Tagged: Garden of Eden

“Today Africa is recognized as the very cradle of the human race.”

1985NovemberNationalGeographicHologramMisprint (2)

If the National Geographic knows this to be true, why are those in power who have the responsibility of determining what is taught in our Western educational system, still refusing to teach the truth about Africa being the birthplace of humanity and civilization? The answer is simple: to maintain the myth of white racial superiority. It’s the same reason why Jesus is still being portrayed as white and having European features…How much different would society be if our realities were shaped by truth and not lies?

Source: Kenneth F. Weaver. “Stones, Bones, and Early Man: The Search for Our Ancestors.” National Geographic, Vol. 168, No. 5. November 1985.

“The Southern Cross, Milky Way, Large Magellanic Cloud and Carina Nebula, viewed from Kenya.”


Beautiful! Did man create all of this?? Hell no!

Source: Babak Tafreshi/National Geographic Society, via Corbis; Vanessa Barbara. “The Dazzle of the Southern Sky.” New York Times. December 27, 2014. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/28/opinion/sunday/stargazing-is-better-in-the-southern-hemisphere.html?_r=0.

“If you sequence the genome of an African individual (pretty much from anywhere except North Africa), you will generally find more locations in their DNA that are variable than for any non-African individual. Why is this the case? Population geneticists believe that the world outside of Africa was initially populated by humans who migrated out of Africa. The presumption is that if the number of such individuals migrating was small, then some of the genetic variation was lost in the process. As I described before, genetic drift (fluctuation in allele frequencies) can happen when a population is small. The random fluctuation means that some alleles increase in frequency and others decrease. The ones that decrease may be lost altogether. You tend to find that the amount of genetic variation decreases along the migration routes out of Africa (more or less by distance from Africa, but of course population bottlenecks can also happen anywhere along the way).” — Geneticist Neil Risch, Director for the Institute for Human Genetics at University of California San Francisco

Source: Ta-Nehisi Coates. “Race, Intelligence, and Genetics For Dummies: A Q&A With A Geneticist.” The Atlantic. May 23, 2013. http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/05/race-intelligence-and-genetics-for-curious-dummies/276154/?single_page=true.