Tagged: logic

“In our own United States anyone reputed to have an African ancestry, however remote, is supposed to be a Negro. Let’s carry this thesis to its logical conclusion. Since there is overwhelming evidence that the Cradle of Mankind was in Africa, then everybody must be considered a Negro. According to the theory of evolution, to carry the argument a step further, we all have a common ancestry with the apes; therefore, we are all apes.”

Source: John G. Jackson. Introduction To African Civilizations. pg. 229. 1970.

if an appeal is basically a summary of the legal arguments raised in the lower court, is it possible for the appellate court to conclude that a party’s appeal “lacks an arguable basis either in law or in fact,” if it took the district court judge 26 pages to issue an Order that purposefully ignored the facts of the case and manifestly disregarded the prevailing law?