Tagged: anti-semitism

Wits University SRC president Mcebo Dlamini Explains His “Love” for Adolf Hitler.

I get what he’s saying and I think he makes some pretty valid points, but I don’t have any love for Adolf cause he hated blacks too.

“Top Hollywood bosses enjoy a strong relationship with the Israeli government and various pro-Israel lobbying groups across the United States, according to a cache of Sony internal emails leaked to Wikileaks and published for the first time last week. The emails reveal a dinner between Sony executives and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; the presenter of American X-Factor chiding actress Natalie Portman aggressively for her views on Israel; meetings between top entertainment chiefs and the Israeli consulate-general; close ties between Sony’s Co-Chairperson and various pro-Israel lobbying groups; and film chiefs planning, in detail, a new documentary about the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, about which the emails also reflect rising concern.”

Remember, European “Jews” are not the TRUE Jews but through their monopolistic power and control over the “marketplace of ideas” and industries like Hollywood, you have been brainwashed to believe otherwise…You have also been brainwashed to believe that they are the descendants of land in the Middle East now known as Israel and that they are the actual victims (“anti-Semitism”) when in reality, this fraudulent group of people have been intentionally committing egregious crimes against humanity for hundreds of years and counting.

Source: Alastair Sloan. Leaked Emails Reveal Hollywood Execs At Work For Israel.” Middle East Monitor. April 20, 2015. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/articles/inquiry/18155-leaked-emails-reveal-hollywood-execs-at-work-for-Israel


the Reply to my Motion for Extraordinary Relief is submitted to the 2nd Circuit!!!

Wow! I can’t believe that in four days, I was able to condense my discussion of the overall fraud that has been perpetrated upon the Court by Loeb & Loeb LLP and the Court itself, into those 10 pages!! What makes things even better, is that if the appellate court denies my Motion [without providing an ethical and objective judicial opinion], then this pleading can essentially serve as my petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court.

Below are some pix chronicling my day as I prepared to submit what could very well be the last pleading I submit to the Second Circuit:






Thank you GOD for always watching over me [and intervening while I was at the post office to prevent me from mailing Loeb & Loeb LLP the wrong version of the pleading]!!

“Einstein had been nominated for the Nobel Prize in ten of the previous twelve years (1909-1920), yet it wasn’t until he had been hailed as a world-renowned celebrity that the Nobel committee agreed to award him their prize. Years later, Irving Wallace, the author of The Prize, interviewed Sven Hedin, one of the Nobel judges, who acknowledged that anti-Semitism had influenced the judges to vote repeatedly against an award for Einstein (Wallace, The Writing of One Novel). Hedin later publicly supported the Nazis and was a friend of Goring, Himmler, and Hitler.”

Source: Fred Jerome and Rodger Taylor. Einstein On Race and Racism. pg. 4. 2005.

is “anti-Semitism” RISING throughout Europe against those individuals of European descent who proclaim to be “Jewish”???


I don’t see the masses saying anything negative about the true Jews known as the Falashas, dark-skinned peoples who originated and still reside in or around Africa. Oh! I forgot, we aren’t supposed to know about them or their existence because THEY think and got US brainwashed into believing that THEIR WHITE ANCESTORS were enslaved by the Egyptians, THEIR WHITE ANCESTORS are the ones who built the pyramids (e.g. Giza Pyramids), that Moses and majority of the characters in the Old Testament were white [since learning the truth, I always found it funny that William Morris’ real name was Zelman MOSES] and THEY (“Jews” who have white skin present-day) are in fact, “God’s chosen people,” which explains their ultimate superiority and why they are over-represented in key positions throughout America’s government and other key industries which heavily influence human activity like Hollywood (including the “music industry”) and Wall Street!!! LMAO!!!

I am sure the Anti-Defamation League would say I am being “anti-Semitic” right now for telling the truth, but I’m just tired of the lies. I’m also tired of the overall fraud that is being perpetrated upon the entire human race and the destruction that it is causing to our planet. It must end, and until it does, THEY have tremendous reason to be “worried.” They’ve done a tremendous job at suppressing the truth, but they won’t be able to maintain this lie for ETERNITY. Don’t believe me because you think I’m being “racist”? I encourage you to do your own research. You’ll be shocked at what you’ll discover.

Source: Deborah E. Lipstadt, “Why Jews Are Worried,” New York Times. August 20, 2014. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/21/opinion/deborah-e-lipstadt-on-the-rising-anti-semitism-in-europe.html?src=me.

read WME’s Premotion Letter to P. Kevin Castel Seeking a Filing Injunction Against Marcus I. Washington.

How could any non-racist and non-corrupt institution proclaiming to administer justice impartially, allow William Morris and Loeb & Loeb LLP to continue engaging in highly unethical and criminal conduct without any repercussions?

In a similar fashion to the lies contained in Arbitrator Timothy K. Lewis’s fraudulent Order dismissing my case with prejudice, Loeb & Loeb LLP also intentionally misrepresent that I did not submit a response to their Motion to Terminate. [meeting of the mind] This is a blatant LIE because both parties received confirmation e-mails from Carol Placella of the AAA, stating that the two e-mails that I asked to serve as my response (dated March 15th and 19th), were forwarded to Lewis. Although they discuss Lewis’ adverse Orders, they also continue to omit the fact that Timothy K. Lewis was unlawfully appointed and that he unlawfully vacated the Partial Final Award of the original arbitrator, David L. Gregory. This just adds to the list of their ethical violations under the New York Rules of Professional Conduct and is further reason why Zweig and his co-conspirators need to be sanctioned, disbarred and imprisoned.

