Tagged: human rights activists

“Senate Republicans revealed this week that they have eliminated the phrase ‘civil rights and human rights’ from the title of a Senate Judiciary subcommittee charged with overseeing those issues. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) became chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee this month and announced the members of the six subcommittees this week. With Grassley’s announcement, the subcommittee formerly known as the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights suddenly became the Subcommittee on the Constitution. The new chairman of the newly named subcommittee is Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). His office confirmed that it made the switch.”

I wonder how many people of color sit on this committee. This is not a good thing for African Americans since racism and racial inequality is worsening by the day in the United States of America. It’s the original version of the Constitution that they worship, the one in which blacks were considered three-fifths of a person because, we weren’t….human….and had no rights — civil, social, political or any other type of right that one could think of — to which they had to respect. If they are making decisions like this, it’s clear that many in Congress don’t think racism exists and/or that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 needs to be amended and strengthened if companies like William Morris Endeavor Entertainment (formerly known as the William Morris Agency) can intentionally maintain employment practices, policies and procedures that exclude qualified African Americans from meaningful positions and/or profit immensely by using their control over Hollywood to project the myth of black inferiority onto the conscience of the world.

I guess one could also argue, why does it matter since if committee hasn’t really done anything to eradicate institutionalized racism since it was created. No matter how you look at it, this is not a good thing for African Americans and there probably won’t be another president of color for a veeerrry long time… As stated earlier this week, it’s time that we start thinking politically, form our own political party and/or get the fuck out of this country after we collect our #reparations.

Source: Dana Liebelson and Danny J. Reilly. “Senate Republicans Remove ‘Civil and Human Rights’ From Subcommittee Name.” Huffington Post. January 23, 2014. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/23/civil-rights_n_6534922.html.

watch President Barack Obama discuss RACE and RACISM in AMERIKKKA with BET: The murder of unarmed black men like Eric Garner “gives us an opportunity…to finally have the kind of conversation that’s been a long time coming.”

The transcript can be read here: “Transcript: BET’s Exclusive Interview with President Obama.” BET.com. December 12, 2014. http://www.bet.com/news/national/2014/12/12/transcript-bet-s-exclusive-interview-with-president-obama.html.