Tagged: ownership

“[I] am most certain that the only ‘AUTHORITATIVE SOURCES ON AFRICA, AFRICAN PEOPLE’ and/or ‘THINGS AFRICAN’ are first vested in African [BLACK] People; and all others after. Thus it is; the best historian is the person who was personally involved in the facts of the story being told, as each person’s account of the same story is influenced and prejudiced by his [or her] personal interest to the facts. In this very light, we can see that a slave and his master cannot have the same interest in the slave’s overall welfare; because the master sees his slave as property to insure and increase his own wealth. The slave, on the other hand, sees his master as the evil genius of cultural and physical genocide. These facts equally hold true for the descendants of the slave and master from the same set of historical events and facts of the history of the entire WORLD as e knew it yesterday, and know it today.”

Source: Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan. The Myth of Genesis and Exodus and the Exclusion of their African Origins. pg. 4 1974.

Ruth Brown: “No woman has held as exalted a position in the entertainment industry as she does as founder and now president of Queen Booking Corp., one of America’s major talent booking agencies. Prior to Ruth Brown, the only black woman seen in the halls of such competitors as the William Morris Agency and Creative Management Associates [now known as Creative Artists Agency] dealt in mops and pails rather than careers and contracts.”


Ruth Brown represented acts such as Aretha Franklin and throughout her time on Earth, she was able to create a “multi-million dollar black empire.” It’s been 4o years since this article was published in Ebony, but how many African American women have been hired and/or promoted as music Agent at the major talent agencies in Hollywood in that same time span? If I were to make an educated guess, I would say the answer is less than three and none of them were employed in the 21st century. Is this America’s idea of “racial progress”? If the reason for this is NOT racial discrimination, then what explanation can be given to explain why this has happened? What’s the purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, if entire industries, especially those with higher paying and higher status positions, continue to remain racially homogeneous in 2014?

Soruce: http://books.google.com/books?. id=Jd4DAAAAMBAJ&lpg=PA73&ots=iFCM8eS6j_&dq=ebony%20%2B%20william%20morris%20agency%20%2B%20agents&pg=PA73#v=onepage&q=ebony%20+%20william%20morris%20agency%20+%20agents&f=false.