Tagged: planets

“Planets literally exist in more than one dimension, and if you could see the whole Earth in all its glory — the various fields and energies around a planet — you’d be astounded. Mother Earth is far more intricate and complex than we at this dense level can perceive.”

Source: The Ancient Secret Of The Flower of Life: Volume 1. pg. 52. 

“I’ve often said that people of European descent leave off a phrase, a prepositional phrase: ‘for Europe.’ Christopher Columbus discovered America ‘for Europe.’ [Sigmund] Freud discovered psychology ‘for Europe.’ You can go through every subject and I’m a curriculum writer and a consultant to many boards of ed, so I’ve seen many books in science, psychology, chemistry, physics. Johannes Kepler, born in Stuttgart, Germany, given credit for creating, inventing the planetary laws of motion, yet he himself admits in his writing he studied the Kemetic golden law of planetary motion. [Nicolaus] Copernicus admits that he studied Kemetic astronomy. In fact, anybody that knows anything in that time of history studied Egypt. Even Hitler was a student of Egypt. Napoleon was a student of Egypt. This is not what I say — this is what they said…[W]hen our young people get this information, people in the Western world will be left behind by quantum leap because they will not have the intelligence to test our children because they won’t even understand what our children are talking about. By a quantum leap.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

“This profound epistemological crisis — which we are experiencing and which can be interpreted parallel to the general revolution, which is moral as well as social and aesthetic — recalls another profound revolution at the end of the Egyptian era and the beginning of the Christian era. What we are able to find out about the history of Ancient Egypt shows us a similar revolution on the eve of the Middle Kingdom, circa 2200-2100 B.C. These three dates (the Egyptian date, the beginning of the Christian era, and our own time) correspond only too well in the revolutionary aspect of the vital nature, to the precessional cycles — Taurus (Montu), Aries (Amun), the end of Pisces (the Christian era), today (in about 150 years) — for this correspondence between the celestial dates and great events on Earth to be pure coincidence.”

Source: R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, Symbol and the Symbolic: Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness. pg. 42-43.

fact or fiction: planetary alignment with the Giza Pyramids on Dec. 3rd????

This is very interesting….especially its timing!! All signs are pointing in the direction that December 2012 is going to produce a number of significant world events that are going to hopefully usher in a new consciousness or enlightenment amongst us all (Age of Aquarius???). I already see it happening.

I did a preliminary search to find out if this was true that Mercury, Venus and Saturn would be making an appearance above the pyramids, and it does appear that this event will be taking place. Of course, the Western “astronomer” cited in article I read — Phil Plait — has an objection. In the article, it states:  “…while there is going to be a relatively close conjunction of the three planets on December 3, they likely won’t be arranged so neatly above the tops of the pyramids.  By mapping the location of the planets with a computer program, Plait found that the three planets will not be in a completely straight line, and will actually be arranged in a much steeper angle, closer to vertical.”

If that’s his objection, then it clearly demonstrates that Plait is simply ignorant to the fact that the Giza Pyramids are not aligned in a “completely straight line” — although the image above gives the illusion that it is. The “much steeper angle” that will be made by the planets actually mirrors the angle made by the three pyramids. Here’s an aerial view of the pyramids:

Because the Western world — for the last six hundred years — has tried to erase history by denying the role Ethiopia, Egypt and other African nations  (who were all dark-skinned peoples) played in the creation and development of human civilization, they ignore the fact that the ancient Egyptians created these pyramids based on their connection with God (who created them in His own image, therefore He was also dark-skinned) and true understanding of astrology,astronomy, science, mathematics, philosophy, monotheistic religion, architecture, etc…

Source: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/375939/20120821/giza-planet-align-conjunction.htm

Update [10/20]: