Tagged: African

“Recognize that the basic destiny of the white child is essentially conservative. That is, to maintain the advantages that the Europeans already have and to enhance those advantages. The destiny of the Black child then, when we look at where our people are of the world over, when we complain that even in our own countries we do not have control of the economic systems, when we see our people starving to death over the world’s wealth…When we look everywhere and we see the Black man on the bottom of every ladder, we must recognize then, that the destiny of Black children is revolutionary. They must be educated to overthrow the world as it now exists. We cannot talk about feeding our people, we cannot talk about liberating our people, we cannot talk about our people being equal in power and equal in influence to any other people unless we’re talking about revolution.” — Dr. Amos N. Wilson

Source: Lecture titled “The Psychology of Co-Operative Economics.” Youtube.

“Our bodies are not the duplicates of European bodies, therefore, we cannot study the European body or the nutritioning of that body as a source for the proper nutrition of our own bodies to fit the needs of our own bodies. We must know ourselves. Just as our ancestors were the first to walk on the face of this Earth, to talk first, to organize politically and socially, to organize social relations and so forth, you will see that our children walk earlier, talk earlier, their balls grow faster, their teeth grow faster. As a matter of fact, they are born intellectually in advance of the white child. The black child comes on this Earth doing things on the very first and second day of life [when] it takes the average white child four to six months to do, so we are not talking about a duplicate. To base then, the teaching and training of our children on that of white children, is to miseducate our children and to rear them incorrectly. That’s one of the major problems that we are having today in the education of our children. We are basing that education upon the history and experience of another people and we must bring this to a close if we are to save our people.” — Dr. Amos N. Wilson

Source: Lecture titled “The Psychology of Co-Operative Economics.” Youtube.

watch this racist scene from a cartoon that recently aired on Nickelodeon

“Strangely enough, the greatest of the indigenous Africans who became Emperor of the Roman Empire was charged by many European and European-American Christian Church historians of being ‘the emperor who ordered the persecution and execution of Perpetua and her followers,’ his name — Septimus Serverus (146-211 C.E.). But the truth is that Emperor Septimus Severus did not mount the throne of the Roman Empire until 193 C.E.; this he did subsequent to the murder of Emperor Marcus Aurelius’ son — Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antonius — about 17 March 177-180 C.E. Septimus Severus, at the time of his elevation to the throne of the Empire of Rome, was Rome’s greatest general, and a former civil magistrate. It is to be further noted that color was never a condition to his ascendancy to the Roman throne, as only one Roman Govenor had failed to accept this indigenous African role of imperial Rome. The dissident was Allinus — Govenor of Britany (England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland). But Emperor Septimus Severus quickly did away with this problem, as he defeated and killed Clodius in 197 C.E. during the Battle of Lyons, France. Septimus Severus’ victory over Clodius placed an African (‘Negro’) in complete control of every nation along both sides of the Meditterranean Sea and every European nation along the Atlantic Ocean up to, and including, Angloland (Britany). It also placed this African in charge of the entire Roman Empire at the time when the Roman military was being corrupted, due to the extensive employment of mercenaries…During of this turmoil the Roman State was being challenged by a ‘new religion’ — ‘Christianity,’ which had crossed over from North Africa and was giving every indication of causing further disaffection from the already disrupted Roman army, as it was already causing full-scale conversions by too many of Rome’s finest military officers — including her best generals. This new religious force, in direct and open conflict with the existing official religion of the state, had even begun to gnaw away at the already this disorganized Roman body politic. The seeds of all this had in fact started during the reign of Augustus Caesar (27 B.C.E. – 14 C.E.); however, at which time a ‘new God’ was born amongst the Hebrews (Jews), his name — ‘JESUS CHRIST.'”

I find it “strange” that all images of St. Augustine on Wikipedia and the Encyclopedia Britannica’s website depict St. Augustine as being non-black/African…

Source: Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan. African Origins of The Major “Western Religions.” pg. 79-80. 1970.

“Presently, black people are awakening from the spell of mental slavery, ignorance of self, and an inability to spiritually focus the mind. Black people have learned that a major key to shattering the chains of mental slavery is to know one’s own history. When one knows the true fullness of the ancestor’s achievements then that person will believe that they can do the same today. When one knows what the ancestors did to develop themselves, in order to make such great advances, then they will know how to do the same today. For the ancestor and today’s black person is literally the same person: king, queen, architect, physician, teacher, artist, competitor, merchant, jurist, and military giant. In knowing one’s history one can expand the mind through the illusion of time and space, unite with ancient black priest- scientist ancestors, and utilize the same timeless and universal ideas to produce the same greatness.”

Source: Richard King, M.D. African Origin of Biological Psychiatry. 1990.

“A long line of highly intelligent scientists studied their own essence, and discovered a hidden doorway to their souls and spirits; a doorway to advanced laws and rhythms that span the universe. They discovered universal laws rooted in the black seed, feeding every dimension of time and space. These original titans found that all life came from a black seed, all life was rooted in blackness, and all things possessed a memory of their collective ancestors. Blackness, the universal solvent of all, was seen as the one reality from which life’s loom spun. All colors, all vibratory energies were but a shade of black. Black was the color of the night sky, primeval ocean, outer space, birthplace and womb of the planets, stars and galaxies of the universe; black holes were found at the center of our own galaxy and countless other galaxies. Black was the color of carbon, the key atom found in all living matter. Carbon atoms linked together to form black melanin, the first chemical that could capture light and reproduce itself. The chemical key to life and the brain itself was found to be centered around black neuromelanin. Inner vision, intuition, creative genius, and spiritual illumination were all found to be dependent upon pineal gland blood; born chemical messengers that controlled skin color and opened the hidden door to the darkness of the collective unconscious mind, allowing the ancient priest-scientist to visualize knowledge from the mind’s timeless collective unconscious memory banks. Indeed, Black Dot was found to be the hidden doorway to universal knowledge of the past, present and future.”

Source: Richard King, M.D. African Origin of Biological Psychiatry. 1990.

“[T]he purpose of life is to move to a higher level. Jesus is a perfect example of that because he was born Jesus of Nazareth. He was just a person walking around. He began to study, he began to see, he began to realize there was something incorrect and he moved himself from self consciousness, [egotism] and individualism, to a cosmic level that is global, which is what ASHA [the African Heritage Studies Association] is trying to do to you all — move you to a global level, move you to a universal level, move you to the level of having the faith in yourself and your children that you have in a mustard seed.” — Dr. Charshee McIntyre

“Schwaller de Lubicz never said that who he was writing about was African folk. He knew he wouldn’t make a dime if he did, so he just opened up and said what the Africans did, but he never said they were Africans. So when you read his work, just know that they were African people.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

I just finished reading Schwaller de Lubicz’ book Sacred Science.  I can say I learned a lot, but there were many instances throughout the text that I felt Schwaller de Lubicz was trying to make it appear that the Egyptians were not black. This really bothered me, so I am glad Coleman addressed this in the lecture that I am watching and confirmed that this European did in fact use his books to whiten the race of the ancient Egyptians!! It’s always something….Smdh.