Tagged: freedom time

“The most potent weapon of the oppressor, is the mind of the oppressed.” — Steve Biko

“Some of us may believe in astrology and some of us may not, [but] we are all strongly influenced by the notion of fate, of our powerlessness in an existential world. John Paul Sartre said, ‘Nature is mute’ and we, embedded in the media dense, message dense, programming dense matrix of these hyper societies that we have created, often feel, I think, like helpless atoms running endlessly to the blueprint of unseen masters — whether its the banking industry, Madison Avenue, whoever. We tend to disempower ourselves. We tend to believe that we don’t matter and in the act of taking that idea to ourselves, we give everything away to somebody else, to something else. So, the rebirth of [the philosopher’s] stone and its possibility within each of us entails these two ideas: our divinity and our power to overcome fate. There is no inevitability in our lives unless we submit to the idea of inevitability and then, give ourselves over to it.” — Terence McKenna

watch LAURYN HILL’s performance of “War In The Mind” & “Mystery of Iniquity (All Falls Down)” @ AFROPUNK 2015 in Brooklyn, NY.

Here is a clip of the end of Lauryn’s Unplugged portion of her set. I named this blog Me Against Iniquity, in part, because of her song “Mystery Of Iniquity.” Many labeled her “crazy” for releasing this album 13 years ago, but when you look at the dismal state of black America today, then it is clear that she is socially conscious and artistically speaking, nothing less than genius. 

Although Afropunk cut Lauryn’s mic off, I’m glad she started the first 30 minutes of her set performing newly arranged songs from her 2002 MTV Unplugged album!!!