Tagged: racial profiling

NY Daily News: “NYPD cop [James Frascatore] who tackled tennis star James Blake has been sued 4 times for excessive force.”


Get this racist piece of shit out of there! He doesn’t belong on the police force anywhere in America. This thug belongs in prison.

Source: Rachelle Blidner, Dareh Gregorian, Corky Siemaszko, Thomas Tracy.”NYPD Cop Who Tackled Tennis Star James Blake Has Been Sued 4 Times For Excessive Force.” NY Daily News. September 11, 2015. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/tackled-james-blake-sued-4-times-excessive-force-article-1.2356691.

P.S. Did it really take four people to write this article though???

Several black organizations endorse “the NAARC[‘s] request for [President Barack H.] Obama to establish a commission on reparatory justice that will address white supremacy ‘in all of its individual, institutional and structural manifestations.'”

In part, the press release reads:

New York, July 1, 2015…Momentum continues to build in support of the recent call to President Barack Obama to create, by executive order, a “national commission on reparatory justice” in the wake of the massacre of innocent Black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina.

The call was contained in a June 24th letter to the president from the National African-American Reparations Commission (NAARC), a group of prominent Black leaders in the legal, academic, health and faith-based communities across the country.

To date, 10 national African-American organizations (see list below) representing thousands of members, have endorsed the NAARC request for Obama to establish a commission on reparatory justice that will address white supremacy “in all of its individual, institutional and structural manifestations.”

The letter describes white supremacy and racism as “a deadly disease” that remains deeply embedded in the American psyche and in the social, economic and political fabric of US society.

“Reparations are a form of historical correction and justice not only for the descendants of those enslaved, but for the enslavers as well,” said Prof. Dr. Ray Winbush, a reparations scholar based at Morgan State University in Baltimore and a member of the NAARC.

The NAARC has recommended that the commission be named in honor of esteemed historian and scholar Dr. John Hope Franklin who had chaired President Bill Clinton’s Commission on Race some 22 years ago. “In honor of Dr. Franklin’s 100th birthday, we call upon you to have the vision to create a commission on reparatory justice in his name. This is only fitting as it also offers an opportunity to complete the unfinished work of President Clinton’s Commission on Race”, states the letter.

Source: Don Rojas. “Reparations Movement Gains Momentum As Groups Ask Obama To Sign Executive Order.” Financial Juneteenth. July 1, 2015. http://financialjuneteenth.com/reparations-movement-gains-momentum-as-groups-ask-obama-to-sign-executive-order/.

“Amid ongoing tensions over the deaths of unarmed black men and teenagers by police, the National Urban League released its 2015 State of Black America report Thursday. ‘Black America is in crisis — a jobs crisis, a justice crisis and an education crisis,’ the civil rights group’s president and CEO, Marc Morial, told CBS News.”

And black Americans can thank passively active black organizations like the National Urban League and the NAACP for keeping us subservient slaves, uneducated about our history and not doing what is necessary to eradicate global white supremacy (racism). That latter should have always been the number one goal for organizations representing the interests of black Americans and other people of African descent…In my eyes, these black-led organizations and institutions have failed us and they should be held accountable. At this stage, they are just as much a part of the problem as whites and they need to be replaced with more “radical” black institutions that are dedicated and fully committed to the total and full liberation of black people because we are still dealing with the same issues that plagued the African American community when these organizations [“a jobs crisis, a justice crisis and an education crisis”] were first created more than A CENTURY AGO [the NAACP was founded in 1909 and the National Urban League was founded in 1910]. Smdh.

Source: “‘Black America Is In Crisis’: Urban League President.” CBS News. March 19, 2015. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/black-america-is-in-crisis-national-urban-league-president-marc-morial-says/.

the “racial” version of standpoint theory


In Charles W. Mill’s The Racial Contract, he states on pages 109-110:

The term ” standpoint theory” is now routinely used to signify the notion that in understanding the workings of a system of oppression, a perspective from the bottom up is more likely to be accurate than one from the top down. What is involved here, then, is a “racial” version of standpoint theory, a perspectival cognitive advantage that is grounded in the phenomenological experience of the disjuncture between official (white) reality and actual (nonwhite) experience, the “double-consciousness” of which W. E. B. Du Bois spoke. This differential racial experience generates an alternative moral and political perception of social reality which is encapsulated in the insight from the black American folk tradition I have used as the epigraph of this book: the central realization, summing up the Racial Contract, that “when white people say ‘Justice,’ they mean ‘Just Us.'”

