Tagged: terrorism

“China on Thursday blasted U.S. human rights record in its annual tit-for-tat report, saying money and family connections are corrupting politics and calling U.S. airstrikes in Syria and Iraq a ‘gross violation of other countries’ human rights.’ The report issued by the Cabinet’s State Council Information Office also cited gun crime and excessive use of force by police, and touched on other topics including corruption in the prison system, homelessness, racial conflict and gender pay disparity. ‘Since the U.S. government can’t be bothered to raise a mirror to look at itself, it’s up to others to complete the task,’ the report said. The U.S. is also guilty of rights violations outside its borders, the report said, citing estimates of civilian deaths in Iraqi and Syrian airstrikes, drone attacks and the monitoring of foreign citizens’ communications. ‘America is still committing gross violations of other countries’ human rights, viewing lives in other countries as worthless,’ it said.”

China is right. With all of the crimes that America has and still is committing against humanity — especially African Americans — they are in no position whatsoever to talk about the human rights transgressions of other countries.

Source: Christopher Bodeen. “China Has Blasted U.S. Human Rights Record In Its Annual Tit-For-Tat Report, Saying Money And Family Connections Are Corrupting Politics And Calling U.S. Airstrikes In Syria And Iraq A ‘Gross Violation Of Other Countries’ Human Rights.'” Associated Press. April 14, 2016. http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2016-04-14/china-issues-tit-for-tat-report-on-us-human-rights-situation.

in less than ten days since the Charleston church massacre, a SEVENTH black church — Mount Zion AME Church in Greeleyville, S.C. — has been burned down!!! 😠😠😠

Source: Carrie Healey. “Fire at Mount Zion AME Church In SC, 20 Years After It Was Burned Down By KKK.” The Grio. June 30, 2015. http://thegrio.com/2015/06/30/fire-mount-zion-ame-church-sc-20-years-after-burned-down-kkk/#Mount.

fuck Confederates & the Confederacy!


“Often in my lectures when I use the phrase ‘imperialist, white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy’ to describe our nation’s political system, audiences laugh. No one has ever explained why accurately naming this system is funny. The laughter is itself a weapon of patriarchal terrorism.” — bell hooks

“Despite the intensifying fighting between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists before the cease-fire agreement Thursday, Americans place the conflict low on the list of critical threats to U.S. interests in the next decade. Islamic extremists, commonly known as the Islamic State or ISIS, along with international terrorism in general, loom much larger in Americans’ minds as a critical threat. The Islamic State has continually been a focal point on the world stage over the past several months as it has brutally executed hostages — including several Americans, leading 84% of their fellow citizens to rank the terrorist group as a critical threat. Americans place the threat from international terrorism in general at the same level.”

The cartoon below sums up my thoughts on the quote above, America’s “war on terrorism,” etc…


9/11 was an INSIDE JOB!!!

Source: Art Swift. “ISIS, Terrorism Seen As Graver Threat Than Russia, Ukraine.” Gallup. February 13, 2015. http://www.gallup.com/poll/181553/isis-terrorism-seen-graver-threats-russia-ukraine.aspx.

“In 1919, a black soldier returned home to Blakely, Georgia, having survived the horrors of the first world war only to face the terrors of a white mob that awaited him in the Jim Crow-era south. When the soldier, William Little, refused to remove his army uniform, the savage mob exacted their punishment. Little was just one of 3,959 African Americans who were brutally and often publicly killed across the southern states between the end of the Reconstruction era and the second world war, which is at least 700 more lynchings in these states than previously recorded, according to a report released on Tuesday by the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI). The authors’ inventory of the nearly 4,000 victims of what the report calls ‘terror lynchings’ reveals a history of racial violence more extensive and more brutal than initially reported.”

The United States of America has never passed federal or state anti-lynching legislation and black men, women and children are being lynched by racist whites (including cops) to this very day. RIP.

Source: Lauren Gambino. “Jim Crow Lynchings More Widespread Than First Thought, Report Concludes.” The Guardian. February 10, 2015. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/10/history-of-lynchings-and-racial-violence-continues-to-haunt-us.

spending a cold NYC day at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum


The memorial/museum is beautiful, but it is a very sad place to be. Although I recommend that everyone go check it out, I never want to go back there again. 😦

Members of a Missouri-based Ku Klux Klan chapter claim protesters in Ferguson have “AWAKENED A SLEEPING GIANT” and that they will use “lethal force” to defend themselves from “terrorists masquerading as ‘peaceful protesters.’” ANONYMOUS starts CYBER WAR with KKK.


If you are a member of the Ku Klux Klan, then the protests for justice in Ferguson following the shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown have nothing to do with that individual’s irrational beliefs and hatred towards black people. Whites have ALWAYS had the best jobs and are STILL overrepresented in higher-status, higher-paying professions, their annual income is larger and they have more wealth than blacks, they receive better quality education although they are taught a number of lies to promote and perpetuate the myth of white racial superiority, they still live in racially segregated communities, etc., so what the fuck are they really mad about? Due to the fact that being blatantly racist is not as socially acceptable (although the latter statement is becoming less and less true as time passes) as it used to be since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it appears that KKK is trying to reclaim its glory days by using the protests in Ferguson as a pretext to finally be able to release their violent urges that have remained dormant and/or been dormant for quite some time.

It’s imperative that ALL OF US understand and address the root of the problem: global white/”Jewish” supremacy (racism). Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing’s definitions for this term is one of the best. When this race war finally goes down, who’s side will the police and government be on? Definitely not on the side of the oppressed. A few weeks ago, it was reported the Darren Wilson would most likely not be indicted and a few days ago, it was announced that if not indicted, Wilson would go back to work “immediately.” Also, the police in Ferguson have already invested a lot of money in more military weaponry, thus indicating that they are anticipating that there will be chaos in the streets [clearly, if Wilson was indicted, black people would not need to protest or loot, and thus, there would be no need to spend on these types of things before the verdict is announced].

Since those in power have never been on the side of the oppressed and powerless, then African Americans and those interested in democracy must demand justice by “any means necessary” — even if that means using violence since the KKK thinks they can go on television and threaten to use “legal force” against citizens of the United States of America for demanding transparency and justice in the shooting of Michael Brown. Since the entire system is corrupt, it will be impossible for things to get better for ANY of us, especially people of African descent, without combating a problem that has plagued our nation for more than 400 years with a powerfully “opposite and equal reaction” that is both lawful and unlawful….

Source: Lilly Workneh. “KKK Threatens ‘Lethal Force’ Against Ferguson Protesters And Appears on TV To Explain Why.” Huffington Post. November 14, 2014. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/14/kkk-threatens-lethal-force-protesters-ferguson_n_6155570.html.

I also just saw that Anonymous has started a “cyber war” with the KKK for “interfering” with the group’s “brothers and sisters at the Ferguson protest on the 12th of November.” Watch their video message here:


watch this insightful interview with Jim Douglass on the trial surrounding the U.S. gov’t’s role in the assassination of Dr. MLK: “When we have a terrorist threat out there, don’t think Saddam Hussein. Don’t think North Korea. Don’t think Algeria. Think CIA – number one and then go down from there. Certainly there are other terrorist threats besides the government of the United States, but the primary terrorist group in the world today is the same government that assassinated Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and John and Robert Kennedy.”