I wonder how many days it will take P. Kevin Castel to respond to William Morris’ Motion (Docket No. 47). I ask because the arguments raised in their “letter” diametrically opposes the arguments made in support of my Em. Motion to Disqualify and Motion for Reconsideration and only one party is telling the truth. My Motion for Reconsideration (Docket No. 46) — a pleading which addressed the pattern of “fraud upon the Court” engaged in by Loeb & Loeb LLP and sought their disqualification, amongst other things — was submitted on April 11, 2014 and is still awaiting a decision. Castel also refused to acknowledge those arguments, as well as the evidence in support of those arguments, when he issued his March 27, 2014 Order (Docket No. 43) refusing to disqualify himself in response to my March 17, 2014 Emergency Motion to Disqualify (Docket No. 40). As a matter of law, only the court can decide a motion which seeks the disqualification of a law firm. When I gave Castel notice that I would be filing this Motion, he instructed me not to after Loeb & Loeb LLP submitted a letter response. When I filed the exhaustive Em. Motion to Disqualify, Castel ignored all arguments made against Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig and Christian Carbone (similar to Republican appointed federal judge Robert P. Patterson in Leonard Rowe’s case), while instructing ME to continue arbitrating the case in “good faith.” When I brought these intentional omissions to Castel’s attention and requested an oral hearing on March 28, 2014 (Docket No. 44), he stated in a handwritten note on April 2, 2014 (Docket No. 45), that my request for an oral hearing was “moot” and again, refused to address the serious accusations that Loeb & Loeb LLP and its attorneys were engaging in a pattern of “fraud upon the Court” on William Morris’ behalf,  so that ultimately, the merits of these legitimate civil rights cases could never be heard in a public forum and decided by an impartial jury.

At this stage, I am left with no other choice than to sue all parties responsible for conspiring to interfere with the human rights of people of African descent and depriving me of my rights under the color of law. Nearly four years of my life have been wasted fighting against a law firm that should have never been allowed to represent William Morris based on what occurred in Rowe and this Republican appointed, racially biased judge cannot give himself the authority to decide whether or not I can sue him (as well as the other parties named) for depriving me of my constitutional, statutory and God-given rights under the color of law.

An impartial jury must correct this manifest injustice. If not, our nation’s democracy is nothing more than a hypocrisy.

Is Hollywood dominated by a “JEWISH CABAL”?

No one denies that William Cash’s article about Hollywood Jews was rude. But was it anti-Semitic?

The Spectator, a conservative and irreverent British weekly that published an article by Cash in its Oct. 29 issue on the alleged domination of Hollywood by a “Jewish cabal,” is still feeling the reverberations of the controversy touched off on both sides of the Atlantic.

Fifteen leading Hollywood personalities, including Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Kirk Douglas and Barbra Streisand, signed a letter to the Spectator accusing Cash of advancing “anti-Semitic stereotypes” and “racist cant.” Leon Wieseltier, literary editor of the New Republic, wrote to the Spectator’s editor hinting at retribution and said: “You run a filthy magazine.”

In Britain, Michael William-Jones, chief executive of United International Pictures, and Neville Nagler, chief executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, are among those who have taken offense.

The Spectator says an unnamed American company has withdrawn its advertising from the magazine, which is owned by Conrad Black, publisher of London’s Daily Telegraph.

Spectator Editor Dominic Lawson, himself a Jew, defends Cash from charges of anti-Semitism and has raised the question of whether the British press is freer than the liberal press in the U.S. He accused The New York Times, Washington Post and Boston Globe of practicing self-censorship on sensitive racial issues.

Cash, 28, Hollywood correspondent of the Daily Telegraph and an occasional contributor to the Spectator, said his offending article was intended as a response to an article in the October issue of Vanity Fair on the so-called New Establishment in the U.S.

The Vanity Fair article pointed out that the old Establishment was predominantly WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), but did not state that many of the new movers and shakers in the entertainment industry are Jewish.

Cash wrote that Jews traditionally have dominated Hollywood and claimed that a “Jewish cabal” operates to exclude non-Jews from positions in the entertainment industry.

He also wrote that Hollywood Jews are “socially maladroit and culturally nihilist,” referring to their “nylon jogging anoraks, fluffy white socks, digital watches and faded jeans.”

After protest letters began pouring in, Cash apologized in the Spectator for causing offense, saying no anti-Semitism was “intended or felt.” He said the words he used about how Jews always have worked together in the movie business, including the phrase “Jewish cabal,” had been taken from a book by Neal Gabler, “An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood.” But he said Gabler now is leading the attack against him.

Read more of the article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardbusch/2013/03/25/walking-on-the-california-talent-agency-acts-thin-ice-personal-managers-beware/.

This article was written in 1994 — 20 years ago. I bolded the last paragraph because after of learning about Cash’s article a few years ago, I also started using this phrase in my pleadings. I didn’t know that Cash had gotten the phrase from Gabler’s book, which I own. Gabler, I believe, is Jewish. His book was praised after it was released and he’s also written other articles for the New York Times about the issue of racism in Hollywood, so why wasn’t he called “anti-Semitic” like Cash and I?  I have presented a pyramid of evidence to demonstrate that this is a fact, and it hasn’t been sufficiently refuted by William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone or any of the other attorneys involved in this case.  I’ll provide a link to Cash’s actual article later.