Tagged: President for all people

“If President Ulysses S. Grant could pass the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 and have it enthusiastically enforced by then-Attorney General Amos Akerman — to halt the desecration of black bodies — and if President John F. Kennedy could send in U.S. marshals to ensure that James Meredith could safely attend the University of Mississippi, then President Obama can stand before the scores of black citizens who have shown him unwavering support and demonstrate that all black lives matter, not just the ones that meet some arbitrary respectability criteria set forth by white people in America.”

Source: Kirsten West Savali. “When It Comes to Ferguson, President Obama Could Take A Lesson From Cornel West.” The Root. December 2, 2014.  http://www.theroot.com/articles/politics/2014/12/cornel_west_is_right_about_obama_and_ferguson.html.