Tagged: Germans

did you know that before Adolf Hitler & the Germans perverted and corrupted the gramadon (now known as the swastika), it was a symbol for peace in many ancient, non-Western cultures and can be found on many of the statues of Buddha throughout Asia?

buddha swastika


Hong Kong Tian Tan Buddha On Launtau Island

Buddha statue at Fo Guang Shan in Kaohsiung

buddha_statue_hong kong


Source: Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan, from the lecture titled “The Black Man Must Wake Up!”

is “anti-Semitism” RISING throughout Europe against those individuals of European descent who proclaim to be “Jewish”???


I don’t see the masses saying anything negative about the true Jews known as the Falashas, dark-skinned peoples who originated and still reside in or around Africa. Oh! I forgot, we aren’t supposed to know about them or their existence because THEY think and got US brainwashed into believing that THEIR WHITE ANCESTORS were enslaved by the Egyptians, THEIR WHITE ANCESTORS are the ones who built the pyramids (e.g. Giza Pyramids), that Moses and majority of the characters in the Old Testament were white [since learning the truth, I always found it funny that William Morris’ real name was Zelman MOSES] and THEY (“Jews” who have white skin present-day) are in fact, “God’s chosen people,” which explains their ultimate superiority and why they are over-represented in key positions throughout America’s government and other key industries which heavily influence human activity like Hollywood (including the “music industry”) and Wall Street!!! LMAO!!!

I am sure the Anti-Defamation League would say I am being “anti-Semitic” right now for telling the truth, but I’m just tired of the lies. I’m also tired of the overall fraud that is being perpetrated upon the entire human race and the destruction that it is causing to our planet. It must end, and until it does, THEY have tremendous reason to be “worried.” They’ve done a tremendous job at suppressing the truth, but they won’t be able to maintain this lie for ETERNITY. Don’t believe me because you think I’m being “racist”? I encourage you to do your own research. You’ll be shocked at what you’ll discover.

Source: Deborah E. Lipstadt, “Why Jews Are Worried,” New York Times. August 20, 2014. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/21/opinion/deborah-e-lipstadt-on-the-rising-anti-semitism-in-europe.html?src=me.