Tagged: dynamic projection

“God is not just a man. God is a divine balance between male and female. I honestly believe we shall liberate ourselves when we understand that God is not just a man. The cornerstone to the problem of Western civilization is that their man does not know his own mother. And in not knowing his mother, he grows to curse the womb from whence he came…[Y]ou can never amount to anything if you curse the womb from whence you came.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

Humanity and civilization began in Africa! The continent is called the “motherland” for a reason… Their superiority is a myth and without us, they would be nothing.

“[Sigmund] Freud is the ‘Father of Psychology,’ but I have a picture of Freud’s desk and he has every Neter or statute of biological psychiatry that existed in the Kemetic mind. So how is he the “Father of Psychology’ when he studied Kemetic psychology?” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

Great question! After hearing Coleman make this statement, I did a quick Google search and unearthed these pictures of Freud’s office.


In 1938, Freud and his family escaped the Nazi annexation of Austria and moved to Hampstead [London]. He ended up dying a year later, and now his home has been converted into a museum. Here are more recent pictures:




freud's office

Very fascinating! Look at the ornaments of black and other non-white Gods/religious figures (e.g. Isis, Osiris, Ptah, etc.) that fill much of the space on Sigmund Freud’s desk! Many of Europe’s leading intellectuals of the past have studied our history intensely, hoping to acquire the knowledge that our ancestors possessed while WE refuse to learn our own history and continue to disassociate ourselves from the motherland!!! Smdh! As they say, the truth shall set you free. It’s time to rid ourselves of this slave mentality so that we can liberate our minds, expand our consciousness and understand who we truly are as people of Afrikan descent!! Know thyself! Knowledge is power.

To check out more pictures of Freud’s Hampstead home, click here: https://londoninsight.wordpress.com/2011/09/22/the-school-of-life-freud/. For more information on the Freud Museum, click here: http://www.freud.org.uk/.

“In psychology, dynamic projection is when somebody projects on those whom they wish to oppress, their own insecurities and deepest inferiorities. They say we want to ethnic cheerlead because there is no group on the face of this Earth that cheerleads their ethnic group more, than people of European descent.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.