Tagged: lawsuit

“A well known legal maxim is that public policy demands finality of judgment — that there be an end to litigation at some point. Another important policy which must be weighed against the interest in finality is the policy favoring fair and correct results in litigation. It is these interests which courts must balance when a party dissatisfied with a judgment seeks to have it vacated or amended. Rule 60(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure enumerates the various grounds upon which relief from judgments may be granted at the district court level, and also limits the time period in which the motions must be made. No statute, however, has been enacted to aid courts of appeals in balancing these interests when they are requested to recall their mandates, which are their binding instructions to the trial court as the law of the case.”

On the 30th, I received a letter from the Second Circuit. It was a copy of the mandate that was sent to the Southern District of New York, dated May 21, 2015. The problem is that I asked the Second Circuit in my March 25, 2015 Motion for Reconsideration, to stay the mandate pending the filing of my petition for a writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court. It was written on the title page and was mentioned twice throughout the 15 page Motion.

This Motion showed [once again] that all of P. Kevin Castel’s legal conclusions were erroneous as both a matter of law and public policy and that the appellate court panel judges [Jacobs, Swain and Lohier] intentionally erred by upholding Castel’s September 5, 2014 Order and concluding that my appeal “lack[ed] an arguable basis in law or in fact” without providing an ethical judicial opinion. [I obtained a favorable decision on the merits by the only lawfully appointed arbitrator, David L. Gregory of the American Arbitration Association, on December 17, 2013.] They never addressed the issue of “fraud upon the Court” and the highly unethical and criminal conduct engaged in by Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone, Loeb & Loeb LLP and other “officers of the court.” [Based on Loeb & Loeb LLP’s involvement in a conspiracy to conceal smoking gun evidence during their representation of William Morris in an earlier civil rights case Rowe Entertainment v. William Morris Agency et al., they should not be allowed to represent William Morris in my case and attorney Michael P. Zweig should be disbarred, thus all decisions in their favor should be vitiated due to fraud. A considerable conflict of interest also exist due to the fact that Loeb & Loeb LLP attorney Christian Carbone never disclosed to myself or the federal court that he is married to an executive for the American Arbitration Association who worked closely with the unlawfully appointed arbitrator to vacate Gregory’s Award and dismissed my case with prejudice after he and his law firm received more than $80,000 in under six months.]

The appellate court en banc denied my Motion for Reconsideration without reason on April 30, 2015. Now, the appellate court has prematurely issued the mandate to the Southern District of New York and is once again trying to deprive me of due process and equal protection under the law. I guess I now have to take time away from working on my petition to the Supreme Court and address this issue with the Second Circuit…Le sigh…

Source: Steve D. McLamb. Federal Appellate Procedure – Recall of Mandate – Review of Judgments after Rehearing and Appeal Periods Expire. 24 Vill. L. Rev. 157 (1978).

“Four black parole officers on official business were held at gunpoint and detained by police last year, videos recently obtained by The Journal News show. Black law enforcement leaders are criticizing Ramapo police for the incident last April, saying it highlights a larger problem with how police treat members of the black community. ‘If these guys aren’t safe, imagine what a young black man feels about interacting with the police,’ said Damon Jones, the New York representative of Blacks in Law Enforcement of America. ‘They have no chance.'”

I wonder how many African American or police officers of color are on the Ramapo police force…

Source: Lee Higgins. “Video Shows 4 black Officers Held At Gunpoint By Police.” Journal News. May 4, 2015. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/05/03/black-parole-officers-police/26843733/.

John Hopkins University and the Rockefeller Foundation are sued for $1 BILLION for deliberately conducting experiments that infected Guatemalans with STDs during the 1940s!!! Smdh!

How many of those conducting these “experiments” were persons of color?

Source: Ralph Ellis. “Guatemalans deliberately infected with STDs sue Johns Hopkins.” CNN. April 3, 2015. http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/03/americas/guatemala-std-lawsuit/index.html.

