Tagged: impeached

As expected, the Second Circuit en banc REFUSES to UPHOLD THE LAW and DENIES Motion for Reconsideration without explanation or providing an ethical judicial opinion; CONTINUES to PRETEND that INSTITUTIONAL RACISM is a FIGMENT OF MY IMAGINATION.

I’m just finding out that on April 30, 2015 — a day after the protests in Baltimore — the 2nd Cir. en banc denied my Motion for Reconsideration, although I demonstrated that all of legal conclusions reached by district court judge P. Kevin Castel were erroneous as both a matter of law and public policy and that appellate judges Dennis Jacobs, Raymond J. Lohier and district court judge Laura Taylor Swain, erred by refusing to uphold the law and vacate Castel’s Order.


Motion for Reconsideration En Banc:

I knew they wouldn’t be able to remain impartial because they refused to acknowledge or address Title VII, the case law supporting that Arbitrator David L. Gregory’s Partial Final Award which concluded that William Morris discriminated against me because of my race was reviewable by the Southern District of New York and never mentioned my claims of “fraud upon the Court” [e.g., ‘Jewish’ Loeb & Loeb LLP attorney Michael P. Zweig was involved in a conspiracy to conceal smoking gun evidence in a prior racial discrimination case but sits on Second Circuit Courts Committee, never discussing that Loeb & Loeb LLP attorney is married to General Counsel for the American Arbitration Association and never disclosed this information to myself or the court, etc.], which is why I originally asked for my appeal to be transferred to another circuit. Yet again, my appeal was denied without the issuance of an ethical judicial opinion.

The only way William Morris and Loeb & Loeb LLP could obtain favorable verdicts in this case is through fraud — this is why the appellate court can’t discuss the law or legal arguments raised! These unethical and corrupt Article III federal judges are an embarrassment to America’s judicial system and are blatantly flouting our nation’s antidiscrimination laws in order to preserve the myth of white racial superiority throughout America and the world. Each and every single one of them needs to be IMPEACHED for refusing to uphold their oaths and intentionally violating the Judicial Code of Conduct, as well as the U.S. Constitution!

It’s time to take this case to the Supreme Court!

[Raymond J.] Lohier is the first Haitian-American to serve as an Article III Federal Judge and to be confirmed (unanimously) by the United States Senate as a Judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit in New York.

Judge Lohier, Jr.

This is one of the three federal judges involved in denying my appeal without providing an ethical judicial opinion. Lohier was not even born in America [from Canada] and of course, he isn’t married to a person of African descent [spouse’s name is Donna Hae Kyun Lee]. Appointed by Obama in 2010. He’s also probably one of the only “black” judges in the Second Circuit. (the “inexorable zero”)

Yea, they are appointing more “black” people to the bench and diversity is increasing in all areas, but true diversity is so much bigger than the color of one’s skin. These Negropeans think very similarly to those maintaining this global system of white supremacy (racism). Based on his decision to attach his name to that bullshit order, Lohier is nothing more than another Timothy K. Lewis, Uncle Clarence Thomas, etc.

My statements about Lohier are buttressed by the fact that from 1992 and 1993, “Lohier served as a law clerk for..Robert P. Patterson, Jr. of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.” Patterson is the same federal judge who defrauded Leonard Rowe and the class of black concert promoters by subverting the law and violating the U.S. Constitution/Judicial Code of Conduct, in order to prevent an impartial NYC jury from hearing the evidence and deciding the merits of their claims against William Morris/CAA. This is the same judge who threw Rowe in jail last year for trying to receive the concealed nigger emails that were discovered during the 2002 e-discovery search on the 1998-1999 backup tapes of William Morris and CAA’s due to the fact that the truth would “undermine” his fraudulently procured decisions and prove that fraud of epic proportions did in fact occur in Rowe’s case.

I knew former Chief Judge Dennis Jacobs wasn’t shit, but now it begins to make more sense why the Second Circuit would say that my appeal “lacks an arguable basis in either fact or in law” while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge the fact that the only lawfully appointed arbitrator in my case admitted concealed evidence (“Exhibit 31”) into the evidence of record that Patterson disregarded as being an “unidentified and authenticated document” in the footnote of a 175 Order granting judgment in favor of William Morris and CAA.

