Tagged: Mailroom

completed reading.


Shit is going to hit the fan next month if it is true that Darren Wilson will be acquitted of all wrongdoing in the shooting of the unarmed teen Michael Brown….Next month will be a pivotal moment in American history and the events that will follow after the verdict is announced will have a tremendous impact on the future of “race relations” in our country. There is no question about it.

More than 400 years ago, my ancestors were stripped of their language, families, religions, culture, etc. and brought to this country and over the last 60 years, majority of African Americans have spent a considerable amount of time denying and/or being ignorant to their own history/greatness in order to integrate and assimilate into a society/culture that explicitly and/or implicitly believes that we are inferior and have no rights to which they ultimately bound to respect. Some whites ignorant of history falsely believe they are “God’s chosen people” while others pray to a white Christian Jesus/God that is also racist. Smh. In additional to a number of other reasons, it should be no surprise that many of the gains made during the civil rights movement have been eviscerated. As blatant forms of white racism continues to rise, our President — who is of color, highly intelligent, was once taught by critical race theorist Derrick Bell at Harvard Law, etc. — has also refused to address the root of the problem.  The irony….

Racism is embedded into the DNA of AmeriKKKa’s culture and and the white collective (and brainwashed blacks) continues to ignore the problem and pretend that racism doesn’t exist. At the end of the day, we are all victims global white supremacy (racism) if our worldviews are intentionally being shaped on a number of myths, lies and half-truths. Thus, President Obama’s “I am not the President of black America” rhetoric doesn’t apply since this is a human rights issue. Until people of African descent collectively recognize global white supremacy (racism) for what it truly is, whites are going to continue to chip away at the rights that they gave us until we wake up one day, and receive the news that we are enslaved again.

Disparate impact is “based upon the premise ‘that some employment practices, adopted without a deliberately discriminatory motive, may in operation be functionally equivalent to intentional discrimination,’ Watson, 487 U.S. at 987, because the result ‘fall[s] more harshly on one group than another and cannot be justified by business necessity.’” Int’l Bhd. of Teamsters v. United States, 431 U.S. 324, 335-35 n. 15 (1977).”

Source: WME and Loeb & Loeb LLP’s Opp. to My Motion for Summary Judgment and Cross Motion to Dismiss. November 6, 2012 [ironically, the day Obama was elected to his second term.]