Tagged: South Carolina

“The first black president has become the first niggerized black president.” — Dr. Cornel West

Yesterday afternoon, I was watching CNN and Dr. Cornel West gave a great interview with CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin. Although the initial focus of the conversation was on the tragic events that took place in Charleston, Dr. West brought the conversation full circle when he discussed the role our nation’s first “niggerized black president” has played in exacerbating our country’s issues with racism. Click the link below to hear Dr. West’s statements. Do you agree? I definitely do.

Source: Pam Key. “Cornel West: Obama ‘Has Become The First Nigg**ized Black President.” Breitbart. June 22, 2015. http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/06/22/cornel-west-obama-has-become-the-first-n-gerized-black-president/.

fuck Confederates & the Confederacy!


TIME puts the slogan “BLACK LIVES MATTER” on its cover following the recent murder of ANOTHER UNARMED BLACK MAN by police in AmeriKKKa, but if WE really matter so much to TIME, how many BLACK people are employed throughout their organization?


If TIME truly gave a damn about black lives, it wouldn’t have take this long for them to show their support considering the high number of unarmed BLACK men, women and CHILDREN who have died at the hands of cops within the last few years alone…

TIM SCOTT makes HISTORY to become first African American senator elected in the South since Reconstruction [120 years ago]! does he have the ability to change African Americans’ perceptions of the Democratic party since Obama is TOO AFRAID to discuss RACE?

Tim Scott

Scott’s win also made him the first African-American in U.S. history to be elected to both the House and the Senate.

I’m just learning about Scott, but after watching his interview with The Blaze, he is one of the first Republicans I can say has my support. Unfortunately, I’m not able upload video, but you can check it out here: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/11/05/tim-scott-urges-media-and-politicians-to-stop-race-baiting-and-appealing-to-the-lowest-common-denominator-of-fear/. I think his story & accomplishments are pretty remarkable and I like that he’s not afraid to talk about RACE!!

If it weren’t for all the racists affiliated with his political party, I would have no problem being a Republican — especially since the party was founded in the North by anti-slavery activists in 1854…#history

Also check out Western Journalism’s article on Scott: http://www.westernjournalism.com/sc-breaks-race-barriers-elects-first-black-senator-tim-scott/.

According to CNN, “It was a year of firsts for African American Republicans. Mia Love of Utah became the first-African American Republican woman to win a seat in Congress.”