Tagged: Christopher Columbus

“Columbus didn’t technically discover America, but his likeness in downtown Detroit was discovered with a hatchet to the head with fake blood — just in time for Columbus Day…Columbus Day has been under a lot of fire — not only recently, but in past times. Honoring Italians was part of the reasoning behind officially naming Columbus Day in 1937 as a federal holiday. It was Italian American leaders from New York and the Knights of Columbus who helped lobby for its recognition. The initial resistance to the holiday was in opposition to the expansion of Catholic influence and Italian immigrants. Modern day issues with Columbus Day relate more to the cruel treatment by Columbus and many europeans when they came to this hemisphere of native populations. It’s also viewed by some as a symbol of oppression, and some view him as a murderer.”


America needs to ax Columbus Day and get rid of everything else that is symbolic and/or perpetuates global white supremacy (racism).

Source: “Columbus Statue In Downtown Detroit Vandalized, Gets Hatchet To Head.” Daily Detroit. October 12, 2015. http://www.dailydetroit.com/2015/10/12/columbus-statue-in-downtown-detroit-vandalized-gets-hatchet-to-head/.

“The Afrikans had gone through six Dynasties prior to the first European of any substance coming into the land to make him or herself known…[W]e gotta stop talking on certain levels. I believe that our discussion at this point is counterproductive. See, we’re not about asking them, ‘[Were] Egyptians black?’ That’s yesterday’s discussion. See, we dealt with that yesterday. Whether or not you’re up to the par is your business. See, you missed the train, I didn’t. I was on that train. Now, we got to be about the formation of a nation in terms of our thought process. And this is why the Moors become so very important to us because if you do not understand the Moors, [then] it is very difficult for us as a people to understand why we’re in the position that we’re in today. You cannot understand why we’re in the position that we’re into today, if you don’t understand what happened in 1492. You cannot understand what happened in 1492, if you don’t understand the Crusades. You cannot understand the Crusades, if you don’t understand the Moors. Because the very nature of the knowledge that the Crusaders — the Christian Europeans — got of the riches of the East — why Columbus was on the seas in the first place hundreds of years later — was because of what the Moors had brought into Spain.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

“I’ve often said that people of European descent leave off a phrase, a prepositional phrase: ‘for Europe.’ Christopher Columbus discovered America ‘for Europe.’ [Sigmund] Freud discovered psychology ‘for Europe.’ You can go through every subject and I’m a curriculum writer and a consultant to many boards of ed, so I’ve seen many books in science, psychology, chemistry, physics. Johannes Kepler, born in Stuttgart, Germany, given credit for creating, inventing the planetary laws of motion, yet he himself admits in his writing he studied the Kemetic golden law of planetary motion. [Nicolaus] Copernicus admits that he studied Kemetic astronomy. In fact, anybody that knows anything in that time of history studied Egypt. Even Hitler was a student of Egypt. Napoleon was a student of Egypt. This is not what I say — this is what they said…[W]hen our young people get this information, people in the Western world will be left behind by quantum leap because they will not have the intelligence to test our children because they won’t even understand what our children are talking about. By a quantum leap.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

“‘We call it a National Day of Mourning because when the Pilgrims and Columbus all landed over here, that was the end of our lives as we knew them – our land had been stolen,’ says Moonanum James, son of Wamsutta. ‘It was like my father’s speech stated: They opened our graves and they grabbed as much as they could take back.'”

Source: Matt Juul. “National Day of Mourning Reflects on Thanksgiving’s Horrific, Bloody History.” Boston.com. November 26 2014. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2014/11/26/national-day-mourning-reflects-thanksgiving-horrific-bloody-history/I4gK8GwU9r2JtJnpyjGWhM/story.html.

