Tagged: new American identity

INDICT St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch for committing “FRAUD UPON THE COURT”!!!!

A woman who swore she saw teenager Michael Brown pummel Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson and charge him “like a football player,” was lying about being at the scene of the controversial police shooting, St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch said Friday.

“I’m sure she was nowhere near the place,” McCulloch said during a St. Louis radio interview. “She recounted the statement that was right out of the newspaper.”

While investigators doubted her story, McCulloch said the woman was allowed to testify because “early on, I decided that anyone who claimed to have witnessed anything would be presented to the grand jury.”

The prosecutor’s appearance on KTRS 550-AM was his first interview since Nov. 24, when he announced that the grand jury had decided not to indict Wilson for killing Brown. The officer, who resigned his position after the ruling, says he shot in self-defense.

McCulloch’s handling of the death of an unarmed black teen by a white police officer has been criticized from the outset. On Thursday, State Rep. Karla May, a Democrat, called for McCulloch to be investigated for prosecutorial misconduct, the AP reported.

McCulloch knew what was at stake with this case when he began and he still did everything in his power to ensure that Darren Wilson would NOT be indicted, including allowing “anyone who claimed to have witnessed anything” to present testimony to the grand jury. Wtf?! As demonstrated by this case, that included at least one racist “witness” who never WITNESSED anything!!! If the woman’s story was a lie and she supposedly got her story from the newspaper, then who provided the newspaper with that misinformation, the same lies that were later recanted by Wilson during his testimony? And of course, the majority white grand jury believed their perjurious statements over the many black witnesses who lived in the neighborhood and actually saw what happened….Smdh.

It is clear that the outcome of this case was predetermined — which is why many people who were familiar with McCulloch and his family’s relationships to the Ferguson & St. Louis Police Departments, wanted him removed from the case. Similar fraud has happened in my case as well and their actions constitute nothing short of a race-based conspiracy to deprive the Brown family of their constitutional and statutory rights under the color of the law and prevent this family from receiving justice for Michael’s untimely death.

African Americans are constantly told and expected to put our faith in our nation’s white-controlled judicial system and in return, whites have to do unlawful and highly unethical shit like this just to obtain favorable outcomes. As more and more details come out about how this case was intentionally mishandled and other conflicts of interest [e.g. I read that an organization McCulloch is affiliated with, helped Wilson raise more than $100,000.00 after murdering Brown] are revealed to the public, the past and current actions of the protesters — both lawful and unlawful — become even more justified. What will it take for these white people to stop being racist, corrupt and morally bankrupt? When there is not even the appearance of justice, there will never be any peace….

Source: Jason Sickles. “Ferguson Prosecutor: Some Witnesses Lied, Including Woman Who Didn’t See Shooting.” Yahoo News. December 19, 2014. http://news.yahoo.com/ferguson-prosecutor-some-witnesses-lied-including-woman-who-didn-t-see-shooting-000602852.html.

the Reply to my Motion for Extraordinary Relief is submitted to the 2nd Circuit!!!

Wow! I can’t believe that in four days, I was able to condense my discussion of the overall fraud that has been perpetrated upon the Court by Loeb & Loeb LLP and the Court itself, into those 10 pages!! What makes things even better, is that if the appellate court denies my Motion [without providing an ethical and objective judicial opinion], then this pleading can essentially serve as my petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court.

Below are some pix chronicling my day as I prepared to submit what could very well be the last pleading I submit to the Second Circuit:






Thank you GOD for always watching over me [and intervening while I was at the post office to prevent me from mailing Loeb & Loeb LLP the wrong version of the pleading]!!

watch President Barack Obama discuss RACE and RACISM in AMERIKKKA with BET: The murder of unarmed black men like Eric Garner “gives us an opportunity…to finally have the kind of conversation that’s been a long time coming.”

The transcript can be read here: “Transcript: BET’s Exclusive Interview with President Obama.” BET.com. December 12, 2014. http://www.bet.com/news/national/2014/12/12/transcript-bet-s-exclusive-interview-with-president-obama.html.

watch J. Cole’s “SUPER POWERFUL” performance of “BE FREE” on David Letterman!!!

This is a must watch. That song, performance and his new album 2014 Forest Hill Drive just put J. Cole into an entirely different stratosphere!! Wow! He’s speaking about all of the shit I’m talking about on this blog — even reparations! Haha. I got goosebumps as I watched him express his soul and his performance definitely had a powerful impact on David Letterman as well. Jermaine, thanks for sharing your gift with the world!

“In general, a program of reparations is intended to achieve three objectives: acknowledgment of a grievous injustice, redress for the injustice, and closure of the grievances held by the group subjected to the injustice. Three types of injustices motivate a program of reparations for black Americans: slavery, the nearly century long Jim Crow regime following Reconstruction, and ongoing discrimination.”

Source: William Darity, Jr. Forty Acres and a Mule in the 21st Century. Social Science Quarterly, Volume 89, No. 3, September 2008.

“In dealing with something ‘as deeply rooted as racism or bias in any society, you’ve got to have vigilance but you have to recognize that it’s going to take some time and you just have to be steady so that you don’t give up when you don’t get all the way there,’ Obama said.”

