Tagged: nature

“In 1968, a pair of scientists from Stanford Research Institute wrote a report for the American Petroleum Institute, a trade association for America’s oil and natural gas industry. They warned that ‘man is now engaged in a vast geophysical experiment with his environment, the earth’ — one that ‘may be the cause of serious world-wide environmental changes.’ The scientists went on: “If the Earth’s temperature increases significantly, a number of events might be expected to occur including the melting of the Antarctic ice cap, a rise in sea levels, warming of the oceans and an increase in photosynthesis.” That 48-year-old report, which accurately foreshadowed what’s now happening, is among a trove of public documents uncovered and released Wednesday by the Washington-based Center for International Environmental Law. Taken together, documents that the organization has assembled show that oil executives were well aware of the serious climate risks associated with carbon dioxide emissions decades earlier than previously documented — and they covered it up. Carroll Muffett, the center’s president, told The Huffington Post the documents not only reveal that the industry, including Humble Oil (now Exxon Mobil), was ‘clearly on notice’ about the potential role of fossil fuels in CO2 emissions no later than 1957, but was ‘shaping science to shape public opinion’ even earlier, in the 1940s.”

There probably aren’t that many non-white oil execs in positions of power today, but how many non-white oil execs do you think existed before 1968?

The white elite are not only trying to wipe out various segments of the hue-man race, but they are hell-bent on destroying the world as well.

This is not a “conspiracy theory” — this is a FACT! And if you think these oil companies are telling the truth about cleaning up all of their oil spills and the non-damaging effects these oil spills have on the environment & wildlife, then you are nothing more than a gullible fool.

Source: Chris D’Angelo. “New Documents Show Oil Industry Even More Evil Than We Thought.” Huffington Post. April 14, 2016. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/oil-cover-up-climate_us_570e98bbe4b0ffa5937df6ce?ir=World&.

“There can be no inner peace or surety of action without…basic spiritual knowledge. The man who lives isolated from the roots of his being has cut himself off from the source of all power and dwells alone and without resource in a hostile and threatening world. Let him once perceive the true nature of life and his relationship to it and he soon sees that the world always reflects his thoughts.”

Source: U. S. Andersen. The Magic In Your Mind. pg. 16-17. 1961.

“Inscription of a giraffe herd in the rock, near Tin Merzouga [in Algeria]. Giraffes are long since extinct from this part of Africa. They are said to be between 12000-15000 years old.”

giraffe herd in the rock, near Tin Merzouga

Amazing photo taken by Tan Yilmaz! This information, if true, should force many of us to rethink the timeline and origin of man since very few in Western academia discuss things like this…

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/26034413@N04/4298493755/in/photostream/.