Tagged: international

hola from Costa Rica!

Having a blast in the beautiful country of Costa Rica! This is the 32nd country I’ve been blessed to have visited. I started in San Jose, then traveled to La Fortuna to see the Arenal Volcano (pictured above), went to Monteverde and trekked the Cloud Forest and just left the Manuel Antonio National Park where we saw monkeys, sloths and a toucan before heading to the beach. Now, we are heading to the Osa Peninsula before making our way back to San Jose. One of my favorite trips thus far! 🙏🏾

watch Mykal Kilgore’s performance of “My Heart Will Go On” in Sydney, Australia with Postmodern Jukebox!!

Bravo!!! I got goosebumps watching this! Mykal is set to begin working on his debut album and he needs our help to pay for the costs of recording and marketing the project. To receive donations, he created a Kickstarter page. If you want an album from this incredibly talented singer/songwriter, go to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mykalkilgore/mykal-kilgores-debut-solo-album to donate.

in less than 5 days, MYKAL KILGORE and the POSTMODERN JUKEBOX’s awesome cover of “My Heart Will Go” reaches nearly 500K views!!!

I knew it was going to be good, but didn’t expect them to take the song Celine Dione made famous from the movie Titantic to another level!! Go Mykal & PMJ! Catch them on their Australia & New Zealand tour at the end of the month/early September!!


Read Tina Gharavi’s article in The Telegraph: “America’s racist penal system is slavery by another name.”

When the unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, was shot by a police officer in Ferguson violent protests broke out. Alarming pictures of police violence, siege-like militarism and a stand-off that recalls the Sixties Civil Rights era have since been beamed across the globe. However, for those who have been aware of the barometer of American civil rights struggles, this is unsurprising. What is surprising is that it hasn’t bubbled up before. Even under its first black president, America is a mostly segregated society. I grew up in New Jersey in the Eighties and Nineties, and people for the most part had either white friends or black friends. High-school lunch tables were codified by colour. The America I knew had a massive race problem and as an Iranian, neither white nor black, I experienced enough racism to know I couldn’t change it from within. So I left America in 1996, tired of the inequalities, particularly around race and social justice, and certain that a life as a free-thinking filmmaker wasn’t possible, certainly not when you had to wed yourself to a corporation in order to have health care.

This year, now a UK Citizen, I am returning to America to film a documentary which will look at the issue of race in America through the prism of the prison system. I have already visited one in Louisiana where I saw mostly black men picking cotton in fields – they were paid up to 13 cents per hour – while the predominantly white guards, armed and on horseback, watched over. Sound familiar? Unknown to most, slavery is still legal in the US: under the 13th Amendment it was outlawed “except as a punishment for crime”.

My film, From the Plantation to the Penitentiary, looks at the privatised prison system as a sanitised slave system. And in it, I ask whether America is heading towards another race war. It is not, as some have said, fanciful agit pop. What we have seen in Missouri over the past couple of weeks shows what is bubbling close to the surface. Eighteen-year-old Michael Brown, along with Eric Garner, Ezell Ford and John Crawford III all men who have been killed by the police, is another victim of the race wars in America.

And America’s race tragedy is, in part, the legacy of slavery. Although black people make up just 13 percent of the overall population, one in 10 black men in their thirties is in jail or prison on any given day. As Michelle Alexander points out in her book The New Jim Crow, more black men are in “prison or jail, on probation or on parole than were enslaved in 1850”. Slavery never ended in America, it just changed its face.

Why does a country seemingly so concerned with liberty, have such a high rate of incarceration (2.3 million and counting)? Because it pays to imprison. Prisons are increasingly owned by corporations that profit from incarceration. These private companies are either paid by the state, or they put the inmates to work thus creating a cheap and constant work force. If a product is “Made in America”, chances are it was made in a US prison. Ninety-three per cent of household paintbrushes in the states are made in US prisons, 30 per cent of consumer electronics. Companies such as Victoria’s Secret, Walmart, Starbucks, Microsoft and Nintendo have products made in prisons (often via subcontractors) and states attract business by boasting about large prison populations which can be put to work as cheap labour. The first prison in America, after all, was formulated by a Texas governor in the year that slavery was abolished (at the end of the day, who was going to bring all that cotton and crops back in?). This eventually led to the chain gangs and Jim Crow laws which continued to criminalise and incarcerate black people in America well into the Sixties.

Ironically, prisons don’t seem to do much to reduce crime. Studies suggest that very substantial increases in imprisonment will produce only a modest reduction in crime. Worse, there is evidence that prison acts only to increase recidivism. Locking up people in the States doesn’t make a safer society. But it is a profitable business made off the backs of mostly African-Americans (and increasingly Latinos and other migrants).

America has never formally broken its relationship with slavery – and black communities still live in its shadows. America needs to re-examine it’s past in order to be able to move forward. Missouri is not the beginning, nor will it be the end.

As Dr Martin Luther King, Jr said, “Three hundred years of humiliation, abuse and deprivation cannot be expected to find voice in a whisper.”

Source: Tina Ghavari. “America’s racist penal system is slavery by another name.” The Telegraph. August 20, 2014. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11046113/Americas-racist-penal-system-is-slavery-by-another-name.html.

i began learning the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure while living in the Netherlands. i also got the opportunity to broaden my understanding of racism by volunteering at a non-profit organization dealing with racism and discrimination called Art.1.



Show me the MONEY!!! It’s time for me to move on with my life and see the rest of the world…


parisian praise break!

This is a throwback from last year. I always used to say, if I won my case, I was moving to Paris….When Arbitrator Gregory issued his first Interim Decision on April 18, 2013. I thought he was going to make a “final” decision by concluding that arbitration wasn’t an appropriate forum for this particular antitrust and human rights case, but he instead, stated that he could not make a decision on the motions before him until both parties submitted more information about “Exhibit 31” so he could make a determination regarding its authenticity. After I’d been deprived of my rights under the color of law by various federal judges of the Southern District of New York [P. Kevin Castel] and Second Circuit [Lynch, Hall and Chin]  for a year and a half, I was relieved to have finally obtained a somewhat favorable decision. It felt great to be mentioned in the same breath as human rights activists like the late, great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Thurgood Marshall, so I had no problem complying with his request because I knew document was  authentic. A few days later, I was in randomly Paris with my best friend from high school, C.J., watching Beyonce debut “Grown Woman” at Bercy! I thank God for always watching over me!!! Even at the worst of times, God always has a way of working things out! 

napoleon's tomb in paris

Also, this pic below represents another confirmation for me throughout this three year lawsuit that I was doing the right thing, and that from day one, I was pursuing this case in “good faith” because I truly believed I was being discriminated against because of my race, color and/or perceived national origin. It was taken on August 13, 2012, when I was working out at the park in Williamsbug. I looked up in the sky and saw a helicopter shoot out this one word: “CELEBRATE#” My Motion for Summary Judgment was due on August 15, 2012. And the rest is history…


“The Facade of the American Dream”

A few months ago, I posted a picture from my interview with Iran’s PressTV. This interview was included in a four part documentary titled “The Facade of the American Dream” which explores the history and modern-day problems of the African in America. Please watch all four parts.