cost the city $212 MILLION IN 2014 ALONE” and “NEARLY HALF A BILLION” over the LAST 5 YEARS WHILE William Morris Endeavor Entertainment LLC (formerly the WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY) has engaged in an INTENTIONAL pattern and practice of EXCLUDING QUALIFIED African Americans from positions such as Agent because of their RACE, COLOR AND/OR NATIONAL ORIGIN and has NEVER PAID A DIME FOR VIOLATING THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, NEW YORK CITY HUMAN RIGHTS LAW, SHERMAN ACT, etc. and NEVER had the MERITS of RACIAL DISCRIMINATION LAWSUITS filed against them IN FEDERAL COURT be decided by an IMPARTIAL JURY?????? #RACEBASEDCONSPIRACY #FRAUDUPONTHECOURT

New York Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo, whose chokehold killed Eric Garner on Staten Island in July, has been sued by residents claiming various abuses in at least three separate cases.

In one of those cases, Pantaleo is accused of falsely arresting and humiliating two men, who say Pantaleo searched them illegally, forced them to pull their pants and underwear down in public, squat and cough.

The City of New York settled that claim for $30,000 – $15,000 for each party involved.

A grand jury earlier this week announced that it would not be indicting Pantaleo in Garner’s death, despite the outcry from community groups who say the NYPD has systematically targeted black and Hispanic men for harassment.

“Claims against members of New York’s finest have swelled by 31% over the past five years. In that time, the city has paid out nearly a half-billion dollars.”

The payout amount in the earlier Pantaleo case is hardly unusual for New York City, where claims against members of New York’s finest have swelled by 31% over the past five years. In that time, the city has paid out nearly a half-billion dollars in claims. According to the New York City Comptroller’s Office, there were 9,500 claims filed against the police department in 2013, to the tune of $137 million. The total amount paid out in fiscal year 2014 has ballooned to $212 million.

Claims against the police department accounted for 37% of the claims against the city by residents, the largest of any of the city’s major agencies, including health and human services, sanitation, transportation, and parks and recreation.

Source: Trymaine Lee. “Claims Against NYPD Cost the City $212 Million In 2014 Alone.” MSNBC. December 5, 2014.  http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/claims-against-the-nypd-cost-the-city-millions-year?CID=sm_FB,

“The central role of mass media, especially a corporate media beholden to the U.S. neoliberal regime, is to keep public discourse narrow and deodorized. By “narrow” I mean confining the conversation to conservative Republican and neoliberal Democrats who shut out prophetic voices or radical visions. This fundamental power to define the political terrain and categories attempts to render prophetic voices invisible. The discourse is deodorized because the issues that prophetic voices highlight, such as mass incarceration, wealth inequality, and war crimes such as imperial drones murdering innocent people, are ignored.” — Cornel West

Source: Cornel West. “Cornel West: The state of Black America in the age of Obama has been one of desperation, confusion and capitulation.” Slate. October 5, 2014. http://www.salon.com/2014/10/05/cornel_west_the_state_of_black_america_in_the_age_of_obama_has_been_one_of_desperation_confusion_and_capitulation/.

watch BILL MAHER, BEN AFFLECK and others debate about ISLAMOPHOBIA.

but nobody discussed that the “Jews” who inhabit Israel are not the original Jews or that all three of the major religions (e.g. Judaism, Christianity and Islam) have African origins. these European “Jews” falsely believe that they are “God’s chosen people” and thus, they can do whatever the fuck they want, including take other people’s land and kill them for fighting back. this group of people [collectively speaking] are at the root of the world’s problems and they, as well as other whites [collectively speaking], are committing atrocious CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (e.g. people of African descent, people in the Middle East [racism is bigger than religion], and other non-white cultures/peoples throughout the world). wake up people!!

I think it’s probably best for the NY Attorney’s General office to forward my complaint against William Morris Endeavor Entertainment for intentional violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to Mr. Eric Holder…

I have presented a pyramid of evidence demonstrating William Morris’ 116 year pattern and continuing practice of intentionally discriminating against African Americans — which is not limited to employment.