“Shot and killed by an officer who was dismissed from his previous police force for lying, mishandling his gun, and weeping uncontrollably during his gun training, Tamir [Rice] is now being blamed for his own death by the city of Cleveland and called a ‘menacing’ man child by the Cleveland Police Union.”


Deny, deny, deny…then blame and run a smear campaign on the victim. Repeat. I’m disgusted!!! The entire police department in Cleveland needs to be fired!

Source: Shaun King. “A Rebuttal to Cleveland PD’s Infuriating Excuses On Why They Killed 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice.” Daily Kos. March 2, 2015. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/02/1367942/-A-rebuttal-to-Cleveland-s-infuriating-excuses-on-why-they-killed-12-year-old-Tamir-Rice.

today marks the 3 yr. anniversary of Me Against Iniquity!


I just got a notification from WordPress wishing me a Happy Anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been three years already!! I never wanted to be a “blogger,” but I started this blog to bring awareness about my racial discrimination case against the oldest talent agency in Hollywood [William Morris Endeavor Entertainment], as well as shed light on the blatant corruption taking place within our nation’s inherently racist judicial system. With thousands of visitors from more than 105 countries, I can honestly say that this blog has exceeded my expectations. I look forward to seeing this blog continue to grow! Hope you are learning as much as I am! x

read VANITY FAIR’s article “The Inside Story of Ari Emanuel’s Big, Risky WME-IMG Merger”

This is going to be a pretty good read, although I notice that the article makes no mention of the two multi-million dollar racial discrimination lawsuits against WME and the considerable amount of money they are paying to have their law firm, Loeb & Loeb LLP and its attorney Michael P. Zweig, as well as others, engage in fraud so that William Morris can obtain favorable verdicts and avoid jury trials. Based on all the facts and circumstances, it is clear that Leonard Rowe was defrauded by his own attorneys (and their co-conspirators) and had the law been upheld by federal judge Robert P. Patterson in Rowe’s case after he filed his March 2012 Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 Fraud Upon the Court Motion, William Morris, more likely than not, would have not have been able to afford the $2.4 billion needed to acquire IMG in December of 2013 [or they would have needed to borrow more money from SilverLake]…Since they appear to be having financial problems, maybe we need a percentage of the company as well?

Source: William D. Cohan. “The Inside Story of Ari Emanuel’s Big, Risky WME-IMG Merger.” Vanity Fair. February 11, 2015. http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/02/wme-img-merger-ari-emanuel.

“The parents of Kendrick Johnson, the Georgia teenager whose lifeless body was mysteriously found rolled up in a wrestling mat at his high school two years ago, have filed a $100 million lawsuit against 38 people —including local, state and federal law enforcement officials and three classmates. Kendrick, 17, a member of the wrestling team at Lowndes High School in Valdosta, in southern Georgia, was found upside down in the rolled-up mat on Jan. 11, 2013, when other students climbed on a 6-foot-tall stack of the stored mats.”

Yes!!! When I first wrote about Kendrick’ story on my blog, I said that I hoped his family sued everyone involved in the conspiracy to cover up the truth about Kendrick’s murder. [The police originally concluded to KENDRICK’S PARENTS and the public that Kendrick rolled himself up into a mat at his high school’s gym after beating himself up to the point that his face looked like Emmett Till and killed himself!!!! It was a suicide. SMDH!!!!!!! Do they think they think that we do not possess COMMON SENSE as well???!!! Very disturbing shit. It’s time to get out of this racist and fucked up country and go back HOME after we collect the TRILLIONS they OWE US! #reparations] I hope the family’s complaint includes claims under the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 because we all know Kendrick didn’t kill himself and the police and others engaged in a race-based conspiracy to conceal the truth about Kendrick’s death!!! I hope they go after those two brothers and their FBI father during discovery. All involved need to be FIRED from their positions and/or should ROT IN JAIL!!

Source: M. Alex Johnson. “Parents File $100 Million Suit in Gym-Mat Death of Georgia Teen Kendrick Johnson.” NBC News. January 15, 2015. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/parents-file-100-million-suit-gym-mat-death-georgia-teen-n287076.

