Tagged: Harvard Law

further proof that President Barack H. Obama is a PUPPET for the WHITE ELITE and is deliberately engaging in a CONSPIRACY to maintain global white supremacy (racism) throughout AmeriKKKa & the world.

Obama made these statements in 1995 while promoting his book “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.”

20 years later, racism has only worsened in this country, yet, Obama — in his role as the PRESIDENT of the United States of America — continues to downplay the realities of white racism and say that he can’t do anything about institutional and systemic racism because he’s not just a president for black people, but he’s the president for “ALL PEOPLE.” BULLSHIT! [And why is it that Bernie Sanders can talk about it but Obama can’t? POLITICS!!!]

I’m so disgusted with this man. He symbolized hope for this country and so many bought into his propaganda, but he turned out to be nothing more than a puppet and a disgrace!

“At a campus community meeting Thursday, [Harvard Law dean Martha] Minow acknowledged that racism is a ‘serious problem’ at the law school and said that ‘racism exists in America and in the United States and in Harvard and in Harvard Law School,’ reported the Harvard Crimson, a campus newspaper.”

When shit hits the fan and blatant acts of racism become exposed, now you want to acknowledge REALITY and make a statement like that?!?!?! GTFOH!?!

Charles Olgetree detailed Harvard Law’s history of racism in his law article published by HARVARD BLACKLETTER LAW JOURNAL in 2009 titled “From Dred Scott to Barack Obama: The Ebb and Flow of Race Jurisprudence”…so this isn’t anything new.

So my question to the administration, dean and other decisionmakers at Harvard is: What has Harvard University, the deans and others been doing SINCE THE PASSAGE OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 to fix this widespread problem of institutionalized and systemic racism and create a learning environment that’s racially diverse and inclusive to all???

This is sad because white racism is a learned behavior. Anyone with a knowledge of history knows that those classified as white are not superior — biologically, intellectually or spiritually. What sadder is that we treat those who graduate from these ivy league schools as if they are the smartest people on the planet, but how educated can these ivy leaguers truly be if they are being brainwashed with nothing but a bunch of white lies about the history of Europe and America?

Source: “Harvard Law has ‘serious’ racism problem, dean says after Black Professors’ Portraits Defaced.” The Washington Post. November 19, 2015. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2015/11/19/defacing-of-black-harvard-professor-portraits-investigated-as-hate-crime/.

“Harvard’s role in this struggle for racial justice proceeded unabated into the 1960s as more African American students attended the Law School…One of the great successes of these early pioneers was their decision to press Harvard Law School to hire black faculty. Derek Bok, who was the Law School dean at the time and who later became president of Harvard University, accepted the students’ demands; one of the Harvard Black Law Students Association (HBLSA) leaders, Robert Bell (who is now the Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals), was allowed to meet with Professor Derrick Bell, then teaching at the University of Southern California, and offer him a position. In 1969, he became the first African American member of the Harvard Law School faculty. Harvard students’ ability to translate a critical mass of black law students into its first African American faculty member was a celebration to behold.”

Source: Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. From Dred Scott to Barack Obama: The Ebb and Flow of Race Jurisprudence. 25 Harvard Blackletter L. J. 6-7. 2009.

“In dealing with something ‘as deeply rooted as racism or bias in any society, you’ve got to have vigilance but you have to recognize that it’s going to take some time and you just have to be steady so that you don’t give up when you don’t get all the way there,’ Obama said.”

It looks like President Barack Hussein Obama is finally ready to have more of an open & honest dialogue about the issue of race and racism in our majority white society. On the day of Obama’s second inauguration, I posted that he would not get through his second term without addressing and helping eradicate this problem. Well now, it’s actually beginning to happen! A few days ago, Obama gave what has been described by the Associated Press as “his most candid interview on race” with BET, which aired last night. I haven’t had the opportunity to watch the interview yet, but timing of this all is not accidental. Things are going to get very interesting from here on out…

Source: “President Obama Gives His Most Candid Interview on Race.” Associated Press. December 7, 2014. http://thegrio.com/2014/12/08/obama-gives-his-most-candid-interview-on-race/.