In the section titled “Civil Actions By the Attorney General” the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states in §2000e-6:

(a) Complaint

Whenever the Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe that any person or group of persons is engaged in a pattern or practice of resistance to the full enjoyment of any of the rights secured by this subchapter, and that the pattern or practice is of such a nature and is intended to deny the full exercise of the rights herein described, the Attorney General may bring a civil action in the appropriate district court of the United States by filing with it a complaint (1) signed by him (or in his absence the Acting Attorney General), (2) setting forth facts pertaining to such pattern or practice, and (3) requesting such relief, including an application for a permanent or temporary injunction, restraining order or other order against the person or persons responsible for such pattern or practice, as he deems necessary to insure the full enjoyment of the rights herein described.

(b) Jurisdiction; three-judge district court for cases of general public importance: hearing, determination, expedition of action, review by Supreme Court; single judge district court: hearing, determination, expedition of action

The district courts of the United States shall have and shall exercise jurisdiction of proceedings instituted pursuant to this section, and in any such proceeding the Attorney General may file with the clerk of such court a request that a court of three judges be convened to hear and determine the case. Such request by the Attorney General shall be accompanied by a certificate that, in his opinion, the case is of general public importance. A copy of the certificate and request for a three-­judge court shall be immediately furnished by such clerk to the chief judge of the circuit (or in his absence, the presiding circuit judge of the circuit) in which the case is pending. Upon receipt of such request it shall be the duty of the chief judge of the circuit or the presiding circuit judge, as the case may be, to designate immediately three judges in such circuit, of whom at least one shall be a circuit judge and another of whom shall be a district judge of the court in which the proceeding was instituted, to hear and determine such case, and it shall be the duty of the judges so designated to assign the case for hearing at the earliest practicable date, to participate in the hearing and determination thereof, and to cause the case to be in every way expedited. An appeal from the final judgment of such court will lie to the Supreme Court.

In the event the Attorney General fails to file such a request in any such proceeding, it shall be the duty of the chief judge of the district (or in his absence, the acting chief judge) in which the case is pending immediately to designate a judge in such district to hear and determine the case. In the event that no judge in the district is available to hear and determine the case, the chief judge of the district, or the acting chief judge, as the case may be, shall certify this fact to the chief judge of the circuit (or in his absence, the acting chief judge) who shall then designate a district or circuit judge of the circuit to hear and determine the case.

What’s the diversity like at the New York Attorney General’s office? Hmmm….It doesn’t appear to be too many African American investigators or African Americans employed in positions of power there. If so, why haven’t I met one given the severity of William Morris’ wrongdoing? Eric Holder should step in, so he can also investigate the unlawful actions of William Morris’ counsel Loeb & Loeb LLP (including attorneys Michael P. Zweig, Helen Gavaris, Christian Carbone, Tal Dickstein, Michael Barnett and Michael Beck), as well as their co-conspirators (including Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP (now known as Dentons LLP), Martin Gold, Raymond Heslin, Richard Primoff, Republican appointed federal judge Robert P. Patterson, the American Arbitration Association, Timothy K. Lewis and many others.

Between 2000 and 2011, the New York office of William Morris was only able to identify ONE African American “qualified” enough to be hired as an Agent. His name was Manie Barron. Barron became the first African American literary Agent in the department’s 58 year history.

William Morris Endeavor Entertainment (formerly known as the William Morris Agency) and others are engaged in a per se, race-based conspiracy containing horizontal and vertical elements to exclude qualified African Americans and people of color from meaningful employment opportunities throughout Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

Is Hollywood dominated by a “JEWISH CABAL”?

No one denies that William Cash’s article about Hollywood Jews was rude. But was it anti-Semitic?

The Spectator, a conservative and irreverent British weekly that published an article by Cash in its Oct. 29 issue on the alleged domination of Hollywood by a “Jewish cabal,” is still feeling the reverberations of the controversy touched off on both sides of the Atlantic.