REVLON CEO accused of making “anti-Semitic” statements, sued for discrimination!! GASP!!!!! Tim Wise says the entire company should be “destroy[ed]” and go “bankrupt.”

The CEO of Revlon is a bigoted bully who hates “dirty” Americans, thinks Jews “stick together” and believes he can “smell” black people when they walk into a room, according to a new lawsuit.

The beauty company’s boss, Lorenzo Delpani, made the ugly comments after taking over in 2013, according to a discrimination suit filed by Revlon’s former top scientist, Alan Meyers, who says he was ostracized because of his Jewish heritage.

Delpani, a native of Italy, told Meyers he was “shocked” there weren’t more Jews at the company because the biggest shareholder is Ron Perelman, a prominent Jewish American, according to the suit.

“Jews stick together,” Delpani quipped. He also allegedly added that “thankfully,” Perelman “is not like that anymore.”

Delpani also said that he hates living among Americans, whom he called “small-minded” and “dirty,” and that he can’t wait to get back to a “real” country, according to court papers filed this week.

He later allegedly went on an “anti-American tirade” in which he said the US is getting closer to being like ISIS.

Meyers also claims Delpani made a racist comment after a meeting in South Africa, when he said he “could smell a black person when he entered a room.”

I came across this story through Tim Wise’s Facebook. Here was his reaction:


After reading the article, Wise’s reaction seems a bit extreme if you ask me. Wise is always speaking out against anti-black racism, but I’ve never seen him or any other white liberal have this type of reaction in response to the discriminatory employment & business practices, policies and procedures of companies that exclude qualified African Americans, people of color and other protected groups from equal opportunities both in and outside the American workplace. I guess the reason why he took such offense to this particular story, is because Wise is also “Jewish”…

Source: Lorenzo Delpani. “Revlon CEO Rips Blacks, Jews, Hates ‘Dirty’ Americans: Bias Suit.” NY Post. January 1, 2015. http://nypost.com/2015/01/01/revlon-ceo-rips-blacks-jews-us-bias-suit/.

“In an email sent to Sony’s top lawyer and other high ranking executives at the company, one former employee alleges a workplace of horrors, filled with sexual harassment, racism, verbal abuse and gender bias. An unnamed African-American woman who worked for Keith Le Goy, President of International Distribution at Sony Pictures Television, claims she and other African-American coworkers were passed over for promotions in favor of less experienced Caucasian employees, that she was the victim of frequent expletive-laden verbal attacks and she alleges that Le Goy sexually harassed her on multiple occasions.”


Is this guy “Jewish” or is he mixed? The dreads are throwing me off. Lol. I read this lady’s e-mails and she’s too detailed to be lying. This guy sounds like he’s a real douche. Even if he was the nicest boss in the world, it is clear that Sony’s employment practices, policies and procedures are creating a disparate impact against qualified African Americans from being hired and/or promoted to meaningful positions at Sony Pictures — like most of the studios, networks and talent agencies in Hollywood. Time for this woman to lawyer up (she probably already has) because she definitely has a case under Title VII, Section 1981, NYSHRL and NYCHRL!

Source: Chris Spargo. “Sony Employee Alleges Rampant Workplace Racism in Leaked Email Days After Studio Head Amy Pascal’s Racist Email Exchange About President Obama Went Public.” December 12, 2014.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2871867/Sony-employee-alleges-rampant-workplace-racism-leaked-email-days-studio-head-Amy-Pascal-s-racist-email-exchange-President-Obama-went-public.html; See also, Sam Biddle. “Email Alleges Racism and Sexual Harassment Horror at Sony.” Gawker. December 12, 2014. http://gawker.com/leaked-email-alleges-racism-and-sexual-harassment-horro-1670318085.

i received the last of “Judge” Timothy K. Lewis’ invoices a few days ago. William Morris will pay him and his law firm, Schnader LLP, more than $115,000.00 for five months of engaging in fraud, intentionally violating the Federal Arbitration Act and depriving me of my statutory & constitutional rights under the color of law. smdh!

Lewis needs to be disbarred immediately and locked up, along with the rest of ’em!

Source: http://www.schnader.com/.