Tagged: Jesse Williams

read actor JESSE WILLIAMS’ tweets on race & rioting!

I consider Jesse to be our modern day Harry Belafonte! So intelligent, wise and well-spoken!! Bravo!!

Source: Joanna Rothkopf. ““There is nothing ‘black’ about rioting”: Actor Jesse Williams Unloads On Baltimore Critics In passionate Twitter essay.” Salon. April 28, 2015. http://www.salon.com/2015/04/28/so_exactly_what_kind_of_violence_dont_you_like_actor_jesse_williams_baltimore_rant/.

“It doesn’t take 100 days to decide if murder is a crime. It takes 100 days to figure out how to tell people it isn’t…” — Chris Rock

chris rock ferguson

So many celebrities have reacted to the grand jury’s decision not to indict Darren Wilson. Jesse William’s (who I consider to be our modern day Harry Belafonte) reaction definitely resonated with me:


“Racism destroys becasue….”


great interview with Talib Kwali & Jesse Williams on MSNBC

Jesse Williams on the “Importance of History.”

Colonial Williamsburg is kinda like a live history-play where visitors walk around Williamsburg, Va., and see what life was like during the 18th century. In this clip, actor Jesse Williams (best known from “Grey’s Anatomy”) joins the cast in a Q&A after his stint as a guest artist. When the question “What are some ways that we can keep students interested in our country’s history?” came up, I doubt anyone was ready for the truth bombs he laid down in response.

Source: http://www.upworthy.com/jesse-williams-accurately-describes-why-i-spent-most-of-my-american-history-class-rolling-my-eyes?c=ufb1.