Tagged: “Jewish cabal”

“It’s easier to be the President of the United States as a black person than be the head of a [Hollywood] studio.” — Spike Lee

why is Hollywood continuing to EXCLUDE QUALIFIED African Americans from meaningful positions of employment? Charles Johnson explores the reasons why with his new book AppBLACKation Rejected.


In the book’s description on Amazon, it states:

Why is Hollywood so reluctant to hire people of color? You’ve seen how the Rodney King incident and the O.J. Simpson scandal impacted race relations throughout America. But, outside of Hollywood, have you ever heard of Riley Weston, The Secret Life of Desmond Pfeiffer, or “The Virtual Whiteout” of 1999? All of them, including King and O.J. have contributed to low employment for people of color from the late ‘90’s through the economic crisis of 2008. AppBLACKation Rejected pulls back the Hollywood curtain so readers can see how fear of unemployment promotes racist behavior in otherwise decent people, white and black. From 1992 to the exposure of Amy Pascal in 2014, this book chronicles more than 20 years of deceit and immorality in Hollywood by distinguishing between racism and discrimination, and through the author’s personal journey, examines how liberal Hollywood can practice what they preach and begin hiring African-Americans rather than just talking about it. If you want to understand why Hollywood is considered unfair, how to deal with unpredictable personalities when hired, or how the business operates from writing through production to distribution, AppBlackation Rejected explains the Hollywood process and its sickness better than any film school could ever dare.

In my opinion, African Americans made the most progress in the 1990s when it came to being employed in meaningful positions throughout Hollywood [specifically during President Clinton’s two terms], but it cannot be disputed that  this “Jewish” controlled industry has harbored a racial animus against people of African descent and excluded qualified people of color from decisionmking positions and other higher-status, higher-paying positions THROUGHOUT HISTORY. Thus, no person who perpetuates the myth of white/”Jewish” superiority — consciously or unconsciously — is “decent” in my eyes.

I just got my hands on the audio version of the book and I look forward to giving Charles’ book a listen.

To purchase this book, click the image above.

“Opportunities for black and minority ethnic actors in Britain are worse now than when David Oyelowo left for Los Angeles eight years ago and the biggest problem, he says, is the white, middle-class men in charge of commissioning. Oyelowo made his blunt, devastating assessment at the launch of a report exploring the state of diversity in the UK’s creative industries. The actor said the situation was getting worse, not better, and the central question was: ‘Who is curating the culture? Predominantly it is white, middle-class men. We go to the movies to see ourselves and the best movies you or I have ever seen [are] where we are able to project ourselves on to the protagonist and wonder[, ‘W]hat would I do? How would that affect me? How would I get through that situation?[‘] What we predominantly have, in movies especially, are younger, better-looking versions of the people curating culture.'”

Source: Mark Brown. “Roles In UK For Black And Minority Ethnic Actors Worse Than Ever, Claims David Oyelowo.” The Guardian. September 28, 2015. http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/sep/28/roles-uk-black-minority-ethnic-actors-worse-than-ever-claims-david-oyelowo.

“Hollywood, in case you haven’t heard, has a bit of a race problem. Debates about racism in tinseltown have manifested in various ways over the years, from discussions around ethnical diversity in boardrooms to interpretations of films themselves – including accusations that history, or entire fictitious worlds, have been sprayed with a can of paint labelled “whitewash”. Fresh allegations of whitewashing are at the heart of the finger-pointing this week levelled at director Cameron Crowe’s new film Aloha, which opened in Australian cinemas on Thursday and purportedly sets out to explore Hawaii’s culture and traditions. The problem is that its protagonist, “Allison Ng”, who is a quarter Hawaiian and a quarter Chinese, is played by Emma Stone – who is white as white can be. “I’m so white. My hair grows out blonde, but my colouring is similar to that of a redhead,” the 26-year-old actor told website Refinery29. The rest of the cast of Aloha (which includes Bradley Cooper, Rachel McAdams and Bill Murray) are also all white.”

Source: Luke Buckmaster. Daily Review. “Hollywood, Racism and Why Being What Means You Have To Play White.” June 5, 2015. http://dailyreview.crikey.com.au/hollywood-racism-and-why-being-white-means-you-have-to-play-white/25044.

citrine by my side as I write this petition for writ of certiorari and accompanying motions to the Supreme Court. 


“The black community sees the academy as an entity that ignores the needs, wants, desires and representation of black directors, producers, actors and writers. Whether it is true or not, that is how it’s perceived — as an elitist group with no concern or regard for the minority community and industry. And there doesn’t seem to be any desire to change that perception.” — Actor, director and Academy voting member, Bill Duke

Source: John Horn, Nicole Sperling and Doug Smith. “Unmasking the Academy Oscar Voters Overwhelmingly White, Male.”  Los Angeles Times. February 19, 2012. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/oscars/la-et-unmasking-oscar-academy-project-20120219-story.html.

“We’re not asking for any more, but we’re not asking for any less. We’re just asking for what’s fair. When you hear my sisters Gwyneth Paltrow and Patricia Arquette, who happen to be white women, and they say, ‘Can we have wage equality in Hollywood?’ Well, if there are white women saying that, what do you think we’re getting? — Mo’Nique

Source: Anita Bennett. “Mo’Nique Says Hollywood Treated Her Like She ‘Just Got Off the Greyhound Bus’ After Oscar Win.” The Wrap. March 3, 2015. http://www.thewrap.com/monique-says-hollywood-treated-her-like-i-just-got-off-the-greyhound-bus-after-oscar-win/.

“‘The industry can’t keep saying that we’re trying,’ [Alex] Nogales [of the National Hispanic Media Coalition] says. ‘It’s all about the results. And the results have been very clear for years and years.'”

Source: Dennis Romero. “How Hollywood Keeps Minorities Out.” LA Weekly. February 25, 2015. http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-hollywood-keeps-minorities-out-5402815.

read Darnell Hunt’s “2015 Hollywood Diversity Report.”

Click here to read the report: http://www.bunchecenter.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/2015-Hollywood-Diversity-Report-2-25-15.pdf.

Every year Hunt does this report, he pretty much reaches the same conclusion: Hollywood has a problem with diversity. Smdh. Things are not going to change for the better until these companies are held accountable for intentionally maintaining employment practices, policies and procedures which violate our nation’s federal, state and local anti-discrimination laws based on an individual’s race, color and/or perceived national origin! If there’s diversity in the workplace, there will be diversity on the big and small screen — that’s a no brainer!!

Also, I find it very telling that the NAACP has not done its “Out of Sync, Out of Focus” report since 2008 [http://action.naacp.org/page/-/NAACP%20OFOS%20Take4.pdf]!! To my knowledge, the President of the Hollywood chapter is not African American either. This organization is a JOKE!

the perfect article for my case! read “How Hollywood Keeps Minorities Out” by the LA Weekly.

howhollywoodexcludesminoritieslaweekly (2)