As you can see, racism and corruption throughout our nation’s judicial and legal system is pervasive, systemic, vertically-integrated and institutionalized.

Source: Wikipedia.

in ONE paragraph, the Second Circuit DENIES my appeal. falsely states that it “lacks an arguable basis either in law or in fact” despite the fact that the only LAWFULLY APPOINTED FINDER OF FACT in the forum chosen by William Morris admitted concealed evidence into the evidence of record in my case and concluded that WME “discriminated against [me] in violation of pertinent federal, state, and local law prohibiting discrimination in employment on the basis of race.” SMDH!l

The Improvident Order:

Here’s the Reply that I submitted to my Ex. Motion for Extraordinary Relief on December 15, 2015:

The three judges that issued this improvident order are former Chief Judge Dennis Jacobs, Raymond J. Lohier, Jr. [Af. American] and district judge Laura Taylor Swain of the Southern District of New York. [Why did they assign a district court judge who works with Castel to review my appeal???] In addition to the Robert P. Patterson, P. Kevin Castel and the three circuit judges [Denny Chin, Peter W. Hall and Gerard E. Lynch] who ignored my arguments when I sought to appeal Castel’s erroneous July 20, 2011 Stay Order which compelled my case into arbitration after ignoring my claims and legal arguments, these corrupt “judges” need to be IMPEACHED for their intentional violations of the U.S. Constitution, their Oaths of Office, as well as the prevailing law!

it’s RACIST and PITIFUL individuals like “Hon.” Robert P. Patterson, “Hon.” P. Kevin Castel & “Chief Judge” Loretta A. Preska of the Southern District of New York, the majority white members of Congress, etc. that are holding America back from reaching its FULL POTENTIAL.

how sound are William Morris’ employment decisions, if the Agent Trainee they promoted to book urban contemporary acts in or around the time i submitted my resume, quit less than six months after being promoted to Agent? either way, he and the company were violating the Talent Agencies Act because he was not “licensed” to book artists before he was promoted to Agent.

She couldn’t and didn’t want to “mentor” and/or “promote” me because I was a threat to her monopolistic control over representing African American entertainers in urban contemporary music and the company had been engaging in an intentional pattern and practice of excluding qualified African Americans from being hired and/or promoted to higher status, higher paying jobs (e.g. Agent, Agent Trainee) since 1898 and still had zero African American Agents, Coordinators or Agent Trainees when I began employment in the New York office, September 2008. (“inexorable zero”) As a matter of law, this statistic alone can create “an inference” of racial discrimination, and can support [in addition to the extensive sociological jurisprudence cited] my claims that I entered into an insidiously discriminatory work environment or that many of the allegedly “negative” evaluations I received were due to the explicit and/or implicit racial biases of the evaluator. I was more qualified than majority, if not all, of my similarly situated white/”Jewish” counterparts that were hired into the Agent Trainee program during my employment, and I was more than qualified to have been hired as a music Agent. Based on my qualifications and relevant work experience, this would have happened had I been white and/or “Jewish.” No matter how well I got along with people or how nice some people may have appeared to be, racism was embedded into the culture of the company, and it didn’t help that the company was founded and over-represented by a group of people who falsely believe that they are “God’s chosen people” and walk around like their own shit doesn’t stink. [The original Jews are not European and/or white — something I did not know while working at the company.] This also did not help my chances of advancing [From 2000 to 2010, white/”Jewish Agent Trainees in the New York office had a reported 10 percent rate of promotion to Agent while African American Agent Trainees had a zero percent rate of promotion. Also, in the first decade of the 21st century, only one African American was hired to work as an Agent in the New York office (e.g., Mamie Baron, the first African American literary Agent in the department’s then 58 year history). When I began employment, there were 50 Agents employed. One was Asian, and the rest were white/ “Jewish. This is not accidental or “due to chance.” The company is highly conscious of race.]