It looks like President Barack Hussein Obama is finally ready to have more of an open & honest dialogue about the issue of race and racism in our majority white society. On the day of Obama’s second inauguration, I posted that he would not get through his second term without addressing and helping eradicate this problem. Well now, it’s actually beginning to happen! A few days ago, Obama gave what has been described by the Associated Press as “his most candid interview on race” with BET, which aired last night. I haven’t had the opportunity to watch the interview yet, but timing of this all is not accidental. Things are going to get very interesting from here on out…

Source: “President Obama Gives His Most Candid Interview on Race.” Associated Press. December 7, 2014. http://thegrio.com/2014/12/08/obama-gives-his-most-candid-interview-on-race/.

“I’m the descendant of enslaved black people in this country. You could’ve been born in 1820, if you were black and looked back to your ancestors and saw nothing but slaves all the way back to 1619. Look forward another 50 or 60 years and saw nothing but slaves. There was no reason at that point in time to believe that emancipation was 40 or 50 years off. And yet folks resisted and folks fought on. So fatalism isn’t really an option. Even if you think you’re not going to necessarily win the fight today in your lifetime, in your child’s lifetime, you still have to fight. It’s kind of selfish to say that you’re only going to fight for a victory that you will live to see. As an African-American, we stand on the shoulders of people who fought despite not seeing victories in their lifetime or even in their children’s lifetime or even in their grandchildren’s lifetime. So fatalism isn’t really an option.” — Ta-Nehisi Coates

This is exactly the reason why I have fought this case in the unrelentless way that I have. This case is soooo much bigger than me! I was so disgusted after finding out that my inability to be hired and/or promoted to Agent was not an “isolated” incident and that William Morris has been engaging in a pattern and practice of excluding qualified African Americans from positions like Agent for more than a CENTURY with “malice and/or reckless indifference” to our federally protected rights. I’m not only fighting for my human & civil rights, but I’m fighting for the human rights of all people of African descent (and ultimately everyone) — so that we may no longer have to live in a society governed under an unjust, white/”Jewish” supremacist system that explicitly and/or implicitly reminds black people every day, in every aspect of our lives (e.g.  in the classroom, in the workplace, in the media, in our judicial system, etc.), that our lives don’t mean shit, that we are inferior, less than, second class citizens, three-fifths a person, that we don’t have rights that the white man is bound to respect, etc. They need to deal with their issues and they — not us — need to get rid of their backwards and racist thinking. Their entire existence is based on a lie (the myth of white racial superiority) and this oppressive culture has the AUDACITY to say that WE are the problem! Smdh. Lauryn Hill said it perfectly:  “Unlearn, and let your mind be retaught.” It’s the only way transformative change throughout our country and the world can occur!

“If President Ulysses S. Grant could pass the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 and have it enthusiastically enforced by then-Attorney General Amos Akerman — to halt the desecration of black bodies — and if President John F. Kennedy could send in U.S. marshals to ensure that James Meredith could safely attend the University of Mississippi, then President Obama can stand before the scores of black citizens who have shown him unwavering support and demonstrate that all black lives matter, not just the ones that meet some arbitrary respectability criteria set forth by white people in America.”

Source: Kirsten West Savali. “When It Comes to Ferguson, President Obama Could Take A Lesson From Cornel West.” The Root. December 2, 2014.  http://www.theroot.com/articles/politics/2014/12/cornel_west_is_right_about_obama_and_ferguson.html.

“Currently the Uranus/Pluto square (an era-defining transit that denotes upheaval, change, upset and unrest active from 2012-March 2015) is showing its true potential. Uranus square Pluto can incite many a riot or, said another way, Uranus square Pluto can make it impossible to remain calm in the face of genocide. It’s revving up for its next row on December 15th. Pluto will be at 12+ degrees of Capricorn and Uranus at 12+ of Aries. In the astrological chart for the inception of The United States the sun is at 13+ degrees of Cancer. What this means is that Pluto is opposing the sun in the US’s astrological chart and Uranus is squaring it. What this means is that right now the United States is undergoing a massive transformation whether it likes it or not. What this means is that America is under an extreme amount of pressure to change and give way to a new identity. What this means is that America is in a complete identity crisis and is being forced to look its past square in the face.” — Chani Nicholas

Nicholas then states:

America has a disease. It’s unable to own up to its past of slavery, genocide and exploitation and therefore cannot see the present incarnation of it. America has a disease. It’s committed to its historical amnesia or, worse, it’s false notion that slavery ever ended. America has a disease. It’s defensiveness, disassociation, reframing of the past, misrepresentation of the present, dedication to its sociopathic laws and its perversion of justice make humanity impossible in this country as it stands. Without flushing out the old wounds, making reparations and without making clear and definitive actions towards justice for all there will be no peace here. The feeding, coddling and maintenance of our disease of injustice comes at the cost of black, brown, trans, female, poor, queer and young bodies and it is unconscionable to hold up the system that perpetuates this paradigm.

What other astrologer do you know in the Western world that openly incorporates and discusses issues like global white supremacy (racism) in their readings? Not many. That is why Chani is the truth!

Source: http://www.chaninicholas.com/full-moon-gemini-retelling-tale/.