Tagged: inalienable rights

“For [Paul] Robeson, the taste of irony may have been bitter-sweet, given the Jim Crow conditions his cousins, friends, and others still faced in Princeton’s black community. ‘It means so little when a man like me wins some success,’ he told a reporter from Winconsin. ‘Where is the benefit when a small class of Negroes makes money and can live well? It may all be encouraging, but it has no deeper significance. I feel this way because I have cousins who can neither read nor write. I have had a chance. They have not. That is the only difference.'”

Source: Fred Jerome and Rodger Taylor. Einstein On Race and Racism. pg. 58. 2005.

“Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after nearly ninety years in which it enacted no major civil rights legislation.’ The 1964 Act stood out then-as it stands out now-as Congress acting at its best rather than its worst. It confronted the historic problem of race in America, it overcame partisan divisions and sectional obstruction, and it acted to enforce constitutional principles. This is not to say that sponsors of the legislation made no compromises in the 1964 Act. On the contrary, they had to do so, particularly in the Senate, to obtain the two-thirds majority then needed to close off debate and end a filibuster. The resulting legislation, compromises and all, then became the foundation for all of employment discrimination law, providing the template for prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of age and disability. Even more remarkably, the legislation was consistently extended and reinforced, often over the narrowing interpretations imposed by the Supreme Court.”

Source: George Rutherglen. Title VII As Precedent: Past and Prologue for Future Legislation. Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties. pg. 169-160. June 2014.

read Judah Mourneth’s explanation for why “white people have ruined the entire world.”

This was the first comment on Mediatakeout’s lead story about the “shenanigans that went on in that grand jury.” I’m sure most ignorant people would try to dismiss or downplay his statements by looking at his picture and labelling this young, black man to be a “thug.” Even if so, this should be proof that one should never equate “thug” with being unintelligent! He’s speaking nothing but the TRUTH! Without us, they would not be who they are today.


Source: http://mediatakeout.com/260494/mto-super-worldwide-exclusive-all-three-black-jurors-in-ferguson-voted-for-an-indictment-but-they-were-overruled-by-white-jurors.html.

“The great irony of our time is that in the age of Obama the grand Black prophetic tradition is weak and feeble. Obama’s Black face of the American empire has made it more difficult for Black courageous and radical voices to bring critique to bear on the U.S. empire. On the empirical or lived level of Black experience, Black people have suffered more in this age than in the recent past. Empirical indices of infant mortality rates, mass incarceration rates, mass unemployment and dramatic declines in household wealth reveal this sad reality. How do we account for this irony? It goes far beyond the individual figure of President Obama himself, though he is complicit; he is a symptom, not a primary cause. Although he is a symbol for some of either a postracial condition or incredible Black progress, his presidency conceals the escalating levels of social misery in poor and Black America.” — Cornel West

Source: Cornel West. “Cornel West: The state of Black America in the age of Obama has been one of desperation, confusion and capitulation.” Slate. October 5, 2014. http://www.salon.com/2014/10/05/cornel_west_the_state_of_black_america_in_the_age_of_obama_has_been_one_of_desperation_confusion_and_capitulation/.

“Protests and looting naturally capture attention. But the real rage smolders in meetings where officials redraw precincts to dilute African American voting strength or seek to slash the government payrolls that have long served as sources of black employment. It goes virtually unnoticed, however, because white rage doesn’t have to take to the streets and face rubber bullets to be heard. Instead, white rage carries an aura of respectability and has access to the courts, police, legislatures and governors, who cast its efforts as noble, though they are actually driven by the most ignoble motivations.”

Source: Carol Anderson. “Ferguson Isn’t About Black Rage Against Cops. It’s White Rage Against Progress.” Washington Post. August 29, 2014. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ferguson-wasnt-black-rage-against-copsit-was-white-rage-against-progress/2014/08/29/3055e3f4-2d75-11e4-bb9b-997ae96fad33_story.html.

different day [month, year, CENTURY]…SAME SHIT!

differentday[century]same shit

Powerful image. The pix was taken from a Ferguson-related demonstration at the University of Pennsylvania on October 24, 2014.

“Legal liability is another means by which the system could police against bad judges in a given case. A judge who violates a cognizable legal right entitling a party to relief may be subject to a penalty that could provide a remedy for the right infringed, deter future misconduct, and embody a public censure of the judge’s conduct.”

Legal liability can punish and deter certain types of misconduct. Outside their judicial roles, judges are liable just as other citizens for torts, crimes, breaches of contract, and violations of statutory obligations. Even within their judicial roles, judges can be liable if they act outside of any colorable claim to jurisdiction, if the opposing party seeks only equitable relief against a continuing course of wrongful judicial conduct, or if the judge engages in criminality in office such as bribery or extortion.

Legal liability, however, is far from a complete solution to the problem of bad judges. Much of the conduct in which bad judges engage does not fall into any well-recognized basis for liability. Judges do not owe fiduciary duties to litigants. They are not subject to personal liability if they have a conflict of interest in the proceeding. Similarly, judges owe no personally enforceable duties to avoid erroneous rulings. The remedies for judicial error are procedures for correcting the outcome of the ruling, not personal claims against the judge. Nor will a judge ordinarily be subject to legal liability for being rude or displaying inappropriate behavior on the bench.

Even if a judge’s actions would be a basis for liability if performed by an ordinary person, judicial immunity shields the judge from liability for civil damages for acts undertaken in an official capacity. Judicial immunity applies even when the conduct is malicious or in bad faith. The broad scope of judicial immunity is illustrated by Mireles v. Waco, a classic bad judge case. The trial judge allegedly authorized law enforcement personnel to use excessive force in seizing an attorney who failed to appear at a calendar call. The Supreme Court held that even if excessive force had been used, it did not provide the plaintiff a cause of action; the conduct in question was in aid of the court’s jurisdiction and that was sufficient to establish the judge’s immunity.

According to the United States Department of Justice, intentionally depriving a litigant of their rights under the color of law do not constitute as “acts undertaken in an official capacity” pursuant to 18 U.S.C. section 242. [http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/crm/242fin.php]

Source: Geoffrey P. Miller. Bad Judges. 83 Tex. L. Rev. 431, 464-65. December, 2004.


watch BILL MAHER, BEN AFFLECK and others debate about ISLAMOPHOBIA.

but nobody discussed that the “Jews” who inhabit Israel are not the original Jews or that all three of the major religions (e.g. Judaism, Christianity and Islam) have African origins. these European “Jews” falsely believe that they are “God’s chosen people” and thus, they can do whatever the fuck they want, including take other people’s land and kill them for fighting back. this group of people [collectively speaking] are at the root of the world’s problems and they, as well as other whites [collectively speaking], are committing atrocious CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (e.g. people of African descent, people in the Middle East [racism is bigger than religion], and other non-white cultures/peoples throughout the world). wake up people!!