When I began this case nearly four years ago, Michael P. Zweig and Christian Carbone of Loeb & Loeb LLP argued that my employment discrimination claims were “wholly without merit, legally and factually,” yet, they have not refuted the pyramid of historical, statistical, circumstantial, anecdotal, smoking gun, documentary and other forms of evidence supporting all of the claims that I have raised not only against William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig and Christian Carbone, but P. Kevin Castel, the American Arbitration Association, Timothy K. Lewis, Schnader LLP, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and others that are involved in this sinister conspiracy to interfere with the human rights of people of African descent, or in the alternative, conspiracy to maintain global white/”Jewish” supremacy (racism). Through fraud, William Morris has won another racial discrimination case in the federal court while evidence of intentional systemic disparate treatment have been ignored by the finders of fact, been awarded $43,707.60 due to my alleged “bad faith” conduct and received a filing injunction against me to prevent me from suing those who have conspired to ensure that I would be deprived of my full constitutional and statutory rights under the color of law! AmeriKKKan justice at its finest. America cannot survive too much longer under these conditions. No country could. President Obama and Congress need to step in immediately and rectify this issue. P. Kevin Castel needs to be impeached. Extreme disciplinary and monetary sanctions need to be imposed against William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig and Christian Carbone, including default judgment, disbarment and $250 million.

P. Kevin Castel says my request for an oral hearing to discuss the fraud William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone and others are engaging in is “moot.”

This is the second time this word has been used by these racist and corrupt ass, white (and one Asian) federal judges in the S.D.N.Y. and the Second Circuit. Neither personal stake or issue mootness exist because FRAUD is occurring and I’ve presented a pyramid of evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this is a fact. Castel won’t even address it and he needs to be impeached for intentionally depriving me of my rights under the color of law, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 242!

To demonstrate that I’m being screwed over and that they are all engaging in a conspiracy to interfere with the human rights of African Americans, in violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, now codified as 42 U.S.C. § 1985, and 18 U.S.C. § 241, the AAA stated over a year ago that they were unable to address my claims of the unethical and criminal conduct engaged in by Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone and Loeb & Loeb LLP on behalf of William Morris, and despite the circumstances, I still achieved a favorable verdict in arbitration. Now, after receiving a “final” decision and bringing to the federal court’s attention the massive fraud that William Morris and Loeb & Loeb LLP have engaged in since the inception of this case, P. Kevin Castel tells me to continue arbitrating the case in “good faith” and refuses to address my accusations of “fraud upon the Court” in either of his “orders” and denies my request for an oral hearing as “moot” without requiring a response from William Morris & Loeb & Loeb LLP!!

This is similar to what happened with Leonard Rowe’s Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 Motion for “Fraud Upon the Court,” filed in March of 2012. William Morris, CAA, Loeb & Loeb LLP and Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP never responded to the Motion. Nor did Patterson compel them to do so, even after four of Leonard Rowe’s former attorneys (all white and/or “Jewish”) from Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP (now known as Dentons LLP) submitted perjurious Declarations stating that “no derogatory words” were ever found during the search. This is clearly a lie. SNR was the only firm invovled with electronic discovery in that case. Leonard Rowe discovered what is now known as “Exhibit 31” on the desk of his former attorney Raymond Heslin. On October 15, 2002, SNR faxed the document to Leonard Rowe’s co-counsel, the Willie Gary Law Firm and it was included it as “Exhibit 31” in their Opposition to Summary Judgment. The SNR attorneys did not know this because they left the case a few months after Leonard discovered the document on Raymond Heslin’s desk and they took the risk of continuing to state under “penalty of perjury” that no derogatory words were found, because at that time, Leonard Rowe never had possession of the document. On the same day that the forth attorney submitted their Declaration, I went to the Southern District of New York and retrieved “Exhibit 31.”  No oral hearing was held. When Patterson issued his decision on November 8, 2012, he made no mention of this, and instead, blamed the Willie Gary Firm. Hahaha! He also said Leonard Rowe’s accusations were “full of hot air and paranoid suspicions,” but the fact the Arbitrator David L. Gregory admitted this document into the evidence of record in my case supports that there is truth to what Leonard is saying.

