Tagged: corrupted Western religions

“Top Hollywood bosses enjoy a strong relationship with the Israeli government and various pro-Israel lobbying groups across the United States, according to a cache of Sony internal emails leaked to Wikileaks and published for the first time last week. The emails reveal a dinner between Sony executives and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; the presenter of American X-Factor chiding actress Natalie Portman aggressively for her views on Israel; meetings between top entertainment chiefs and the Israeli consulate-general; close ties between Sony’s Co-Chairperson and various pro-Israel lobbying groups; and film chiefs planning, in detail, a new documentary about the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, about which the emails also reflect rising concern.”

Remember, European “Jews” are not the TRUE Jews but through their monopolistic power and control over the “marketplace of ideas” and industries like Hollywood, you have been brainwashed to believe otherwise…You have also been brainwashed to believe that they are the descendants of land in the Middle East now known as Israel and that they are the actual victims (“anti-Semitism”) when in reality, this fraudulent group of people have been intentionally committing egregious crimes against humanity for hundreds of years and counting.

Source: Alastair Sloan. Leaked Emails Reveal Hollywood Execs At Work For Israel.” Middle East Monitor. April 20, 2015. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/articles/inquiry/18155-leaked-emails-reveal-hollywood-execs-at-work-for-Israel
