Tagged: Nile Valley

“There is an interesting discourse on this question in Gerald Massey’s A Book of the Beginnings; and since this work is now rare and almost impossible to obtain, we shall quote from it briefly as follows: ‘Egypt is often called Kam, the black land, and Kam does signify black; the name probably applied to the earliest inhabitants whose type is the Kam or Ham of the Hebrew writers.’ (A Book of the Beginnings, Vol. I, p. 4, by Gerald Massey). ‘It will be maintained in this book that the oldest mythology, religion, symbols, language had their birthplace in Africa, that the primitive race of Kam came thence, and the civilization attained in Egypt, emanated from that country and spread over the world. The most reasonable view on the evolutionary theory…is that the black race is the most ancient, and that Africa is the primordial home.’ (Ibid., p. 18)”

Source: John G. Jackson. Introduction to African Civilizations. pg. 153-154. 1970.

KMTologist Ashra Kwesi on the African Origins of Spirituality & Christianity.

A few years ago, my barber Yollanda put me onto Dr. Kwesi and his teachings. She gave me this DVD, which captured a debate he had with a African American preacher on the subject of Jesus Christ. The evidence he had to support his arguments moved me to tears. Literally. Glad I just stumbled upon this recent interview. He gives tours of Africa and I would love to some day go visit with him as my guide/teacher.