You can read the book here: http://sfbay-anarchists.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Mills_CharlesW-The-Racial-Contract.pdf.

“Four black parole officers on official business were held at gunpoint and detained by police last year, videos recently obtained by The Journal News show. Black law enforcement leaders are criticizing Ramapo police for the incident last April, saying it highlights a larger problem with how police treat members of the black community. ‘If these guys aren’t safe, imagine what a young black man feels about interacting with the police,’ said Damon Jones, the New York representative of Blacks in Law Enforcement of America. ‘They have no chance.'”

I wonder how many African American or police officers of color are on the Ramapo police force…

Source: Lee Higgins. “Video Shows 4 black Officers Held At Gunpoint By Police.” Journal News. May 4, 2015. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/05/03/black-parole-officers-police/26843733/.

“Shot and killed by an officer who was dismissed from his previous police force for lying, mishandling his gun, and weeping uncontrollably during his gun training, Tamir [Rice] is now being blamed for his own death by the city of Cleveland and called a ‘menacing’ man child by the Cleveland Police Union.”


Deny, deny, deny…then blame and run a smear campaign on the victim. Repeat. I’m disgusted!!! The entire police department in Cleveland needs to be fired!

Source: Shaun King. “A Rebuttal to Cleveland PD’s Infuriating Excuses On Why They Killed 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice.” Daily Kos. March 2, 2015. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/02/1367942/-A-rebuttal-to-Cleveland-s-infuriating-excuses-on-why-they-killed-12-year-old-Tamir-Rice.

“The NYPD will launch a unit of 350 cops to handle both counterterrorism and protests — riding vehicles equipped with machine guns and riot gear — under a re-engineering plan to be rolled out over the coming months. The Strategic Response Group, or SRG, will be devoted to ‘advanced disorder control and counterterrorism protection,’ responding to the sort of demonstrations that erupted after the Eric Garner grand jury decision and also events like the recent Paris terror attacks.”

Huh???? “Counterterrorism”? Aren’t they the true terrorists, aggressors, racists, etc. = THE PROBLEM?? I’m also confused by this article because many world leaders participated in the Paris protests… Basically, the NYPD just wants to spend a lot more money on weapons so they can be better prepared when the next time comes to kill more protesters. The predominately all-white “top brass” at the NYPD and all affiliated organizations (including Commissioner Bill Bratton) need to be FIRED!

Source: Shawn Cohen and Kevin F. “NYPD To Launch Beefed-Up Counterterrorism Squad.” New York Post. January 31, 2015. http://nypost.com/2015/01/30/nypd-to-launch-a-beefed-up-counterterrorism-squad/.

“I understand that mistrust. I am the attorney general of the United States. But I am also a black man.” — Eric Holder, August 20, 2014.

Source: Todd Ruger, “Eric Holder Eyes Civil Rights Legacy,” National Law Journal. August 25, 2014. http://www.nationallawjournal.com/id=1202667809135/Eric-Holder-Eyes-Civil-Rights-Legacy#ixzz3Bi3gzBpN

North Korea: “The US is indeed a country wantonly violating human rights where people are subject to discrimination and humiliation due to their race, and are in constant fear that they may get shot at any moment.”

“The US is indeed a country wantonly violating human rights where people are subject to discrimination and humiliation due to their race, and are in constant fear that they may get shot at any moment,” a spokesman from North Korea’s foreign ministry said, as quoted by state news agency KCNA.

The spokesman added that the US should “mind its own business” rather than interfering in other countries’ affairs.

The fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a white police officer on Aug. 9 sparked over a week of heated protests against law enforcement. Officers overseeing the protests used tear gas and rubber bullets at times to control the demonstrators.

The United States regularly condemns North Korea for human rights abuses. The isolated nation is believed to be holding up to 120,000 political prisoners, according to the AFP.

Source: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/north-korea-us-human0rights-graveyard-ferguson.