Tagged: unlawful

is a judiciary that’s been HISTORICALLY OVERREPRESENTED by whites capable of impartially determining that another HISTORICALLY all-white/”Jewish” institution (e.g. William Morris Endeavor Entertainment) is intentionally excluding QUALIFIED AFRICAN AMERICANS from meaningful positions of employment and maintaining employment practices, policies and procedures that violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964, New York City Human Rights Laws and other statutes prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color and/or national origin?

It’s like the pot calling the kettle black (example below). Not only are these racist and highly corrupt institutions “too big to fail,” they are also “too big to admit the truth” as well. What’s the solution to this never ending problem?


ameriKKKa’s “PREJUDICIAL SYSTEM” by Khalil Bendib

deathofladylibertyprejudicialsystem“The death of due process has not been deemed a homicide.” — Truthout

Source: http://www.truth-out.org/art/item/27797-the-prejudicial-system.

even if I had been an Uncle Tommy, it doesn’t change the fact that African American Agent Trainees had a ZERO PERCENT rate of promotion to Agent at William Morris’ New York office between 2000 and 2010. #FACTS

Washington Post: “U.S. to pay Navajo Nation $554 million in largest settlement with single Indian tribe.”

between February 20, 2014 and April 30, 2014, the unlawfully appointed “Arbitrator” Timothy K. Lewis is expected to be paid more than $80,000.00 for his “services” — an amount to be paid for by William Morris…

Other employees from Lewis’ law firm are also seeking to be paid for their “services,” although they should have absolutely NO INVOLVEMENT in this arbitration since they have no affiliation with the AAA.  From August 21, 2012 to the date the original arbitrator issued his Partial Final Award (December 17, 2013), David L. Gregory — who read all of the pleadings from both the federal court and those submitted in arbitration – received $42,875.00. Does ANYTHING about this to you seem right or fair? #fraud

is there any legitimacy to an institution that has historically remained all-white/“Jewish” in America’s democratic, “post-racial” society?

7AM thought.