Tagged: anti-Semitic

Wits University SRC president Mcebo Dlamini Explains His “Love” for Adolf Hitler.

I get what he’s saying and I think he makes some pretty valid points, but I don’t have any love for Adolf cause he hated blacks too.

“Top Hollywood bosses enjoy a strong relationship with the Israeli government and various pro-Israel lobbying groups across the United States, according to a cache of Sony internal emails leaked to Wikileaks and published for the first time last week. The emails reveal a dinner between Sony executives and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; the presenter of American X-Factor chiding actress Natalie Portman aggressively for her views on Israel; meetings between top entertainment chiefs and the Israeli consulate-general; close ties between Sony’s Co-Chairperson and various pro-Israel lobbying groups; and film chiefs planning, in detail, a new documentary about the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, about which the emails also reflect rising concern.”

Remember, European “Jews” are not the TRUE Jews but through their monopolistic power and control over the “marketplace of ideas” and industries like Hollywood, you have been brainwashed to believe otherwise…You have also been brainwashed to believe that they are the descendants of land in the Middle East now known as Israel and that they are the actual victims (“anti-Semitism”) when in reality, this fraudulent group of people have been intentionally committing egregious crimes against humanity for hundreds of years and counting.

Source: Alastair Sloan. Leaked Emails Reveal Hollywood Execs At Work For Israel.” Middle East Monitor. April 20, 2015. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/articles/inquiry/18155-leaked-emails-reveal-hollywood-execs-at-work-for-Israel


“Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Thus, if the defendant’s statement is factually accurate, then the plaintiff cannot win his/her defamation lawsuit, no matter how damaging the statement might tend to be to the plaintiff’s reputation. So, when publishing an assertion of fact, make sure that it is accurate. And if you cannot be absolutely certain of the truth of your statement, then at least be sure that it cannot be falsified, since a defamation plaintiff bears the burden of demonstrating that the statement was false at the time it was made.”

Although I presented a pyramid of evidence proving all of my claims against William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP and lead attorney Michael P. Zweig, and they never met their heightened burden of production & persuasion to refute these claims or felt that they needed to. Instead, they argued that I was “racist”/”anti-Semitic” and said that I was engaging in defamation, slander and libel against them. Although they never identified anything that I said that was untrue, Arbitrator David L. Gregory of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) awarded them $1,000 for the “damage” I’ve caused them for speaking the truth…

Source: Hajir Ardebili. “Five Tips For Tweeting Without Getting Sued for Defamation.” Corporate Counsel. February 4, 2015. http://www.corpcounsel.com/id=1202716861431/5-Tips-for-Tweeting-Without-Getting-Sued-for-Defamation#ixzz3Qn0IjDFR

CHRIS ROCK “explains what it’s really like to be black in the entertainment industry.”


There were definitely a few moments that made me cringe (“[Hollywood]’s a white industry. Just as the NBA is a black industry.”), but overall, Chris Rock’s essay for the Hollywood Reporter simply discusses the same issue that I have been addressing in my lawsuit against William Morris Endeavor Entertainment [the oldest and biggest talent agency in Hollywood] for the last four years: the lack of diversity throughout all levels of Hollywood and the deleterious effects William Morris’ unlawful employment practices had on me, the African American community, as well as society as a whole.

Rock has been acting for more than 30 years, and it’s clear that as much as things change, the more things have stayed the same. It’s funny that Rock and others can STATE THE OBVIOUS, but when I rely on historical, statistical, anecdotal, circumstantial, smoking-gun, documentary and other forms of evidence to demonstrate that William Morris’ has engaged in 116 year pattern and continuing practice of excluding qualified African Americans from meaningful positions such as Agent and Agent Trainee IN AN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATON CASE, they never refute this evidence while simultaneously arguing that I am “anti-Semitic,” “racist” against whites and that I am nothing more than a liar that’s engaging in “bad faith” and raising “frivolous” arguments — to which the “impartial,” Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel agreed while violating numerous Canons under the Judicial of Conduct and never discussing or citing any of our nation’s antidiscrimination laws. Smdh.

So essentially, William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, P. Kevin Castel, other predominately all-white/”Jewish” institutions like the Anti-Defamation League, etc. are calling ALL OF US liars and that if this industry IS STILL overrepresented by whites and “Jews” of European descent in the 21st century, it’s NOT because these companies are CONTINUING to violate our nation’s antidiscrimination laws by maintaining employment practices, policies and procedures that create a disparate impact against qualified African Americans and people of color — it’s obviously due to our inherent inferiority.

Click the cover to read Rock discuss his experiences as a black man in Hollywood.

it’s funny that they are trying to label the whistleblower as being “racist” and “anti-Semitic” when I’ve never been accused as being such in my ENTIRE LIFE!

I’ve been working since I was 15 years old and I’ve had many jobs prior to working at William Morris. Although I was typically one of the few African Americans employed in the workplace, I have never once been accused of being “racist” or “anti-Semitic” by anyone (co-workers included), nor did I feel I was being discriminated against because of my “race.” Prior to this case, no one accused me of being “racist” or “anti-Semitic” at William Morris either. And immediately after leaving William Morris, I volunteered for a few months at a predominately all-white non-profit organization dealing with discrimination and racism in the Netherlands and if asked, I am willing to bet money that none of researchers that I worked with, would use those labels to describe me as well. The fact that Timothy K. Lewis would call me “racist,” and not William Morris, speaks volumes. #niggaplease

Is Hollywood dominated by a “JEWISH CABAL”?

No one denies that William Cash’s article about Hollywood Jews was rude. But was it anti-Semitic?

The Spectator, a conservative and irreverent British weekly that published an article by Cash in its Oct. 29 issue on the alleged domination of Hollywood by a “Jewish cabal,” is still feeling the reverberations of the controversy touched off on both sides of the Atlantic.