“These students recognize that the social order can – and sometimes must – be disrupted in the pursuit of liberty and justice. Civil disorder and social strife are at the patriotic heart of American history – from the Boston Tea Party to the American Revolution to the Civil Rights Movement. And these events and ideas are essential within the study of a college-level, AP U.S. History course.” — The College Board

This is good because it is true, social order must be disrupted in the pursuit of liberty and justice! I’m glad the College Board stood up for these students. The AP US History students in Denver, CO (and everywhere else in the United States of America) have every right to protest any suggestion by school board members to whitewash certain parts of American history (even more than it already has been) by saying that “Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law.” They just want to feed us the information they want us to know — true or not — and expect us to be compliant and patriotic little,slaves.  That’s 16-20th century shit and cannot be continued into the 21st century. I had one of the best AP U.S. History teachers in the world and made a 4 on my exam, but I now know that so much of what I was taught about the greatness and superiority of the European and/or American, was based on an incomplete version of history and is nothing more than a lie [e.g. Christopher Columbus did not “discover” America] when the egregious crimes that have and are still being committed against humanity [e.g. Africans, Native Americans, etc.] to maintain this myth of racial superiority are factored in. This is how an individual can be extremely intelligent under Western standards, but still be very dumb due to his/her ignorance of [world] history. How do we solve the problem of “miseducation” in America? This is one of the keys to destroying the myth of white racial superiority.

Source: Nelson Garcia. “The College Board Supports Jeffco Protests.” USA Today. September 26, 2014.  http://www.9news.com/story/news/education/2014/09/26/college-board-supports-jeffco-protests/16281847/.

The Black Pharaohs: Conquerors of Ancient Egypt [National Geographic, February 2008]


A few months after this issue was published, I graduated with my Masters in Music Business from the University of Miami. For the first twenty-three years of my life, I had been taught by majority white teachers and professors and excelled academically as one of the few black males in my [honors and AP] classes, but I was never  once taught anything about Africa’s rich history and its overall contributions to civilization — even in my introductory African American Studies course in college!

It was until after leaving William Morris in April 2010 and trying to understand why racism existed in the world, that I started discovering the truth about the history of my ancestors. I am disgusted that I am more than $100,000.00 in student loan debt, only to be indoctrinated with a false and distorted version of history and beliefs (“European intellectual imperialism”) which ultimately perpetuates the myth and maintains the illusion of white superiority . This is a major reason why so many whites remain so ignorant today and why our education ranking compared with the rest of the world, continues to decline.

Like Lauryn said: “Unlearn, and let your mind be retaught.” We must liberate our minds, because a lot of facts have been intentionally withheld from us and as long as we are taught by whites a false, incomplete and/or limited version of history, this problem will never go away due to the fact that we will never be able to understand and see the problem for what it truly is. Just imagine if children were not taught that the history of the African started with slavery, but were instead taught the truth, like the fact that Africans “civilized” the Greeks and Romans and actually roamed the Americas before Columbus, it would automatically destroy any notion that the white race is innately superior because of the color of their skin or that this wicked and destructive group of people “saved” or “civilized” us.

Although these facts have been known before this magazine was published, six years have now elapsed and this pertinent history is still being omitted from the classroom. If the United States of America  is not racist and white Americans harbor no ill will towards us, why not teach the truth? Do you agree or am I misguided? If you agree, then you probably understand why I am advocating for a “war on racism” because we have ALL been, and still are being, lied to at the end of the day. Race is social and legal construct thta is “relentlessly relevant” in our society and one cannot try to be “colorblind” — you have to be “race conscious” to understand many of the problems that plague our nation today.

I have yet to read what the National Geographic had to say about the black pharaohs, but I decided to scan some of the images that accompanied the article so you can see that the ancient Egyptians and Nubians (as well as their Gods) were melanated peoples and were NOT white.





Happy “Fourth of their LIES”! Lol






Africans were in the Americas hundreds of years BEFORE Leif Ericson, Christopher Columbus or ANY European “discovered” America!

Stop celebrating false history. That’s why majority of the human race is ignorant today when it comes to “race.” We’ve all been brainwashed into believing the myth of white superiority, and it’s nothing but a BIG LIE! Please read any book by Ivan van Sertima, especially They Came Before Columbus.




new reading: Ivan Van Sertima’s They Came Before Columbus

While on the G train yesterday, I lost Frances Cress-Welsing’s The Isis Papers!! I was so pissed off and what made it even more frustrating was that I’d just begun reading the last chapter concerning AIDS and her belief that it was created by the white race to further destroy descendants of Africa. So until Amazon sends me another copy, I have decided my next reading will be Ivan Van Sertima’s They Came Before Columbus — a fascinating book which discusses the “pre-Columbian African presence in the Americas.” (further reason why Columbus Day should not be celebrated!!) Throughout my reading, I will periodically post quotes from the book that I find informative.