Proof that Castel is not upholding the law: It is well settled that the federal court, not any arbitral forum, determines whether or not a law firm should be disqualified. See e.g., Northwestern National Insurance Company v. Insco, Ltd, 11 Civ. 1124 (SAS) (S.D.N.Y. October 3, 2011) (the court granted a motion to disqualify the law firm of Freeborn & Peters LLP from continuing to represent its client Insco in an ongoing arbitration). Smdh! He did the same thing when he wrote his July 20, 2011 decision, which erroneously compelled this case into arbitration in order to prevent an impartial jury from deciding the merits of my claims. He’s violating many Canons under the Judicial Code of Conduct to protect William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP and their other co-conspirators, in an effort to maintain global white supremacy (racism).

I guess it’s time to begin working on the complaint for a separate action against Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone, Sasha Carbone, the AAA, P. Kevin Castel and others.

Judge Patterson orders second hearing in Leonard Rowe’s case regarding the commercial liens, after refusing to grant a hearing for Leonard Rowe’s Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 Motion alleging “fraud upon the Court.”

Date: Friday, January 24, 2014

Where: Southern District of New York, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007

Time: 12:00 PM

It’s pretty disgusting to see what’s happening in this case. Leonard Rowe has always accused his former attorneys and the attorneys for William Morris [Loeb & Loeb LLP, represented by Michael P. Zweig] and Creative Artists Agency [Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP] of conspiring with each other  to conceal smoking gun evidence showing executives and employees referring to African Americans as “nigger,” “nigga,” “coon,” “Uncle Tom,” “monkey” and “spooks” hundreds of times in their outgoing and incoming e-mails. Dentons LLP (formerly known as SNR Dentons LLP, Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP and RubinBaum LLP) used to represent Leonard Rowe and the class of black promoters. This is the law firm that made them pay $200,000.00 to search the 1998-1999 backup tapes of William Morris and CAA, who did not follow the procedures set forth in Magistrate Judge Francis’ January 2002 e-discovery protocol unbeknownst to their clients and told them when the search results finally came in, that no derogatory terms were ever found. However, we know this was a lie because a month later, Leonard Rowe [by chance] discovered the document [a.k.a. “Exhibit 31”] on desk of Raymond Heslin — one of his attorneys at SNR  — during a meeting in New York and the document was later faxed to Leonard Rowe’s co-counsel at the Willie Gary Law Firm based in Stuart, Florida. [Dentons LLP has never disputed this fact.] The underlying e-mails were never produced by Dentons LLP and “Exhibit 31” was deemed to be an “unidentified and unauthenticated document” by the “dishonorable” Robert P. Patterson in a footnote of his 175 page summary dismissal of Rowe’s case. Neither of our cases rely solely on this smoking gun evidence to prove our claims and since there were “genuine issues of material fact,” an impartial jury should have determined the merits of Rowe’s claims [as well as mine]. However, due to collusion, corruption and fraud, this never happened and Rowe has been fighting for justice ever since.

I was already disgusted when I attended the first hearing concerning the  commercial liens and saw the attorneys for Dentons and Loeb & Loeb LLP now arguing on the same side of the table and defending each other before the nearly decrepit, 90 year old, Republican appointed [Ronald Reagan] federal judge. Since Leonard Rowe is still going to go through with filing the liens, they are now shaking in their boots because  their time to respond to his Affidavits is up and he has given them notice that he will be filing the liens. They have good reason to be nervous because each individual involved in this sinister and heinous conspiracy against the human rights of Leonard Rowe and essentially all people of African descent are getting hit with a $100,000,000.00 lien and each company is getting hit with a $500,000,000.00 lien!! So when they submitted their most recent motion papers to have Judge Patterson hold Rowe in contempt of court for violating his permanent restraining order, their motions essentially read the same, although they were submitted a day later. Smh. Karma is a bitch. One of the ways to have the lien taken off is to have a jury trial! Let’s have a jury weigh the facts/evidence and determine who is telling the truth!!!

Also, here’s a link to a recent article on a man that I have grown to despise after learning about his “conservative agenda” and the the measures he took to help eviscerate the human rights African Americans during the 1980s — former President of the United States of America Ronald “RaceBaiting Racist” Reagan: http://www.salon.com/2014/01/11/the_racism_at_the_heart_of_the_reagan_presidency/.