Fifteen leading Hollywood personalities, including Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Kirk Douglas and Barbra Streisand, signed a letter to the Spectator accusing Cash of advancing “anti-Semitic stereotypes” and “racist cant.” Leon Wieseltier, literary editor of the New Republic, wrote to the Spectator’s editor hinting at retribution and said: “You run a filthy magazine.”

In Britain, Michael William-Jones, chief executive of United International Pictures, and Neville Nagler, chief executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, are among those who have taken offense.

The Spectator says an unnamed American company has withdrawn its advertising from the magazine, which is owned by Conrad Black, publisher of London’s Daily Telegraph.

Spectator Editor Dominic Lawson, himself a Jew, defends Cash from charges of anti-Semitism and has raised the question of whether the British press is freer than the liberal press in the U.S. He accused The New York Times, Washington Post and Boston Globe of practicing self-censorship on sensitive racial issues.

Cash, 28, Hollywood correspondent of the Daily Telegraph and an occasional contributor to the Spectator, said his offending article was intended as a response to an article in the October issue of Vanity Fair on the so-called New Establishment in the U.S.

The Vanity Fair article pointed out that the old Establishment was predominantly WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), but did not state that many of the new movers and shakers in the entertainment industry are Jewish.

Cash wrote that Jews traditionally have dominated Hollywood and claimed that a “Jewish cabal” operates to exclude non-Jews from positions in the entertainment industry.

He also wrote that Hollywood Jews are “socially maladroit and culturally nihilist,” referring to their “nylon jogging anoraks, fluffy white socks, digital watches and faded jeans.”

After protest letters began pouring in, Cash apologized in the Spectator for causing offense, saying no anti-Semitism was “intended or felt.” He said the words he used about how Jews always have worked together in the movie business, including the phrase “Jewish cabal,” had been taken from a book by Neal Gabler, “An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood.” But he said Gabler now is leading the attack against him.

Read more of the article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardbusch/2013/03/25/walking-on-the-california-talent-agency-acts-thin-ice-personal-managers-beware/.

This article was written in 1994 — 20 years ago. I bolded the last paragraph because after of learning about Cash’s article a few years ago, I also started using this phrase in my pleadings. I didn’t know that Cash had gotten the phrase from Gabler’s book, which I own. Gabler, I believe, is Jewish. His book was praised after it was released and he’s also written other articles for the New York Times about the issue of racism in Hollywood, so why wasn’t he called “anti-Semitic” like Cash and I?  I have presented a pyramid of evidence to demonstrate that this is a fact, and it hasn’t been sufficiently refuted by William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone or any of the other attorneys involved in this case.  I’ll provide a link to Cash’s actual article later.

“There is an inverse relationship between the racial make-up of the decision makers and: (1) the number of actors and entertainers who are least represented on television, film and within the media at large and (2) how the “other” race is portrayed, depicted and/or stereotyped through these powerful mediums of persuasion. Given the consistent bias throughout the media, television and film by those in power who have a clear animus or bias towards non-Whites, this becomes nothing short of special interest propaganda.” — Marcus I. Washington, September 28, 2011.

Reviewing some of the arguments made in my past pleadings — I’m definitely ahead of my time.

Thanks to John W. Cones, Esq.’s “What’s Really Going On In Hollywood?” (http://www.filmreform.org/whats.htm) for helping me have a better understanding of how Hollywood’s discriminatory employment practices help perpetuate the myth of black inferiority and maintain global white/”Jewish” supremacy (racism) throughout society. One of my favorites quotes of his is:

[I]t is  time that this privately controlled culture-promotion machine be dismantled, so that all segments of this nation’s multi-cultural society have an equal opportunity to tell their important cultural stories through this significant medium for the communication of ideas. After all, it is also clear that regardless of who controls  Hollywood and with what results, it is  absolutely inappropriate in our multi-cultural society for any readily identifiable interest group (whether the group identity is  based on ethnicity, culture, religion, class or otherwise) to  be allowed to dominate or control this, or any important communications medium. Diversity is the key.

By the way, John W. Cones, Esq. is not African American. He is a white male. Does that make him racist or “anti-Semitic” for being an advocate of DIVERSITY?