Fifteen leading Hollywood personalities, including Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Kirk Douglas and Barbra Streisand, signed a letter to the Spectator accusing Cash of advancing “anti-Semitic stereotypes” and “racist cant.” Leon Wieseltier, literary editor of the New Republic, wrote to the Spectator’s editor hinting at retribution and said: “You run a filthy magazine.”

In Britain, Michael William-Jones, chief executive of United International Pictures, and Neville Nagler, chief executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, are among those who have taken offense.

The Spectator says an unnamed American company has withdrawn its advertising from the magazine, which is owned by Conrad Black, publisher of London’s Daily Telegraph.

Spectator Editor Dominic Lawson, himself a Jew, defends Cash from charges of anti-Semitism and has raised the question of whether the British press is freer than the liberal press in the U.S. He accused The New York Times, Washington Post and Boston Globe of practicing self-censorship on sensitive racial issues.

Cash, 28, Hollywood correspondent of the Daily Telegraph and an occasional contributor to the Spectator, said his offending article was intended as a response to an article in the October issue of Vanity Fair on the so-called New Establishment in the U.S.

The Vanity Fair article pointed out that the old Establishment was predominantly WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), but did not state that many of the new movers and shakers in the entertainment industry are Jewish.

Cash wrote that Jews traditionally have dominated Hollywood and claimed that a “Jewish cabal” operates to exclude non-Jews from positions in the entertainment industry.

He also wrote that Hollywood Jews are “socially maladroit and culturally nihilist,” referring to their “nylon jogging anoraks, fluffy white socks, digital watches and faded jeans.”

After protest letters began pouring in, Cash apologized in the Spectator for causing offense, saying no anti-Semitism was “intended or felt.” He said the words he used about how Jews always have worked together in the movie business, including the phrase “Jewish cabal,” had been taken from a book by Neal Gabler, “An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood.” But he said Gabler now is leading the attack against him.

Read more of the article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardbusch/2013/03/25/walking-on-the-california-talent-agency-acts-thin-ice-personal-managers-beware/.

This article was written in 1994 — 20 years ago. I bolded the last paragraph because after of learning about Cash’s article a few years ago, I also started using this phrase in my pleadings. I didn’t know that Cash had gotten the phrase from Gabler’s book, which I own. Gabler, I believe, is Jewish. His book was praised after it was released and he’s also written other articles for the New York Times about the issue of racism in Hollywood, so why wasn’t he called “anti-Semitic” like Cash and I?  I have presented a pyramid of evidence to demonstrate that this is a fact, and it hasn’t been sufficiently refuted by William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone or any of the other attorneys involved in this case.  I’ll provide a link to Cash’s actual article later.

If you are going to sit here and say that I’ve engaged in defamation, libel & slander after determining that I was discriminated against because of my race by a company engaging in a 115 year pattern and continuing practice of racial discrimination*, then all of my claims need to be dismissed so I can seek de novo review in the federal court. I’m not going to agree to damages based on a favorable, yet incomplete award that’s ultimately been procured through fraud.

In order for someone to engage in defamation or libel, doesn’t their statements have to be FALSE?! I have been found guilty of this without even being told exactly what I’ve said is untrue and the Respondents have had three years to refute the pyramid of evidence presented to support all of my claims, but they could not….#fraud

*[footnote: from 1898 to 1961, William Morris had an explicit policy of not hiring African Americans to work as Assistant, Agent Trainee, Coordinator or Agent. There were more African American Agents (one) employed in the New York office in 1963 than there were when I was employed in the New York office between 2008 and 2010 (zero).]

“….I have also addressed why I am not ‘anti- Semitic.’ I take great offense to the latter allegation because my parents didn’t raise me to live with hate in my heart and I have love for all of God’s people – even those who have been unjustly enriched from these heinous crimes against humanity while falsely claiming to the world to be ‘God’s chosen people.'” — MIW, October 15, 2013.

Quote from the Reply to my Emergency Motion to Compel. Footnote 20 reads:

Even if this statement were true, the ancient Jews, like original man, were black or dark-skinned peoples. See e.g., J. A. Rogers. Sex & Race Vol. 1. pg. 91-94 (1952) (“[T]he earliest Jews were in all probability, Negroes. Abraham, their ancestor, is said to have come from Chaldea and the ancient Chaldeans were black….Whatever was the original color of the Jews they lived for more than four centuries among the Negroid Egyptians….The Falashas, or Black Jews of Ethiopia, are probably very ancient. They claim lineal descent from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, call themselves Beta-Israel (The Chosen People), and observe the passover…[T]he Negro Jews in Ethiopia are actually Jews. Moreover, it is only in the white men’s lands that the Jews are white, this being the result of intermixture with the whites. In the black man’s lands they are black. If some Romans believed that the Jews were of Ethiopian ancestry, there must certainly have been black Jews in Rome. Negroes were very well known to the Romans….Moses himself was black… When Jehovah wished to give Moses a sign, so run the famous legend, he told him to put his hand into his bosom. The hand came out white, proving that it could not have been white before. The miracle lay in turning a black skin white, and turning it to black again. Hence the perfect logic of the Mohammedan belief that Moses was a Negro.”

William Morris’ opposition to my Em. Motion to Compel.

Notice how William Morris’ counsel never mentions my Emergency Motion to Compel by name — they only refer to it as “[Claimant’s] September 30th submission.” This is not by accident. There’s also a reason why they title their response, “October 11, 2013 Letter to Arbitrator.” Essentially, their response is entirely unrelated to what I argued in my Emergency Motion and this submission gives them yet another opportunity to continue this false narrative that they’re the victims and I’m the one that’s racist. Lmao!! Oldest trick in the book…

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.