Tagged: house negro

“The traitor of other races is generally confined to the mediocre or irresponsible individual, but, unfortunately, the traitors among the Negro race are generally to be found among the men with the highest place in education and society, the fellows who call themselves leaders.” — Marcus Garvey

“Just as the slavemaster in that day used Tom — the house negro — to keep the field negros in check, the same old slavemaster today, has negros who are nothing but modern Uncle Toms, 20th century Uncle Toms, to keep you and me in check. [To] keep us under control, keep us passive and peaceful and nonviolent. That’s Tom making you nonviolent.” — Malcolm X

“…[W]e still got some house niggers running around here. This modern house negro loves his master. He wants to live near him. He’ll pay three times as much as the house is worth just to live near his master, and then brag about, ‘I’m the only negro out here. I’m the only one on my job. I’m the only one in this school.’ You [are] nothing but a house negro. And if someone [came] to you right now and said, ‘Let’s separate,’ you’ll say the same thing that the house negro said on the plantation. ‘What you mean separate? From America? This good white man? Where [are] you going to get a better job than you get here?’ I mean this is what you say. ‘I ain’t left nothing in Africa.’ That’s what you say. Well, you left your mind in Africa.” — Malcolm X